It's time for mandatory vaccination won't be able to enter any government buildings or post offices, or any restaurants or bars, or any amusement parks, or any cruise ships or casinos, or grocery stores, or . . .

You have a rich fantasy life ... I'm going to make a special effort to sneeze in your direction next time.

This is America, for now ... we're not Soviet Russia, yet.
If I drive to Tallahassee and try to enter the Capitol - to take the tour, to meet someone who works there, to play a gig in their basement events room (I've done 2 of the 3) - I must not only show my ID I must also empty my pockets and walk through a metal detector.

Is Ron DeSantis running a Soviet operation over there?
I don't.

I refuse to submit to a search when I enter a public building. I am not obligated to surrender my 4th amendment rights in order to enter building that are paid for with my tax dollars.

I'm waiting for some dumbfuck like you to try and push the issue so I can sue for deprivation of rights under color of law and retire off my settlement money, lol.
God is gonna smite you!
freyasman I'm actually understanding both sides on this one. No, I don't think the government should force you to do anything, but at the same time it's protecting the unvaccinated (who want to go ahead and choose to get vaccinated) from getting sick. Private businesses is what I was referring to though, and it's their right to refuse business to the unmasked and unvaccinated, but it's also your right not to go there.
Only one place actually asked me to leave during this whole time, and big deal, they sure ain't the only taco shop around...... fuck 'em.

Now someone else gets my business, and an online review tells everyone why; they refuse to stand up for their customers who put money in their pockets, in favor of bending over for a county government that has only ever taken money from them, in fees and taxes.
They deserve to fail.
Want your Social Security check? Prove you are vaccinated.

Want to buy legal weed? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to go on a cruise ship? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to get on an airplane? Prove you're vaccinated.

There are myriad ways to force compliance.
Sounding alot like a paranoid hyperchondriac bitch, calm down and take a deep breathe
They are re-instituting mask mandates. Because too many morons aren't getting vaccinated, causing the virus to mutate. Some people are getting sick. Some people, like the three NY Yankees pitchers yesterday and like Bill Maher two months ago, have gotten Covid but are not having symptoms. Yet.

Tell the 5,000+ new cases in Florida yesterday that they are all being hypochondriacs.
And when they tell me I must wear I mask, I don't.
And they can do nothing about it.

Unfortunately they can kick you out though. :(
Only on private property and I won't give a place like that any business anyway.

When they tell me I need to be masked, I simply ask; "Are you asking me to leave?"
They always say no, I just have to wear a mask. I refuse and go about my business....... in order for it to be trespassing, they have to ask you leave; if they don't (and they never do) you're fine to be there.

That's the same with business that have "No Concealed Weapons Allowed" signs posted on their doors. I've never paid any attention to those and even if they did find out I was packing, all they can do is politely ask me to leave.

If I refused to leave, it would just be a simple trespassing charge.
Want your Social Security check? Prove you are vaccinated.

Want to buy legal weed? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to go on a cruise ship? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to get on an airplane? Prove you're vaccinated.

There are myriad ways to force compliance.
Sounding alot like a paranoid hyperchondriac bitch, calm down and take a deep breathe
They are re-instituting mask mandates. Because too many morons aren't getting vaccinated, causing the virus to mutate. Some people are getting sick. Some people, like the three NY Yankees pitchers yesterday and like Bill Maher two months ago, have gotten Covid but are not having symptoms. Yet.

Tell the 5,000+ new cases in Florida yesterday that they are all being hypochondriacs.
And when they tell me I must wear I mask, I don't.
And they can do nothing about it.

Unfortunately they can kick you out though. :(
Only on private property and I won't give a place like that any business anyway.

When they tell me I need to be masked, I simply ask; "Are you asking me to leave?"
They always say no, I just have to wear a mask. I refuse and go about my business....... in order for it to be trespassing, they have to ask you leave; if they don't (and they never do) you're fine to be there.

That's the same with business that have "No Concealed Weapons Allowed" signs posted on their doors. I've never paid any attention to those and even if they did find out I was packing, all they can do is politely ask me to leave.

If I refused to leave, it would just be a simple trespassing charge.
There's another option in Texas; the signs say that a licensed concealed carrier can't enter...... if you don't have a license, you're not doing anything wrong, are you?

;) won't be able to enter any government buildings or post offices, or any restaurants or bars, or any amusement parks, or any cruise ships or casinos, or grocery stores, or . . .

You have a rich fantasy life ... I'm going to make a special effort to sneeze in your direction next time.

This is America, for now ... we're not Soviet Russia, yet.
If I drive to Tallahassee and try to enter the Capitol - to take the tour, to meet someone who works there, to play a gig in their basement events room (I've done 2 of the 3) - I must not only show my ID I must also empty my pockets and walk through a metal detector.

Is Ron DeSantis running a Soviet operation over there?
I don't.

I refuse to submit to a search when I enter a public building. I am not obligated to surrender my 4th amendment rights in order to enter building that are paid for with my tax dollars.

I'm waiting for some dumbfuck like you to try and push the issue so I can sue for deprivation of rights under color of law and retire off my settlement money, lol.
Why are you avoiding the question? Is Ron DeSantis running a Soviet operation at the Capitol? If not, why not?
Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering.

I'm vaccinated so IDGAF if other people aren't.

It's Darwinism at work
Want your Social Security check? Prove you are vaccinated.

Want to buy legal weed? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to go on a cruise ship? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to get on an airplane? Prove you're vaccinated.

There are myriad ways to force compliance.
Sounding alot like a paranoid hyperchondriac bitch, calm down and take a deep breathe
They are re-instituting mask mandates. Because too many morons aren't getting vaccinated, causing the virus to mutate. Some people are getting sick. Some people, like the three NY Yankees pitchers yesterday and like Bill Maher two months ago, have gotten Covid but are not having symptoms. Yet.

Tell the 5,000+ new cases in Florida yesterday that they are all being hypochondriacs.
And when they tell me I must wear I mask, I don't.
And they can do nothing about it.

Unfortunately they can kick you out though. :(
Only on private property and I won't give a place like that any business anyway.

When they tell me I need to be masked, I simply ask; "Are you asking me to leave?"
They always say no, I just have to wear a mask. I refuse and go about my business....... in order for it to be trespassing, they have to ask you leave; if they don't (and they never do) you're fine to be there.

That's the same with business that have "No Concealed Weapons Allowed" signs posted on their doors. I've never paid any attention to those and even if they did find out I was packing, all they can do is politely ask me to leave.

If I refused to leave, it would just be a simple trespassing charge.
There's another option in Texas; the signs say that a licensed concealed carrier can't enter...... if you don't have a license, you're not doing anything wrong, are you?


I lived in the DFW area for 25 years, but didn't get a concealed carry permit until I moved up here. Glad they finally got open carry, but their OC law is more restrictive than ours. There's no requirement to have a permit, do a records check, take a class, and pass a shooting test.

I did like the fact that Texas doesn't regulate long guns in a vehicle, though. won't be able to enter any government buildings or post offices, or any restaurants or bars, or any amusement parks, or any cruise ships or casinos, or grocery stores, or . . .

You have a rich fantasy life ... I'm going to make a special effort to sneeze in your direction next time.

This is America, for now ... we're not Soviet Russia, yet.
If I drive to Tallahassee and try to enter the Capitol - to take the tour, to meet someone who works there, to play a gig in their basement events room (I've done 2 of the 3) - I must not only show my ID I must also empty my pockets and walk through a metal detector.

Is Ron DeSantis running a Soviet operation over there?
I don't.

I refuse to submit to a search when I enter a public building. I am not obligated to surrender my 4th amendment rights in order to enter building that are paid for with my tax dollars.

I'm waiting for some dumbfuck like you to try and push the issue so I can sue for deprivation of rights under color of law and retire off my settlement money, lol.
Why are you avoiding the question? Is Ron DeSantis running a Soviet operation at the Capitol? If not, why not?

Da fuq is with you people and your Russomania? Do you imagine Russians hiding everywhere, waiting to pop out and get you?

:laughing0301: won't be able to enter any government buildings or post offices, or any restaurants or bars, or any amusement parks, or any cruise ships or casinos, or grocery stores, or . . .

You have a rich fantasy life ... I'm going to make a special effort to sneeze in your direction next time.

This is America, for now ... we're not Soviet Russia, yet.
If I drive to Tallahassee and try to enter the Capitol - to take the tour, to meet someone who works there, to play a gig in their basement events room (I've done 2 of the 3) - I must not only show my ID I must also empty my pockets and walk through a metal detector.

Is Ron DeSantis running a Soviet operation over there?
I don't.

I refuse to submit to a search when I enter a public building. I am not obligated to surrender my 4th amendment rights in order to enter building that are paid for with my tax dollars.

I'm waiting for some dumbfuck like you to try and push the issue so I can sue for deprivation of rights under color of law and retire off my settlement money, lol.
Why are you avoiding the question? Is Ron DeSantis running a Soviet operation at the Capitol? If not, why not?

Da fuq is with you people and your Russomania? Do you imagine Russians hiding everywhere, waiting to pop out and get you?

He's the one who brought up the Soviets, you dumb motherfucker.
Just like having to prove your age to buy liquor you should have to prove your vaccination before being allowed into any public gathering.

I'm vaccinated so IDGAF if other people aren't.

It's Darwinism at work
Yep...people smoke themselves to death, drink themselves to death, drug themselves to death, sex themselves to's all a choice.....some people choose natural immunity ...that too is a choice...we live or die with the consequences but ultimately it is our choice. You can only carry the other thing so far before it is impractical... Your yellow house hurts my eyes so you must paint it blue....that's what's next.


Please do.....

The black market needs a boost. There are way too many people out there still reflexively asking for permission from the government to live their lives and make their livings. Make them all Outlaws, and watch how fast the .gov fades away into nothing.

Please, please, I beg of you sincerely...... try to implement this bullshit ASAP.

:cool: :yes_text12:
Yep...people smoke themselves to death
But a business has the right to stop you from infecting their air with your smoke.

drink themselves to death
And society has a right to say you cannot drive when you have been drinking to excess.

drug themselves to death, sex themselves to death
All fine until you are infringing on the rights of others or doing harm.

Thank you for the lobbed softball.
Want your Social Security check? Prove you are vaccinated.

Want to buy legal weed? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to go on a cruise ship? Prove you're vaccinated.

Want to get on an airplane? Prove you're vaccinated.

There are myriad ways to force compliance.
Sounding alot like a paranoid hyperchondriac bitch, calm down and take a deep breathe
They are re-instituting mask mandates. Because too many morons aren't getting vaccinated, causing the virus to mutate. Some people are getting sick. Some people, like the three NY Yankees pitchers yesterday and like Bill Maher two months ago, have gotten Covid but are not having symptoms. Yet.

Tell the 5,000+ new cases in Florida yesterday that they are all being hypochondriacs.
And when they tell me I must wear I mask, I don't.
And they can do nothing about it.
I called you a small child earlier in this thread. I was correct once again.
You think you can order everyone else in society to do as you demand, but I'm the child?

But...but...he's God..

Yep...people smoke themselves to death
But a business has the right to stop you from infecting their air with your smoke.

drink themselves to death
And society has a right to say you cannot drive when you have been drinking to excess.

drug themselves to death, sex themselves to death
All fine until you are infringing on the rights of others or doing harm.

Thank you for the lobbed softball.
NOPE..... some people define infringement to extremes that are have the personality of a control freak....that's dangerous.
I don't tolerate cigarette smoke on my property but my neighbor smokes like a wet camp fire on his side of the fence.....he is not infringing on my rights...but a lefty? A lefty would see that as infringement. There are plenty of businesses that will pick up the slack....but as the pattern follows the other businesses will try to shut them down because they see it as infringement even though it's none of their business. People who choose to forego the vaccination are not infringing on your rights but that is what you are about to imply next.... I can see it coming.


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