It's Over

He said the election was stolen from him. He went to court. None of his claims showed merit for a case. Its all a PR stunt and a lie that has people like you duped

His lies and refusal to concede got people killed
Who got the people killed in the Summer of love protests? Pelosi, AOC, Harris, Waters. When is their trial?
I didn’t see any of them spreading lies to create an angry mob. George Floyd died

Yeah, he died from a self administered fentanyl overdose. The lies were he was killed by the police. Of course you commies never wait for ALL the facts to come to light before passing judgement. Just like palousey's snap impeachment.

He had 11 ng/ml in his system. How many ng/ml are lethal?

That's easily found on line, but it can be as low as 3 when other drugs are involved to as high as 9.6. BTW floyd had meth and marijuana in his system as well as the fentanyl. So a lower threshold than 9.6 would probably apply.

3 what? 3mg?

Floyd had 11 ng/ml. You have any idea how little that is?

I used the same units of measure you did. Don't believe me, get off your lazy commie ass and look it up, just like I did weeks ago. Floyd had a lethal dose of fentanyl on board, period.

Everybody saying that Trump won the 2020 election is telling a lie. Anybody saying the election was stolen, is telling a lie.
He did win the election in a landslide...if you want to change my mind call for a real ballot and signature audit in every state....but I have a right to my opinion...and until your side is ready to open up the election to inspection you can't say I'm lying...I just have a different opinion from yours...same with Trump...
We don't need to audit every state. We can audit Georgia as an example to see if there is any evidence of election fraud. Since Georgia became the center of attention of voter integrity. Georgia counted, recounted, hand counted, and recounted the ballots again. And then on January 5th they did the whole thing again under the strictest scrutiny of any US election. And the results had democrats win the Georgia senate (a statewide election) by even a bigger margin than the statewide presidential election.
True...but I made my call a man a liar one needs to back that up....and they won't because they can't...
Its backed up. Trump said he won the election in a landslide. He didn't. Votes were certified for Joe Biden and Joe is now president. Trump said Pence could reject the votes. No he couldn't. Another lie that lead to a mob chanting Hang Mike Pence. Give it up man. Trump is a liar and his lies have fed the trolls long enough.
mail in ballots are fraudulent. why else won't the states let them be audited?
Then why did Trump mail in a ballot in the past?
Absentee ballots are very different than what was mailed out this time due to covid rule pre registration or time limits no address checks or signature inspections....there were millions more ballots mailed out this year and less disqualified ballots in election history....that just doesn't add up...
Imbecile, some states, like Florida, don't even have absentee ballots. Are you saying we should deduct Florida's 29 electoral votes from Trump puny total?

That's a lie.


Dumbfuck, the word, "absentee" is found nowhere on that page.

You're such a moron.


G'head, tell me again how 11 ng/ml of Fentanyl killed George Floyd. :lmao: Even oldstyle had more brains than you and ran away from that.
He said the election was stolen from him. He went to court. None of his claims showed merit for a case. Its all a PR stunt and a lie that has people like you duped

His lies and refusal to concede got people killed
Who got the people killed in the Summer of love protests? Pelosi, AOC, Harris, Waters. When is their trial?
I didn’t see any of them spreading lies to create an angry mob. George Floyd died

Yeah, he died from a self administered fentanyl overdose. The lies were he was killed by the police. Of course you commies never wait for ALL the facts to come to light before passing judgement. Just like palousey's snap impeachment.

He had 11 ng/ml in his system. How many ng/ml are lethal?

That's easily found on line, but it can be as low as 3 when other drugs are involved to as high as 9.6. BTW floyd had meth and marijuana in his system as well as the fentanyl. So a lower threshold than 9.6 would probably apply.

3 what? 3mg?

Floyd had 11 ng/ml. You have any idea how little that is?

I used the same units of measure you did. Don't believe me, get off your lazy commie ass and look it up, just like I did weeks ago. Floyd had a lethal dose of fentanyl on board, period.


Says you. There are 3000 ng in 3 mg.

And no, you didn't use the same unit of measurement as I did. I used ng/ml ... you used mg. Apparently, you're too dumb to know that too.
He said the election was stolen from him. He went to court. None of his claims showed merit for a case. Its all a PR stunt and a lie that has people like you duped

His lies and refusal to concede got people killed
Who got the people killed in the Summer of love protests? Pelosi, AOC, Harris, Waters. When is their trial?
I didn’t see any of them spreading lies to create an angry mob. George Floyd died

Yeah, he died from a self administered fentanyl overdose. The lies were he was killed by the police. Of course you commies never wait for ALL the facts to come to light before passing judgement. Just like palousey's snap impeachment.

He had 11 ng/ml in his system. How many ng/ml are lethal?

That's easily found on line, but it can be as low as 3 when other drugs are involved to as high as 9.6. BTW floyd had meth and marijuana in his system as well as the fentanyl. So a lower threshold than 9.6 would probably apply.

3 what? 3mg?

Floyd had 11 ng/ml. You have any idea how little that is?

I used the same units of measure you did. Don't believe me, get off your lazy commie ass and look it up, just like I did weeks ago. Floyd had a lethal dose of fentanyl on board, period.

Autopsy said so
Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?
Did they say armed with guns? I don’t know what quote you’re talking about and I don’t see what it has to do with this discussion

Had you been listening yesterday, you'd know they did.
Ok if they said armed with guns and nobody was armed with guns then they were wrong. I didn’t hear it. What’s your point?
It's really simple, the commies are lying and their slick hollywood production is mostly fiction.
it’s not that simple. The majority of their presentation consists of videos and actual Trump statements. Can’t lie about that. Whether they called spear a and flags ‘arms’ really makes no difference to the trial.

Bullshit, out of context quotes are worthless and are used to build a false narrative.

I’m not seeing false narratives here. I’m seeing tweets and speeches and events laid out pretty clearly. And the only defense I’m hearing from Trumps people is “he’s already out of office, this is unconstitutional” ... so weak

Yet you missed the lies about the crowd being armed with guns.

I just heard them talking about the crowd being armed with guns in their summary. They were talking about the Pennsylvania situation where protestors trying to Stop the Steal did have guns and were arrested. They are using that as an example of how violent and dangerous actions were foreseeable.
Everybody saying that Trump won the 2020 election is telling a lie. Anybody saying the election was stolen, is telling a lie.
He did win the election in a landslide...if you want to change my mind call for a real ballot and signature audit in every state....but I have a right to my opinion...and until your side is ready to open up the election to inspection you can't say I'm lying...I just have a different opinion from yours...same with Trump...
We don't need to audit every state. We can audit Georgia as an example to see if there is any evidence of election fraud. Since Georgia became the center of attention of voter integrity. Georgia counted, recounted, hand counted, and recounted the ballots again. And then on January 5th they did the whole thing again under the strictest scrutiny of any US election. And the results had democrats win the Georgia senate (a statewide election) by even a bigger margin than the statewide presidential election.
True...but I made my call a man a liar one needs to back that up....and they won't because they can't...
Its backed up. Trump said he won the election in a landslide. He didn't. Votes were certified for Joe Biden and Joe is now president. Trump said Pence could reject the votes. No he couldn't. Another lie that lead to a mob chanting Hang Mike Pence. Give it up man. Trump is a liar and his lies have fed the trolls long enough.
mail in ballots are fraudulent. why else won't the states let them be audited?
Then why did Trump mail in a ballot in the past?
Absentee ballots are very different than what was mailed out this time due to covid rule pre registration or time limits no address checks or signature inspections....there were millions more ballots mailed out this year and less disqualified ballots in election history....that just doesn't add up...
That is wrong. In all but 4 states, mail in ballots were handled the same as absentee ballots, voters had to request ballots and signature validation was the same as absentee ballots. Due date of ballots were not change in any states. Some states extended the dates for registration and some states allowed or extended the dates for early voting. The major difference in mail in voting in this election was there was more of it and it took longer to count it.
Then why do you object to the forensic audit of the ballots? That implies hiding something fraudulent
Autopsy said so

Liar. Nothing on there says he died from drugs.

Cause of death: Cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression

Manner of death: Homicide.

The FBI reported the Antifa and BLM terrorists planned their violence on Twitter and facebook before 6 Jan
- No spontaneous Incitement of anything.

Pipe bombs were reportedlycleared from the area before 6 Jan
- No spontaneous Incitement of anything.

The FBI put out a a warning that 'extremists' were on the way to DC to 'wage war'
- The FBI, The Capitol Police, nor Speaker Pelosi did anything to prepare, prevent, protect, and / or defend.

Video shows black-clad Antifa / BLM and 'Maga'-wearing infiltrators initiated the violence

Video shows Capitol Police aiding the thugs by moving barriers to give them access to the Capitol

Video shows Trump supporters asking Capitol Police why they are just standing around not taking any action to stop the thugs break windows and enter the Capitol

Video shows Capitol Police guiding the rioters through the Capitol

Democrats and Fake News mediareported a *Trump supporter murdered a Capitol Policeman by striking him with a fire extinguisher
- Video shows the policeman was NEVER struck, and the coroner reported he received NO BLUNT FORCE TRAUMA - IT WAS A LIE.
- Reports today say it is believed the tear gas / chemicals used on the crowd aggrivated some prior condition he had, resulting in his death

Speaker Pelosi declared to the world in an interview before the Articles of Impeachment were even written that this Impeachment is being carried out by the Democrats toeliminate Trump as a political threat in 2024 and beyond
- This is confessed criminal abuse of power and a violation of the Constitution., Pelosi should be Impeached

One of the Democrat Impeachment Managers provided False Evidence - a LIE - as evidence of President Trump's wrong-doing, a lie he was called out for by the Republican Rep he lied about, forcing the Democrat to retract his accusation and the false evidence (a false manufactured transcript of sa conversation Presidenbt Trump was supposed to have with the GOP Rep (WOW, thatsounds famiiar....) The Democrat was forced to admit he lied and withdraw the evidence / accusation.

Proven CCP Espionage Facilitator Eric Swalwell would not be out-done - Swalwell proceeded to show a Tweet as evidence against President Trump. The Tweet was immediately exposed as a CRIMINAL DEMOCRAGT-MANUFACTURED PHOTO-SHOPPED PIECE product Comrade Swalwell was exposed as having manufactured and was attemptng to pass off as legitimate evidence.
- Adam Schiff was caught committing the same crime in the Democrats' 1st admitted treasonous / criminal political partisan Impeachment attempt.

Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?
Did they say armed with guns? I don’t know what quote you’re talking about and I don’t see what it has to do with this discussion

Had you been listening yesterday, you'd know they did.
Ok if they said armed with guns and nobody was armed with guns then they were wrong. I didn’t hear it. What’s your point?
It's really simple, the commies are lying and their slick hollywood production is mostly fiction.
it’s not that simple. The majority of their presentation consists of videos and actual Trump statements. Can’t lie about that. Whether they called spear a and flags ‘arms’ really makes no difference to the trial.

Bullshit, out of context quotes are worthless and are used to build a false narrative.

I’m not seeing false narratives here. I’m seeing tweets and speeches and events laid out pretty clearly. And the only defense I’m hearing from Trumps people is “he’s already out of office, this is unconstitutional” ... so weak

Yet you missed the lies about the crowd being armed with guns.

I just heard them talking about the crowd being armed with guns in their summary. They were talking about the Pennsylvania situation where protestors trying to Stop the Steal did have guns and were arrested. They are using that as an example of how violent and dangerous actions were foreseeable.
So? You're against the second amendment?
Everybody saying that Trump won the 2020 election is telling a lie. Anybody saying the election was stolen, is telling a lie.
He did win the election in a landslide...if you want to change my mind call for a real ballot and signature audit in every state....but I have a right to my opinion...and until your side is ready to open up the election to inspection you can't say I'm lying...I just have a different opinion from yours...same with Trump...
We don't need to audit every state. We can audit Georgia as an example to see if there is any evidence of election fraud. Since Georgia became the center of attention of voter integrity. Georgia counted, recounted, hand counted, and recounted the ballots again. And then on January 5th they did the whole thing again under the strictest scrutiny of any US election. And the results had democrats win the Georgia senate (a statewide election) by even a bigger margin than the statewide presidential election.
True...but I made my call a man a liar one needs to back that up....and they won't because they can't...
Its backed up. Trump said he won the election in a landslide. He didn't. Votes were certified for Joe Biden and Joe is now president. Trump said Pence could reject the votes. No he couldn't. Another lie that lead to a mob chanting Hang Mike Pence. Give it up man. Trump is a liar and his lies have fed the trolls long enough.
mail in ballots are fraudulent. why else won't the states let them be audited?
Then why did Trump mail in a ballot in the past?
Absentee ballots are very different than what was mailed out this time due to covid rule pre registration or time limits no address checks or signature inspections....there were millions more ballots mailed out this year and less disqualified ballots in election history....that just doesn't add up...
Imbecile, some states, like Florida, don't even have absentee ballots. Are you saying we should deduct Florida's 29 electoral votes from Trump puny total?

That's a lie.


Dumbfuck, the word, "absentee" is found nowhere on that page.

You're such a moron.


G'head, tell me again how 11 ng/ml of Fentanyl killed George Floyd. :lmao: Even oldstyle had more brains than you and ran away from that.

So you want to play a semantics game, the point is a ballot request must be made, just like most other State absentee requirements. So feel free to play your lame ass word games and acting like a fucking child, it's typical of you commies.

He said the election was stolen from him. He went to court. None of his claims showed merit for a case. Its all a PR stunt and a lie that has people like you duped

His lies and refusal to concede got people killed
Who got the people killed in the Summer of love protests? Pelosi, AOC, Harris, Waters. When is their trial?
I didn’t see any of them spreading lies to create an angry mob. George Floyd died

Yeah, he died from a self administered fentanyl overdose. The lies were he was killed by the police. Of course you commies never wait for ALL the facts to come to light before passing judgement. Just like palousey's snap impeachment.

He had 11 ng/ml in his system. How many ng/ml are lethal?

That's easily found on line, but it can be as low as 3 when other drugs are involved to as high as 9.6. BTW floyd had meth and marijuana in his system as well as the fentanyl. So a lower threshold than 9.6 would probably apply.

3 what? 3mg?

Floyd had 11 ng/ml. You have any idea how little that is?

I used the same units of measure you did. Don't believe me, get off your lazy commie ass and look it up, just like I did weeks ago. Floyd had a lethal dose of fentanyl on board, period.


Says you. There are 3000 ng in 3 mg.

And no, you didn't use the same unit of measurement as I did. I used ng/ml ... you used mg. Apparently, you're too dumb to know that too.

I fucking said I used the same fucking units of measure you did. As little as 3 ng/ml to 9.6 ng/ml could be fatal, Floyd had 11 ng//ml, he overdosed himself. You're trying to be cute, but you're coming off as an ignorant assholes.

Wrong about what?! Do you honestly think that riot would have happened if it wasn’t for Trump drilling in the unsubstantiated claim that the election was being stolen from him? Be honest

I saw an interview with Sen Angus King of Maine and he talked about a law professor who used the “but for” criteria of guilt.

“But for” Trumps statements and acts, would the riots have occurred.
If Trump had accepted the results after all his legal challenges were exhausted, would the riots have occurred?
You mean if he caved to obvious fraud. You have had fours years of him. What made people think he would not fight back?
The way to fight back is in court. Not tyranny
He tried the courts. They refused to hear evidence. He is telling the truth and has more credibility than the MSM. And stop the drama. Trump did not do one thing tyrannical.
If the courts refused to hear the evidence then there was a reason for that and Trumps team should have presented better cases. But that’s how our system works. You go through the system, you don’t try and overthrow it when you’re not happy with the results. This is basic shit people. Shouldn’t be complicated to understand

If they were trying to overthrow something they wouldn't have shown up with flags and banners, they would have guns. You commie drama queens are so pathetic. I carry a pocket knife, does that mean I'm armed?

I didn’t say they were armed. Since when does being armed set the bar for what qualifies with insurrection?! Damn your arguments are thin

Your fantastic house managers claimed they were armed. Are you saying they lied?
Did they say armed with guns? I don’t know what quote you’re talking about and I don’t see what it has to do with this discussion

Had you been listening yesterday, you'd know they did.
Ok if they said armed with guns and nobody was armed with guns then they were wrong. I didn’t hear it. What’s your point?
It's really simple, the commies are lying and their slick hollywood production is mostly fiction.
it’s not that simple. The majority of their presentation consists of videos and actual Trump statements. Can’t lie about that. Whether they called spear a and flags ‘arms’ really makes no difference to the trial.

Bullshit, out of context quotes are worthless and are used to build a false narrative.

I’m not seeing false narratives here. I’m seeing tweets and speeches and events laid out pretty clearly. And the only defense I’m hearing from Trumps people is “he’s already out of office, this is unconstitutional” ... so weak

Yet you missed the lies about the crowd being armed with guns.

I just heard them talking about the crowd being armed with guns in their summary. They were talking about the Pennsylvania situation where protestors trying to Stop the Steal did have guns and were arrested. They are using that as an example of how violent and dangerous actions were foreseeable.

No they claimed an armed insurrection at the US capitol, said people had guns and knives. No one that I'm aware of had a gun, well except the cops who shot an unarmed woman.

Everybody saying that Trump won the 2020 election is telling a lie. Anybody saying the election was stolen, is telling a lie.
He did win the election in a landslide...if you want to change my mind call for a real ballot and signature audit in every state....but I have a right to my opinion...and until your side is ready to open up the election to inspection you can't say I'm lying...I just have a different opinion from yours...same with Trump...
We don't need to audit every state. We can audit Georgia as an example to see if there is any evidence of election fraud. Since Georgia became the center of attention of voter integrity. Georgia counted, recounted, hand counted, and recounted the ballots again. And then on January 5th they did the whole thing again under the strictest scrutiny of any US election. And the results had democrats win the Georgia senate (a statewide election) by even a bigger margin than the statewide presidential election.
True...but I made my call a man a liar one needs to back that up....and they won't because they can't...
Its backed up. Trump said he won the election in a landslide. He didn't. Votes were certified for Joe Biden and Joe is now president. Trump said Pence could reject the votes. No he couldn't. Another lie that lead to a mob chanting Hang Mike Pence. Give it up man. Trump is a liar and his lies have fed the trolls long enough.
mail in ballots are fraudulent. why else won't the states let them be audited?
Then why did Trump mail in a ballot in the past?
Absentee ballots are very different than what was mailed out this time due to covid rule pre registration or time limits no address checks or signature inspections....there were millions more ballots mailed out this year and less disqualified ballots in election history....that just doesn't add up...
Imbecile, some states, like Florida, don't even have absentee ballots. Are you saying we should deduct Florida's 29 electoral votes from Trump puny total?

That's a lie.


Dumbfuck, the word, "absentee" is found nowhere on that page.

You're such a moron.


G'head, tell me again how 11 ng/ml of Fentanyl killed George Floyd. :lmao: Even oldstyle had more brains than you and ran away from that.

So you want to play a semantics game, the point is a ballot request must be made, just like most other State absentee requirements. So feel free to play your lame ass word games and acting like a fucking child, it's typical of you commies.


I take this to mean you realize now you were wrong when called me a liar for stating Florida doesn't have absentee ballots? I'll accept that as the apology you're not man enough to post in such words.

Regardless, it's not semantics. Absentee ballots are different from mail-in ballots. And no, it's not semantics. They are different. Florida, like several other states no longer have absentee ballots. We only have mail-in ballots.

Of course, I'm telling this to the person who doesn't know the difference between ng/ml and mg. So there's that.
Autopsy said so

Liar. Nothing on there says he died from drugs.

Cause of death: Cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression

Manner of death: Homicide.


Stupid commie try reading this link.

Last edited:
Everybody saying that Trump won the 2020 election is telling a lie. Anybody saying the election was stolen, is telling a lie.
He did win the election in a landslide...if you want to change my mind call for a real ballot and signature audit in every state....but I have a right to my opinion...and until your side is ready to open up the election to inspection you can't say I'm lying...I just have a different opinion from yours...same with Trump...
We don't need to audit every state. We can audit Georgia as an example to see if there is any evidence of election fraud. Since Georgia became the center of attention of voter integrity. Georgia counted, recounted, hand counted, and recounted the ballots again. And then on January 5th they did the whole thing again under the strictest scrutiny of any US election. And the results had democrats win the Georgia senate (a statewide election) by even a bigger margin than the statewide presidential election.
True...but I made my call a man a liar one needs to back that up....and they won't because they can't...
Its backed up. Trump said he won the election in a landslide. He didn't. Votes were certified for Joe Biden and Joe is now president. Trump said Pence could reject the votes. No he couldn't. Another lie that lead to a mob chanting Hang Mike Pence. Give it up man. Trump is a liar and his lies have fed the trolls long enough.
mail in ballots are fraudulent. why else won't the states let them be audited?
Then why did Trump mail in a ballot in the past?
Absentee ballots are very different than what was mailed out this time due to covid rule pre registration or time limits no address checks or signature inspections....there were millions more ballots mailed out this year and less disqualified ballots in election history....that just doesn't add up...
Imbecile, some states, like Florida, don't even have absentee ballots. Are you saying we should deduct Florida's 29 electoral votes from Trump puny total?

That's a lie.


Dumbfuck, the word, "absentee" is found nowhere on that page.

You're such a moron.


G'head, tell me again how 11 ng/ml of Fentanyl killed George Floyd. :lmao: Even oldstyle had more brains than you and ran away from that.

So you want to play a semantics game, the point is a ballot request must be made, just like most other State absentee requirements. So feel free to play your lame ass word games and acting like a fucking child, it's typical of you commies.


I take this to mean you realize now you were wrong when called me a liar for stating Florida doesn't have absentee ballots? I'll accept that as the apology you're not man enough to post in such words.

Regardless, it's not semantics. Absentee ballots are different from mail-in ballots. And no, it's not semantics. They are different. Florida, like several other states no longer have absentee ballots. We only have mail-in ballots.

Of course, I'm telling this to the person who doesn't know the difference between ng/ml and mg. So there's that.

In FL ballots have to be requested, other States just mail out ballots willy nilly, no verification if the voter still lives at the registered address, hell some don't even check if the voter is alive. In my State to get an absentee ballot you have to go through the same procedure as FL. So yeah, you're playing word games.


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