It's possible Republicans will be stuck with Donald Trump

Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.
Still better than anyone you have.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
A different type and brand of lying, a more extreme version. Yes?

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Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

Don't most Republicans on here claim the Iraq war was all Obama's fault and that Bush did nothing wrong? Yet they love Trump.

Don't get it.
Trump was against the Iraq war.

And what does this have to do with what I said?
You're implying that people who don't like the Iraq war shouldn't like Trump.

No I'm not.

I'm implying that most Republicans loved the war, yet also love a guy who is coming out against the war. You see the contradiction? No....
From now on we only get into wars to make a profit or to prevent a loss.
Trump for President.

Do you know the Powell Doctrine. Basically the US should only go in if there is US interests, and also if there is public support.

Iraq was done to make profit. It was done at a time when the US spent money on importing oil. So Bush went to try and stop OPEC being a cartel. Stop their cartelling, get them pumping oil out then oil costs less to buy.

At the same time Bush was getting fracking in. And now the US is a country that benefits from HIGHER oil prices. They're going low because OPEC know this and are trying to put pressure on US oil companies because it costs them more to extract oil than it does the Middle Eastern countries.

It's funny because the biggest problem isn't Iran or Iraq or Libya or Venezuela, the countries the US vilifies, but SAUDI BLOODY ARABIA. The US's best friend is the one who is harming US interests.

It's also one of THE worst Muslim countries for Human Rights too. But it's the US's friend so they can do what they like, and they DO do what the hell they like.

US foreign policy. I think you could take it to a kids party instead of a clown and the kids would be so much more entertained.
Donald Trump speaking to a crowd of GOP voters on Iraq:

Trump said, “We spent $2 trillion in Iraq. We lost thousands of lives in Iraq. We have wounded warriors, who I love, all over this country, and beyond, okay? Was it worth it? We have nothing. We have nothing over there. His brother made a horrible decision

You never won. But what a mistake Iraq was. And I heard Jeb Bush talking about it. First of all, it took him five days before he could give an answer. And after the pollsters told him what to say, he said it was bad. Now he’s trying to backtrack, probably because his brother said, ‘Hey, wait a minute, you’re killing me here. You said it’s bad. That’s my legacy, the Iraq War.’ The Iraq War is a disaster for the Bushes. That’s why the last thing we need is another Bush, believe me. Saddam Hussein, instead of him, you have ISIS, and instead of him, you have Iran taking over. So, you tell me, was it worth what we paid for?”

Trump Jeb Backtracking On Iraq So He Doesn t Hurt W s Legacy - Breitbart


By the time Donald Trump finishes with the GOP candidates, there won't be anyone left but him. Even right here on the USMB you have Republicans who think the Iraq war was the greatest thing since white bread. But when the Trump talks to the GOP crowd about what a mistake it was, they finally and cheeringly admit the truth. The genie can't be put back into the bottle.

Don't most Republicans on here claim the Iraq war was all Obama's fault and that Bush did nothing wrong? Yet they love Trump.

Don't get it.
Trump was against the Iraq war.

And what does this have to do with what I said?
You're implying that people who don't like the Iraq war shouldn't like Trump.

No I'm not.

I'm implying that most Republicans loved the war, yet also love a guy who is coming out against the war. You see the contradiction? No....
The guy who just said he would send troops into Iraq to take control of oil fields from Isis, that guy?
I'd much rather spend 150 billion on going to mars and setting up a human outpost then another 2 trillion fighting iran! Fact.
Wouldn't cost much to blow up their nuke plants and a capital building or two.

And why would you do that?

There are two reasons to take out Iran's nuke capability.

The first is so the possibility to invade is there. The second is Israel being very jittery about Iran.
Don't most Republicans on here claim the Iraq war was all Obama's fault and that Bush did nothing wrong? Yet they love Trump.

Don't get it.
Trump was against the Iraq war.

And what does this have to do with what I said?
You're implying that people who don't like the Iraq war shouldn't like Trump.

No I'm not.

I'm implying that most Republicans loved the war, yet also love a guy who is coming out against the war. You see the contradiction? No....
The guy who just said he would send troops into Iraq to take control of oil fields from Isis, that guy?

Yeah, that guy.

I didn't say he made any sense.

I mean to say the Iraq war was a problem is populism right now, especially on the right. Why? It went badly.
But to say they'd fight ISIS is also populism.

Contradictory populism for a bunch of voters who don't know how to have a thought process.

Trump's good at getting the people who love reality TV more than other stuff to like him.
Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
really? math not your strong suite 20 of those years republicans were in office 8 years Reagan, 4 years Pappy Bush, 8 years GW bush.
racists have never been good at math.
4 years Bush, 8 years Clinton, 8 years Bush, 8 years Obama.
12 of those years republicans were in office.

So what the hell is your point? Other than YOUR math sucks.
Lol the 12 years the repubs were in is when the most damage was done.
Actually, it was the nearly 5 years under Bush when Republicans controlled both houses and the Supreme Court and used reconciliation three times that most of the damage was done.
I'd take Trump over Hillary any day.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
A different type and brand of lying, a more extreme version. Yes?

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Hillary or Donald, I'll take Trump. Sorry, I don't trust either but I trust Hillary less and I think America will agree.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
A different type and brand of lying, a more extreme version. Yes?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Hillary or Donald, I'll take Trump. Sorry, I don't trust either but I trust Hillary less and I think America will agree.
I'll take that as a "yes" from you then. You actually WANT bigger, better and louder lies. Supporting and voting for a professional liar is the Papageorgio way. Got it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
A different type and brand of lying, a more extreme version. Yes?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Hillary or Donald, I'll take Trump. Sorry, I don't trust either but I trust Hillary less and I think America will agree.
I'll take that as a "yes" from you then. You actually WANT bigger, better and louder lies. Supporting and voting for a professional liar is the Papageorgio way. Got it.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Hillary can't tell the truth if her life depended on it. Even if the truth would benefit her, she would be compelled to lie.

As far as I am concerned anyone that supports Hillary is supporting and voting for a professional liar.
Well Trump is obviously saying what those polled want to hear.

Will have to wait and see if he's still around when the dog and pony show, i.e. election time in America, is still rolling.
how'd I know you'd say that!?

Because I dislike the liar. I could never trust a word she spoke. So between the two, I'd take the better candidate. However, I wouldn't vote for Trump in a primary. He is not the best Republican.
you do know trump lies for a living and know s jack shit about government?:smoke:

Sorry, between the two I'd take Trump. The last 28 years we have had the same, I want something different.
A different type and brand of lying, a more extreme version. Yes?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Hillary or Donald, I'll take Trump. Sorry, I don't trust either but I trust Hillary less and I think America will agree.

America will. The millions of recently imported Third World VOters? Not so much.

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