It's possible Republicans will be stuck with Donald Trump

how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:
sounds like today's politicians.....
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.
Republicans being inconsistent is nothing new.

Trump won't be the republican nominee, at some point he'll be gone – the only question is how badly damaged will the GOP be once Trump is gone.

I agree.

What effort has Trump made to get his "ground troops" (if any) on the ground to actually get the signatures he needs to get his name on the primary ballots? It seems to me he is all flash ... giving kiddies rides in his private helicopter ... bragging about his nonexistent "large crowds" ... bragging about his $400 million dollar yearly earnings while failing to actually spend the money necessary for a bona fide campaign ... crowing about fighting protestors in hand-to-hand combat ... using fourth grade language to describe his amorphous platform ... telling "big lies" in conformity with "big lie" propaganda embraced by Hitler ...

He's not a candidate, but rather a walking parody of a candidate ...

It's very entertaining.
I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
really? math not your strong suite 20 of those years republicans were in office 8 years Reagan, 4 years Pappy Bush, 8 years GW bush.
racists have never been good at math.
4 years Bush, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Obama.
I imagine it was very painful for Jeb Bush to throw is brother G.W. Bush under the bus. I really don't see a 3rd Bush becoming the nominee.

As far as Donald's chances???? I think eventually he will fade. He might win a couple of caucus states where voter turn-out is extremely low, and mostly pissed off people show up at them. When he heads in the primary states, that will be the turn for him. You know I understand the anger at the politicians in this county. They know how to campaign and debate--but when comes to actually getting the things done that they campaigned on they're AWOL from responsibilty.

I think Carly Fiorina rises to the top. She's also not in the political class of D.C. Never worked a day in any government position, but she can answer every question that's asked of her, and she can slice and dice like no other. She handles reporters and journalists like they're putty in her hands--and she does it with grace. She's definitely Presidential material.

Fiorina surging from also-ran to contender after debate Fox News
The Job-Killing Touch How Carly Fiorina Wrecked Hewlett-Packard and the Bell Labs and Set American Science Back By Decades

That Carly Fiorina was a one-woman wrecking crew during her tenure as CEO of Hewlett-Packard is a scandal that the Republican Senate standard bearer is spending millions to try and blunt. Running on her executive experience, it is hard to see how Fiorina can square her professed executive aptitude with the fact that as H-P CEO between 1999 and 2005, she single-handedly came near to sinking what was widely considered the world’s best technology company.

At Hewlett-Packard Fiorina was responsible for the ill-fated merger with Compaq, as well as firing nearly 30,000 employees and sending tens of thousands of jobs oversea. Never lacking in chutzpa, Fiorina celebrated the latter coup as “Right Shoring.” Things got so bad for H-P that in 2002, Arianna Packard, granddaughter of founder David Packard joined with Bill Hewlett, Walter Hewlett’s son, in a proxy fight to oust Fiorina. That moved failed, but in 2005, Fiorina was finally fired, and given a $20-million dollar settlement to just go away. In response H-P’ stock price bounced back by 10% in a single day. About Fiorina’s service at H-P Arianna Packard wrote, “I know a little bit about Carly Fiorina, having watched her almost destroy the company my grandfather founded.”


Imagine what Trump will do to her.

What I don't understand is why Republicans go looking for the worst people possible. Why do they do it? She did to HP what Bush tried to do to this country.
Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:
sounds like today's politicians.....
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
really? math not your strong suite 20 of those years republicans were in office 8 years Reagan, 4 years Pappy Bush, 8 years GW bush.
racists have never been good at math.
4 years Bush, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Obama.
12 of those years republicans were in office.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:
sounds like today's politicians.....
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
there is an extremely high probability
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:
sounds like today's politicians.....
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
There's an extremely high probability one of them will be
Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
really? math not your strong suite 20 of those years republicans were in office 8 years Reagan, 4 years Pappy Bush, 8 years GW bush.
racists have never been good at math.
4 years Bush, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Obama.
12 of those years republicans were in office.

So what the hell is your point? Other than YOUR math sucks.
sounds like today's politicians.....
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
there is an extremely high probability
sounds like today's politicians.....
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
There's an extremely high probability one of them will be

Ok, whatever.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
really? math not your strong suite 20 of those years republicans were in office 8 years Reagan, 4 years Pappy Bush, 8 years GW bush.
racists have never been good at math.
4 years Bush, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Obama.
12 of those years republicans were in office.

So what the hell is your point? Other than YOUR math sucks.
Lol the 12 years the repubs were in is when the most damage was done.
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
there is an extremely high probability
so much for the republicans wanting smaller government.

Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
There's an extremely high probability one of them will be

Ok, whatever.
Butthurt much?
Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
really? math not your strong suite 20 of those years republicans were in office 8 years Reagan, 4 years Pappy Bush, 8 years GW bush.
racists have never been good at math.
4 years Bush, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Obama.
12 of those years republicans were in office.

So what the hell is your point? Other than YOUR math sucks.
Lol the 12 years the repubs were in is when the most damage was done.

Sure if that is your opinion. I have different opinion.
Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
there is an extremely high probability
Given Hillary or Trump, both will increase government. I don't see either being the final choice.
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
There's an extremely high probability one of them will be

Ok, whatever.
Butthurt much?

Over what? You keep making inane comments that have no point.
really? math not your strong suite 20 of those years republicans were in office 8 years Reagan, 4 years Pappy Bush, 8 years GW bush.
racists have never been good at math.
4 years Bush, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Obama.
12 of those years republicans were in office.

So what the hell is your point? Other than YOUR math sucks.
Lol the 12 years the repubs were in is when the most damage was done.

Sure if that is your opinion. I have different opinion.
It's fact .
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
there is an extremely high probability
with the right cannibalizing itself, the only real question is Hillary or Bernie.

It won't be either one.
There's an extremely high probability one of them will be

Ok, whatever.
Butthurt much?

Over what? You keep making inane comments that have no point.
I have a point you can't or won't see it.
4 years Bush, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Obama.
12 of those years republicans were in office.

So what the hell is your point? Other than YOUR math sucks.
Lol the 12 years the repubs were in is when the most damage was done.

Sure if that is your opinion. I have different opinion.
It's fact .

In your opinion.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.
I was watching this statement by T-Rump and was just besides myself with glee. I've been preaching this on here for the last 8 years or so with constant backlash from self-proclaimed Conservatives & Republicans. Now they willingly accept the TRUTH coming out of the mouth of their chosen circus-barker of the hour.

It's a beautiful thing to behold.

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It won't be either one.
there is an extremely high probability
It won't be either one.
There's an extremely high probability one of them will be

Ok, whatever.
Butthurt much?

Over what? You keep making inane comments that have no point.
I have a point you can't or won't see it.

I don't see it.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.
The mistake is in how they fought it and what they did with it afterwards. Our military are not cops they should be used to kill the enemy not police them. And then we should be reimbursed for the time and trouble of kicking their ass.
When were you told to spew this Republican party talking point?

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Republicans being inconsistent is nothing new.

Trump won't be the republican nominee, at some point he'll be gone – the only question is how badly damaged will the GOP be once Trump is gone.

I agree.

What effort has Trump made to get his "ground troops" (if any) on the ground to actually get the signatures he needs to get his name on the primary ballots? It seems to me he is all flash ... giving kiddies rides in his private helicopter ... bragging about his nonexistent "large crowds" ... bragging about his $400 million dollar yearly earnings while failing to actually spend the money necessary for a bona fide campaign ... crowing about fighting protestors in hand-to-hand combat ... using fourth grade language to describe his amorphous platform ... telling "big lies" in conformity with "big lie" propaganda embraced by Hitler ...

He's not a candidate, but rather a walking parody of a candidate ...

It's very entertaining.
This would suck.
Trump lose because he didn't get put on the ballot. We'd have to write him in.

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