It's possible Republicans will be stuck with Donald Trump

Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.
Iraq war greatest thing since sliced bread?

Retard much?

Does the headspin from living in that never ending sewage drain make you dizzy?
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

Don't most Republicans on here claim the Iraq war was all Obama's fault and that Bush did nothing wrong? Yet they love Trump.

Don't get it.
Trump was against the Iraq war.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

Don't most Republicans on here claim the Iraq war was all Obama's fault and that Bush did nothing wrong? Yet they love Trump.

Don't get it.
Trump was against the Iraq war.

And what does this have to do with what I said?
I'd rather be stuck with him than Hillary. Maybe you should worry about getting your party a competent nominee. And let us worry about ours.
Republicans can't even admit Obama is a American. They wouldn't want any Democrat no matter who they are.
and you dont want any republican,so how are you any different?...
Just not this batch of Republicans. Go ahead. Tell us which one is worth anything. Tell us which GOP policy from the last 30 years was good for the majority of the nation.
i have been saying for quite a while that Republicans are just as fucked as those you wont question,and i mean both batches around today....
Cool. And judging by the Democrat obsession with him, he must scare the shite out of em. I mean, how many frantic Trump threads have been started by Democrats just on this Board alone?
I'd rather be stuck with him than Hillary. Maybe you should worry about getting your party a competent nominee. And let us worry about ours.
You can't be serious – Trump is a joke and not a serious candidate; at least you and others on the right are consistent at being ridiculous.
says the guy who is to chicken shit too actually answer a question asked of him about the bullshit he throws up....right jones?....
Republicans being inconsistent is nothing new.

Trump won't be the republican nominee, at some point he'll be gone – the only question is how badly damaged will the GOP be once Trump is gone.
How badly damaged will the Democrat party be once Hillary is gone?

Democrats suffered 2 historic bitch slappings in the last 4 years they are already damaged. More hated Obamacare policy is due to hit in 2016 and they own 100% of that mess. They are in for another dose. God I love Obamacare. :eusa_dance:
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
Republicans being inconsistent is nothing new.

Trump won't be the republican nominee, at some point he'll be gone – the only question is how badly damaged will the GOP be once Trump is gone.
How badly damaged will the Democrat party be once Hillary is gone?

Democrats suffered 2 historic bitch slappings in the last 4 years they are already damaged. More hated Obamacare policy is due to hit in 2016 and they own 100% of that mess. They are in for another dose. God I love Obamacare. :eusa_dance:
dreamin' is free
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

Don't most Republicans on here claim the Iraq war was all Obama's fault and that Bush did nothing wrong? Yet they love Trump.

Don't get it.
Trump was against the Iraq war.

And what does this have to do with what I said?
You're implying that people who don't like the Iraq war shouldn't like Trump.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:
sounds like today's politicians.....
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:
sounds like today's politicians.....
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.
I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:
sounds like today's politicians.....
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
really? math not your strong suite 20 of those years republicans were in office 8 years Reagan, 4 years Pappy Bush, 8 years GW bush.
racists have never been good at math.

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