It's Over! Mueller & Team Violated 'The Presidential Transition Act'

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Again when do the investigations begin?
I would suspect they'll begin shortly. So much has leaked out already about what took place that the question is being asked who it was that Mueller's given immunity to. If it's someone like Comey...someone will have to explain why a Director of the FBI needs to be given immunity from prosecution before he answers questions!
So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

Speculation? Is it speculation that the Clinton campaign paid to have Trump smeared by foreign agents? Is it speculation that the Obama Justice Department then turned around and utilized what they KNEW was a phony dossier paid for by Clinton to obtain FISA court warrants to spy on the Trump campaign? Is is speculation that Comey lied to Congress? That Brennan lied to Congress?

This is an investigation that will begin over CORRUPTION at the highest levels of the Democratic Party and the Obama White House!
You said, "if it's someone like Comey.."

That shows you don't know who it is, if it's even anyone. That's called, speculation. So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

As far as the rest of your diatribe....

  • There's no evidence Hillary knew the research she paid for was sourced to a foreign national.
  • The dossier is not fake, and in fact, none of it has been proven false; some of it has been confirmed to be accurate; and most of it has been neither confirmed nor dismissed.
  • No one in the trump campaign was spied on.
  • There's no proof that Comey lied to Congress.

I note that you're not even trying to claim that the Clinton campaign didn't pay for the phony Trump dossiers, Faun...but have resorted to the rather pathetic stance that it's OK if Hillary didn't know about it?

It's dossiers plural and in fact it HAS been proven false and that's been done by the person who would know's author! Steele got sued for libel in a British court and in his testimony stated that the information contained in the dossiers was never presented by him as fact...but was rather something that might have happened! Steele is basically admitting that he made the whole thing up.

Let's forget the very real possibility that the FBI planted someone in the Trump campaign (I'll withhold comment on that until it's proven) just having the FISA warrants to wire tap the phones of people who were in communication with the Trump campaign regularly let the Obama White House spy on the Trump campaign!

No proof that Comey lied to Congress? His statements and his Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's statements contradict themselves. Either Comey lied to Congress when he said he never leaked information or authorized leaks to the media or his Deputy Director lied when he stated that he had authorization from the Director of the FBI to leak information to the media. Comey's claim that "he" didn't leak information is rather laughable when in fact he gave information to his good friend at Columbia Law School and had HIM leak it to the media!
Now you’re reduced to lying. That didn’t take long. Steele never said ”the information contained in the dossiers was never presented by him as fact.”

He said some of the last things entered had not yet been vetted as the research came to an end. In no way does that discredit the entire dossier. And again, not a stitch has been proven false.

As far as the claims of the FBI planting an informant in Trump’s campaign, it appears to be the opposite of that. It appears someone from Trump’s campaign went to the FBI to report inappropriate behavior with Russians.

And as far as wiretapping, no one in Trump’s campaign was wiretapped. Anyone who was wiretapped was no longer connected to trump’s campaign.
Again when do the investigations begin?
I would suspect they'll begin shortly. So much has leaked out already about what took place that the question is being asked who it was that Mueller's given immunity to. If it's someone like Comey...someone will have to explain why a Director of the FBI needs to be given immunity from prosecution before he answers questions!
So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

Speculation? Is it speculation that the Clinton campaign paid to have Trump smeared by foreign agents? Is it speculation that the Obama Justice Department then turned around and utilized what they KNEW was a phony dossier paid for by Clinton to obtain FISA court warrants to spy on the Trump campaign? Is is speculation that Comey lied to Congress? That Brennan lied to Congress?

This is an investigation that will begin over CORRUPTION at the highest levels of the Democratic Party and the Obama White House!

I see you're using those famous alternitive-facts the right wing is so famous for. Fortunately, our justice system goes by real facts. There is no provision for considering alternative-facts.

You mean like the "alternative facts" that Steele created to smear Trump and then the Obama Justice Department used to trick a FISA court into issuing wire tap warrants on the opposition party's candidate in a Presidential election?
Stop lying. There were no wiretaps issued on an ”opposition party's candidate in a Presidential election.”

Carter Page was a former member who was barely even associated with the campaign and he was not wiretapped until after he had a falling out with the campaign.
Again when do the investigations begin?
I would suspect they'll begin shortly. So much has leaked out already about what took place that the question is being asked who it was that Mueller's given immunity to. If it's someone like Comey...someone will have to explain why a Director of the FBI needs to be given immunity from prosecution before he answers questions!
So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

Speculation? Is it speculation that the Clinton campaign paid to have Trump smeared by foreign agents? Is it speculation that the Obama Justice Department then turned around and utilized what they KNEW was a phony dossier paid for by Clinton to obtain FISA court warrants to spy on the Trump campaign? Is is speculation that Comey lied to Congress? That Brennan lied to Congress?

This is an investigation that will begin over CORRUPTION at the highest levels of the Democratic Party and the Obama White House!
You said, "if it's someone like Comey.."

That shows you don't know who it is, if it's even anyone. That's called, speculation. So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

As far as the rest of your diatribe....

  • There's no evidence Hillary knew the research she paid for was sourced to a foreign national.
  • The dossier is not fake, and in fact, none of it has been proven false; some of it has been confirmed to be accurate; and most of it has been neither confirmed nor dismissed.
  • No one in the trump campaign was spied on.
  • There's no proof that Comey lied to Congress.

I note that you're not even trying to claim that the Clinton campaign didn't pay for the phony Trump dossiers, Faun...but have resorted to the rather pathetic stance that it's OK if Hillary didn't know about it?
What on Earth is pathetic about assigning responsibility? Yes, it’s been shown she paid for opposition research but it’s never been shown she knew or expect the research firm would employ Christopher Steele.

Using your logic, I hired Steele to write his dossier; since I contributed to Hillary’s campaign and Hillary gave money to retain a law firm and that law firm hired a research firm and that research firm hired Steele.
Mueller is corrupt to the core. It's now imperative that he shut the investigation down due to violating The Presidential Transition Act.

Attorney Gregg Jarrett: 'Mueller and His Entire Team Must be Removed'

Dershowitz: 'Rod Rosenstein Should Recuse Himself' - Breitbart

The Presidential Transition Act states that all records of transition operations are private and confidential.

Yet Mueller seems to have ignored the law. Without a warrant or subpoena, his team of lawyers brazenly demanded these private records from the General Services Administration (GSA) which held custody of the materials. The GSA does this as a service to all incoming presidents out of courtesy, but it neither owns the documents nor is authorized to release them to anyone under any circumstances because they are deemed entirely private.

Jarrett says the most damning charge against Mueller is that he obtained, reviewed and used material that is privileged.

"Courts have clearly stated what prosecutors are supposed to do under these circumstances: “An attorney who receives privileged documents has an ethical duty to cease review of the documents, notify the privilege holder, and return the documents.” (U.S. v. Taylor 764 Fed Sup 2nd, 230, 235)
Still waiting for you to cite the relevant part of that law you claim was violated.....

Presidential Transition Act of 1963

... don’t you know what you’re talking about?
It's a full court press of literally fake news made up by the propaganda arm of the Trump administration.

Mueller and his team did literally nothing wrong and the only reason this is being pushed as a narrative is that Trump and those associated with him are extremely nervous about what Mueller is finding.
Trump is doing everything he can to discredit the Justice Department and the media so when the shit hits the fan, and it will, most Americans will believe he was setup by his own Justice Department and the media he attacks almost daily.
Now, everyone who confidently lied to Mueller about what happened during the transition now realize that he had the emails before he questioned them.

Nice OPINION - now let's see how that pans out. Let's hope it goes a lot better than the last 12+ months of wasted, unsuccessful witch hunting.... :p

It’s not over yet.

Mueller Ain’t Goin’ Away!
Please provide the link where the witch hunters were proven criminal in a court of law.
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

You think Mueller just started investigating on his own? You really need to stop listening to Alex Jones, and educate yourself.
Please provide the link where the witch hunters were proven criminal in a court of law.
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

There is no doubt that Trump asked Comey to lay off of Flynn who was under investigation. Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. The question was whether a fair and impartial investigation could be conducted by the DOJ. The answer was a clear no. Maybe Trump and his supporters need to take Trey Gowdy's advice. Act like you are innocent if you are innocent.

There is no doubt that Russia interfered in our election. They hacked the DNC servers and gave the e-mails to WikiLeaks. On at least 1 occasion, the trump campaign met with a Russian national expecting to receive dirt on Clinton. She DID NOT collude with any foreign agents.
Please provide the link where the witch hunters were proven criminal in a court of law.
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

There is no doubt that Trump asked Comey to lay off of Flynn who was under investigation. Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. The question was whether a fair and impartial investigation could be conducted by the DOJ. The answer was a clear no. Maybe Trump and his supporters need to take Trey Gowdy's advice. Act like you are innocent if you are innocent.

There is no doubt that Russia interfered in our election. They hacked the DNC servers and gave the e-mails to WikiLeaks. On at least 1 occasion, the trump campaign met with a Russian national expecting to receive dirt on Clinton. She DID NOT collude with any foreign agents.
”Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation.”

And that’s the key right there.
Please provide the link where the witch hunters were proven criminal in a court of law.
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

You think Mueller just started investigating on his own? You really need to stop listening to Alex Jones, and educate yourself.

I don't even know who Alex Jones is! No, Mueller didn't start investigating on his own...Mueller is a dog that was sicced on Trump by Comey, McCabe & Brennan using the bullshit phony dossier as the basis to investigate Trump and attempt to undermine his administration. All three of them knew that there was no collusion that took place between the Trump campaign and Russia! That was simply the excuse they used to get a Special Counsel appointed to dig through the rest of Trump's dealings trying to find something they could use against him.

If any of those 3 REALLY cared about collusion in that election...they would have appointed a Special Council to investigate Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Obama Justice Department, Fusion GPS and Richard Steele!
Please provide the link where the witch hunters were proven criminal in a court of law.
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

There is no doubt that Trump asked Comey to lay off of Flynn who was under investigation. Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. The question was whether a fair and impartial investigation could be conducted by the DOJ. The answer was a clear no. Maybe Trump and his supporters need to take Trey Gowdy's advice. Act like you are innocent if you are innocent.

There is no doubt that Russia interfered in our election. They hacked the DNC servers and gave the e-mails to WikiLeaks. On at least 1 occasion, the trump campaign met with a Russian national expecting to receive dirt on Clinton. She DID NOT collude with any foreign agents.

How can you possibly sit here and claim that Clinton didn't collude with any foreign agents when it's been proven beyond any doubt that's EXACTLY what she DID do! The Clinton campaign paid huge sums of money to Fusion GPS and through them to Richard Steele to fabricate lies about Donald Trump and then put them out to a compliant main stream media through Russian nationals to hide who generated them in the first place! What she did is the epitome of collusion!
Please provide the link where the witch hunters were proven criminal in a court of law.
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

You think Mueller just started investigating on his own? You really need to stop listening to Alex Jones, and educate yourself.

I don't even know who Alex Jones is! No, Mueller didn't start investigating on his own...Mueller is a dog that was sicced on Trump by Comey, McCabe & Brennan using the bullshit phony dossier as the basis to investigate Trump and attempt to undermine his administration. All three of them knew that there was no collusion that took place between the Trump campaign and Russia! That was simply the excuse they used to get a Special Counsel appointed to dig through the rest of Trump's dealings trying to find something they could use against him.

If any of those 3 REALLY cared about collusion in that election...they would have appointed a Special Council to investigate Hillary Clinton, the DNC, the Obama Justice Department, Fusion GPS and Richard Steele!
Oh? Since when is opposition research, "collusion?"
Please provide the link where the witch hunters were proven criminal in a court of law.
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

There is no doubt that Trump asked Comey to lay off of Flynn who was under investigation. Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. The question was whether a fair and impartial investigation could be conducted by the DOJ. The answer was a clear no. Maybe Trump and his supporters need to take Trey Gowdy's advice. Act like you are innocent if you are innocent.

There is no doubt that Russia interfered in our election. They hacked the DNC servers and gave the e-mails to WikiLeaks. On at least 1 occasion, the trump campaign met with a Russian national expecting to receive dirt on Clinton. She DID NOT collude with any foreign agents.

How can you possibly sit here and claim that Clinton didn't collude with any foreign agents when it's been proven beyond any doubt that's EXACTLY what she DID do! The Clinton campaign paid huge sums of money to Fusion GPS and through them to Richard Steele to fabricate lies about Donald Trump and then put them out to a compliant main stream media through Russian nationals to hide who generated them in the first place! What she did is the epitome of collusion!

you either need to get out more or go on a strict no conspiracy diet ...

epitome this ......

Think about the size of the claim here: the Clinton campaign, which was convinced it was going to beat Trump in a landslide, funded an espionage-laden high-wire act with a firm whose clients included some unsavory Russians themselves, in which a highly experienced British spook got suckered by the Democrats into weaponizing some Russian disinformation. (Steele could outplay the Russians, but he couldn’t outplay Robby Mook?)

There are other variations on this theme, but central to all of them was the idea that without Fusion there would be nothing, and that we would know this if only we could know what Simpson said to the Senate investigators. But since the Senate intelligence committee wouldn’t release the transcript, we couldn’t know just how much Simpson had spilled his guts.

So now we know, and none of it supports the rickety Jenga pile of Republican conspiracy theories.
Mueller is corrupt to the core. It's now imperative that he shut the investigation down due to violating The Presidential Transition Act.

Attorney Gregg Jarrett: 'Mueller and His Entire Team Must be Removed'

Dershowitz: 'Rod Rosenstein Should Recuse Himself' - Breitbart

The Presidential Transition Act states that all records of transition operations are private and confidential.

Yet Mueller seems to have ignored the law. Without a warrant or subpoena, his team of lawyers brazenly demanded these private records from the General Services Administration (GSA) which held custody of the materials. The GSA does this as a service to all incoming presidents out of courtesy, but it neither owns the documents nor is authorized to release them to anyone under any circumstances because they are deemed entirely private.

Jarrett says the most damning charge against Mueller is that he obtained, reviewed and used material that is privileged.

"Courts have clearly stated what prosecutors are supposed to do under these circumstances: “An attorney who receives privileged documents has an ethical duty to cease review of the documents, notify the privilege holder, and return the documents.” (U.S. v. Taylor 764 Fed Sup 2nd, 230, 235)
/----/ Even though it is a true violation, nothing will happen to Muller because the Deep State must get rid of Trump no matter what.
I would suspect they'll begin shortly. So much has leaked out already about what took place that the question is being asked who it was that Mueller's given immunity to. If it's someone like Comey...someone will have to explain why a Director of the FBI needs to be given immunity from prosecution before he answers questions!
So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

Speculation? Is it speculation that the Clinton campaign paid to have Trump smeared by foreign agents? Is it speculation that the Obama Justice Department then turned around and utilized what they KNEW was a phony dossier paid for by Clinton to obtain FISA court warrants to spy on the Trump campaign? Is is speculation that Comey lied to Congress? That Brennan lied to Congress?

This is an investigation that will begin over CORRUPTION at the highest levels of the Democratic Party and the Obama White House!
You said, "if it's someone like Comey.."

That shows you don't know who it is, if it's even anyone. That's called, speculation. So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

As far as the rest of your diatribe....

  • There's no evidence Hillary knew the research she paid for was sourced to a foreign national.
  • The dossier is not fake, and in fact, none of it has been proven false; some of it has been confirmed to be accurate; and most of it has been neither confirmed nor dismissed.
  • No one in the trump campaign was spied on.
  • There's no proof that Comey lied to Congress.

I note that you're not even trying to claim that the Clinton campaign didn't pay for the phony Trump dossiers, Faun...but have resorted to the rather pathetic stance that it's OK if Hillary didn't know about it?

It's dossiers plural and in fact it HAS been proven false and that's been done by the person who would know's author! Steele got sued for libel in a British court and in his testimony stated that the information contained in the dossiers was never presented by him as fact...but was rather something that might have happened! Steele is basically admitting that he made the whole thing up.

Let's forget the very real possibility that the FBI planted someone in the Trump campaign (I'll withhold comment on that until it's proven) just having the FISA warrants to wire tap the phones of people who were in communication with the Trump campaign regularly let the Obama White House spy on the Trump campaign!

No proof that Comey lied to Congress? His statements and his Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's statements contradict themselves. Either Comey lied to Congress when he said he never leaked information or authorized leaks to the media or his Deputy Director lied when he stated that he had authorization from the Director of the FBI to leak information to the media. Comey's claim that "he" didn't leak information is rather laughable when in fact he gave information to his good friend at Columbia Law School and had HIM leak it to the media!
Now you’re reduced to lying. That didn’t take long. Steele never said ”the information contained in the dossiers was never presented by him as fact.”

He said some of the last things entered had not yet been vetted as the research came to an end. In no way does that discredit the entire dossier. And again, not a stitch has been proven false.

As far as the claims of the FBI planting an informant in Trump’s campaign, it appears to be the opposite of that. It appears someone from Trump’s campaign went to the FBI to report inappropriate behavior with Russians.

And as far as wiretapping, no one in Trump’s campaign was wiretapped. Anyone who was wiretapped was no longer connected to trump’s campaign.

"In another indication that Mr. Steele was no longer wholeheartedly vouching for his own findings, he said he told journalists that they may not quote his research. He “understood that the information provided might be used for the purpose of further research, but would not be published or attributed,” he said through his attorney.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote."

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump
The IG has already clearly stated that the FBI broke the law in intentionally using a proven false document to illegally obtain FISA warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate on Steroids' of Trump and his team during an election.

That is called EVIDENCE. I wanted to point that out because after 2 years Mueller, Democrats, and snowflakes have proven they don't know what 'evidence' is or how to recognize it when they see it.


Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

There is no doubt that Trump asked Comey to lay off of Flynn who was under investigation. Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. The question was whether a fair and impartial investigation could be conducted by the DOJ. The answer was a clear no. Maybe Trump and his supporters need to take Trey Gowdy's advice. Act like you are innocent if you are innocent.

There is no doubt that Russia interfered in our election. They hacked the DNC servers and gave the e-mails to WikiLeaks. On at least 1 occasion, the trump campaign met with a Russian national expecting to receive dirt on Clinton. She DID NOT collude with any foreign agents.

How can you possibly sit here and claim that Clinton didn't collude with any foreign agents when it's been proven beyond any doubt that's EXACTLY what she DID do! The Clinton campaign paid huge sums of money to Fusion GPS and through them to Richard Steele to fabricate lies about Donald Trump and then put them out to a compliant main stream media through Russian nationals to hide who generated them in the first place! What she did is the epitome of collusion!

you either need to get out more or go on a strict no conspiracy diet ...

epitome this ......

Think about the size of the claim here: the Clinton campaign, which was convinced it was going to beat Trump in a landslide, funded an espionage-laden high-wire act with a firm whose clients included some unsavory Russians themselves, in which a highly experienced British spook got suckered by the Democrats into weaponizing some Russian disinformation. (Steele could outplay the Russians, but he couldn’t outplay Robby Mook?)

There are other variations on this theme, but central to all of them was the idea that without Fusion there would be nothing, and that we would know this if only we could know what Simpson said to the Senate investigators. But since the Senate intelligence committee wouldn’t release the transcript, we couldn’t know just how much Simpson had spilled his guts.

So now we know, and none of it supports the rickety Jenga pile of Republican conspiracy theories.

Now you're claiming that it's unlikely that the Clinton campaign would use dirty tricks because they were convinced they would beat Trump in a landslide? I take it you also think they wouldn't use dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders even though there was practically no feasible way for him to win the nomination?

Steele didn't get "suckered" into providing disinformation! It's quite clear that he got paid...and paid provide disinformation and that money came from the Clinton campaign! Rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories? What Clinton and the DNC did in that election isn't a "theory"'s proven fact! The rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories is what you on the left have employed against Trump from the moment he was nominated by the GOP! Compared to the house of cards you've built...the case against Clinton rests on concrete footings!
Parts of it were confirmed as Comey testified to Congress. Maybe your PEABRAIN can tell us how you can spy on a campaign through a former campaign official. Page left the Trump campaign in September and the warrants were obtained in October. For your information, September comes before October.

No one knows what Mueller has. He is just completing the investigation he was tasked with.

What did Mueller START with? You can't empower a Special Counsel to investigate crimes unless you have proof that a crime took place! So what was the proof that Trump's campaign committed criminal acts? Because Hillary Clinton said they did? Think long and hard about that, BB because Clinton is the person who actually DID the behavior that she accused Trump of! She DID collude with foreign agents to affect the election!

There is no doubt that Trump asked Comey to lay off of Flynn who was under investigation. Trump admitted he fired Comey because of the Russia investigation. The question was whether a fair and impartial investigation could be conducted by the DOJ. The answer was a clear no. Maybe Trump and his supporters need to take Trey Gowdy's advice. Act like you are innocent if you are innocent.

There is no doubt that Russia interfered in our election. They hacked the DNC servers and gave the e-mails to WikiLeaks. On at least 1 occasion, the trump campaign met with a Russian national expecting to receive dirt on Clinton. She DID NOT collude with any foreign agents.

How can you possibly sit here and claim that Clinton didn't collude with any foreign agents when it's been proven beyond any doubt that's EXACTLY what she DID do! The Clinton campaign paid huge sums of money to Fusion GPS and through them to Richard Steele to fabricate lies about Donald Trump and then put them out to a compliant main stream media through Russian nationals to hide who generated them in the first place! What she did is the epitome of collusion!

you either need to get out more or go on a strict no conspiracy diet ...

epitome this ......

Think about the size of the claim here: the Clinton campaign, which was convinced it was going to beat Trump in a landslide, funded an espionage-laden high-wire act with a firm whose clients included some unsavory Russians themselves, in which a highly experienced British spook got suckered by the Democrats into weaponizing some Russian disinformation. (Steele could outplay the Russians, but he couldn’t outplay Robby Mook?)

There are other variations on this theme, but central to all of them was the idea that without Fusion there would be nothing, and that we would know this if only we could know what Simpson said to the Senate investigators. But since the Senate intelligence committee wouldn’t release the transcript, we couldn’t know just how much Simpson had spilled his guts.

So now we know, and none of it supports the rickety Jenga pile of Republican conspiracy theories.

Now you're claiming that it's unlikely that the Clinton campaign would use dirty tricks because they were convinced they would beat Trump in a landslide? I take it you also think they wouldn't use dirty tricks against Bernie Sanders even though there was practically no feasible way for him to win the nomination?

Steele didn't get "suckered" into providing disinformation! It's quite clear that he got paid...and paid provide disinformation and that money came from the Clinton campaign! Rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories? What Clinton and the DNC did in that election isn't a "theory"'s proven fact! The rickety Jenga pile of conspiracy theories is what you on the left have employed against Trump from the moment he was nominated by the GOP! Compared to the house of cards you've built...the case against Clinton rests on concrete footings!
/---/ It's funny that democRATs can connect the most obscure dots in any conspiracy theory out there except those in their own backyard.
So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

Speculation? Is it speculation that the Clinton campaign paid to have Trump smeared by foreign agents? Is it speculation that the Obama Justice Department then turned around and utilized what they KNEW was a phony dossier paid for by Clinton to obtain FISA court warrants to spy on the Trump campaign? Is is speculation that Comey lied to Congress? That Brennan lied to Congress?

This is an investigation that will begin over CORRUPTION at the highest levels of the Democratic Party and the Obama White House!
You said, "if it's someone like Comey.."

That shows you don't know who it is, if it's even anyone. That's called, speculation. So you think investigations will begin over speculation?

As far as the rest of your diatribe....

  • There's no evidence Hillary knew the research she paid for was sourced to a foreign national.
  • The dossier is not fake, and in fact, none of it has been proven false; some of it has been confirmed to be accurate; and most of it has been neither confirmed nor dismissed.
  • No one in the trump campaign was spied on.
  • There's no proof that Comey lied to Congress.

I note that you're not even trying to claim that the Clinton campaign didn't pay for the phony Trump dossiers, Faun...but have resorted to the rather pathetic stance that it's OK if Hillary didn't know about it?

It's dossiers plural and in fact it HAS been proven false and that's been done by the person who would know's author! Steele got sued for libel in a British court and in his testimony stated that the information contained in the dossiers was never presented by him as fact...but was rather something that might have happened! Steele is basically admitting that he made the whole thing up.

Let's forget the very real possibility that the FBI planted someone in the Trump campaign (I'll withhold comment on that until it's proven) just having the FISA warrants to wire tap the phones of people who were in communication with the Trump campaign regularly let the Obama White House spy on the Trump campaign!

No proof that Comey lied to Congress? His statements and his Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's statements contradict themselves. Either Comey lied to Congress when he said he never leaked information or authorized leaks to the media or his Deputy Director lied when he stated that he had authorization from the Director of the FBI to leak information to the media. Comey's claim that "he" didn't leak information is rather laughable when in fact he gave information to his good friend at Columbia Law School and had HIM leak it to the media!
Now you’re reduced to lying. That didn’t take long. Steele never said ”the information contained in the dossiers was never presented by him as fact.”

He said some of the last things entered had not yet been vetted as the research came to an end. In no way does that discredit the entire dossier. And again, not a stitch has been proven false.

As far as the claims of the FBI planting an informant in Trump’s campaign, it appears to be the opposite of that. It appears someone from Trump’s campaign went to the FBI to report inappropriate behavior with Russians.

And as far as wiretapping, no one in Trump’s campaign was wiretapped. Anyone who was wiretapped was no longer connected to trump’s campaign.

"In another indication that Mr. Steele was no longer wholeheartedly vouching for his own findings, he said he told journalists that they may not quote his research. He “understood that the information provided might be used for the purpose of further research, but would not be published or attributed,” he said through his attorney.

Mr. Steele also acknowledged that his final December memo, the only one that dealt with Mr. Gubarev, contained information he never vetted.

“The contents of the December memorandum did not represent (and did not purport to represent) verified facts, but were raw intelligence which had identified a range of allegations that warranted investigation given their potential national security implications,” he wrote."

Christopher Steele hedges on Russia dossier claims against Donald Trump
Again, for the hard of learning....

Steele never said his entire dossier was not presented as fact. He was speaking only about his most recent additions. He was vetting information he was getting. Towards the end of his gathering, he had not yet vetted his most recent findings, which is what he was referring to in his libel suit.

Steele is a trusted source who has helped in other ventures. Some of his dossier was confirmed by our own intelligence. It was that confirmed portion of the dossier which the FBI used to obtain the FISA warrant on Page, who had earlier, split from the Trump campaign and who was under investigation long before even becoming loosely connected to the campaign.

Sadly, all you do is lie because the truth sinks your posts.
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