It's time republicans faced the truth the rest of us know

How to understand Trump’s condemnation of ‘all types of racism’
by Philip Bump

There is an idea, prevalent among some groups, that white Americans face systematic discrimination that’s comparable to — if not worse than — the racial discrimination faced by other groups. A Public Religion Research Institute poll conducted in May 2017 found that “[m]ore than half (52 percent) of white working-class Americans believe discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.” Among working-class Americans aged 65 and older, nearly 6 in 10 held that view.

A Post-ABC News poll conducted in March 2016 asked people which was the bigger problem: blacks and Hispanics losing out because of preferences for whites or whites losing out because of preferences for blacks and Hispanics. A plurality of Americans said the former. By a 2-to-1 margin, though, Trump voters said the latter was the bigger problem.

Another poll conducted in October found that 55 percent of white Americans think there’s discrimination against white people in America today. A HuffPost/YouGov poll conducted in 2016 found that Trump voters were more likely to believe that white people faced a lot of discrimination than they were to say that Muslim or black people did.


This sense of aggrievement is not exclusive to the white working class or to Trump voters, of course. It’s also a theme that runs through racist and white-nationalist rhetoric. A sense that white Americans are disadvantaged or being held to stricter, more exacting standards than other groups is central to the perceived need to protect white Americans, which is, fundamentally, what white nationalism is about. We’ve heard this rhetoric a lot of late, this idea that white America needs to be defended. At the heart of that assertion is the idea that whites are under fire — an idea that is definitionally centered in racism. In this case, the sort of “reverse racism” measured in the polls above.

Analysis | How to understand Trump’s condemnation of ‘all types of racism’
Translation: Trump voters are mostly woke and that terrifies black racists and their Democrat enablers.
Both sides ae not the problem.
Yeah, that's what the other side is telling me, too. See post 29.

There will be people who will be involved in the healing process, and there will be people who won't be.

If it ever happens, that is.

You choose to be blind. Those who solve the problem will be able to see the root cause and address it.
I see both sides. You don't. You only see one.
There is only one side.

Until white identity politics is as accepted and respected as other identity politics there will always be just one side.
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Or it could be that propaganda works.

You want to point to a racist policy? Or is seriously discussing policy less fun for you than just calling people names?

What about gerrymandering blacks so they are being under represented?

What about voting tactics designed to suppress poor voters? And it just so happens a lot of poor people are black. We know
Most gerrymandering is in favor of blacks and other minorities.
No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Or it could be that propaganda works.

You want to point to a racist policy? Or is seriously discussing policy less fun for you than just calling people names?

What about gerrymandering blacks so they are being under represented?

What about voting tactics designed to suppress poor voters? And it just so happens a lot of poor people are black. We know
Most gerrymandering is in favor of blacks and other minorities.
Link please
Both sides ae not the problem.
Yeah, that's what the other side is telling me, too. See post 29.

There will be people who will be involved in the healing process, and there will be people who won't be.

If it ever happens, that is.

You choose to be blind. Those who solve the problem will be able to see the root cause and address it.
I see both sides. You don't. You only see one.
There is only one side.

Until white identity politics is as accepted and respected as other identity politics there will always be just one side.
Okay, well, you two guys can hash this out.

You won't be part of any progress, anyway.
Both sides ae not the problem.
Yeah, that's what the other side is telling me, too. See post 29.

There will be people who will be involved in the healing process, and there will be people who won't be.

If it ever happens, that is.

You choose to be blind. Those who solve the problem will be able to see the root cause and address it.
I see both sides. You don't. You only see one.
There is only one side.

Until white identity politics is as accepted and respected as other identity politics there will always be just one side.
Okay, well, you two guys can hash this out.

You won't be part of any progress, anyway.
I am the only one who stands for progress, and that kills you inside that you are being schooled so thoroughly by a true woke millennial.

IM2 wants white people to be submissive and meek and take whatever nonsense or horrors come our way.

I want white people to finally have a voice in this debate. I want the left to become a real progressive entity and stand up against ALL racism or to shut up about race forever.
How to understand Trump’s condemnation of ‘all types of racism’
by Philip Bump

There is an idea, prevalent among some groups, that white Americans face systematic discrimination that’s comparable to — if not worse than — the racial discrimination faced by other groups. A Public Religion Research Institute poll conducted in May 2017 found that “[m]ore than half (52 percent) of white working-class Americans believe discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against blacks and other minorities.” Among working-class Americans aged 65 and older, nearly 6 in 10 held that view.

A Post-ABC News poll conducted in March 2016 asked people which was the bigger problem: blacks and Hispanics losing out because of preferences for whites or whites losing out because of preferences for blacks and Hispanics. A plurality of Americans said the former. By a 2-to-1 margin, though, Trump voters said the latter was the bigger problem.

Another poll conducted in October found that 55 percent of white Americans think there’s discrimination against white people in America today. A HuffPost/YouGov poll conducted in 2016 found that Trump voters were more likely to believe that white people faced a lot of discrimination than they were to say that Muslim or black people did.


This sense of aggrievement is not exclusive to the white working class or to Trump voters, of course. It’s also a theme that runs through racist and white-nationalist rhetoric. A sense that white Americans are disadvantaged or being held to stricter, more exacting standards than other groups is central to the perceived need to protect white Americans, which is, fundamentally, what white nationalism is about. We’ve heard this rhetoric a lot of late, this idea that white America needs to be defended. At the heart of that assertion is the idea that whites are under fire — an idea that is definitionally centered in racism. In this case, the sort of “reverse racism” measured in the polls above.

Analysis | How to understand Trump’s condemnation of ‘all types of racism’
Translation: Trump voters are mostly woke and that terrifies black racists and their Democrat enablers.

That is not at all a deflection. (???) How could that be a deflection? If you don't see every single human being as made in the image of God, especially in their immutable qualities such as race, sex, etc--than what hope do we have to overcome racism?

God made races. What right do we have to say one is better than the other? In Heaven, presumably, there will be different races. If we don't like that now, what business do we have hoping for Heaven?

From from being a deflection, that answer is part of the bedrock of my life, actually.

If God made all races, and we are all made in the image of God, then God sees no distinction in race, and to see otherwise is not borne of God.

God sees no distinction in race but man does. And those of us who are negatively affected by man doing so are just not going to ignore the damage until it is fixed.

Of course He sees distinction in race. If He didn't why would He have created different races? IOW if there is no distinction between a rose and a daffodil and a hyacinth, then why bother making three distinct flowers? Why not make one generic "flower"?

I presume the Creator made different variations of flowers because they all express His glory. And I would presume the same thing about humans, right? He is an amazing Creator.

Maybe what you mean to say is we should not value one expression of humanity over another. And there you are exactly right.
God sees no distinction in race but man does. And those of us who are negatively affected by man doing so are just not going to ignore the damage until it is fixed.
Most certainly, and man can waste his time attempting to fix a problem he keeps creating, and ignore he is one of the many perpetrators, if he thinks that will do any good.

The thing is God has give man responsibilities. Therefore we have the capacity to fix this problem. The reality of God tells us there is a right and wrong to all things. If there is a problem, there is a wrong side and a right side There is no both sides. So on this case there is one side that is wrong and one that is not.

So when we talk about race and how wrong it is see it, we must look at the fruits. One side decided they were better or supreme. They made laws ad policies denying rights to all they saw as such.. They continue doing so. There is no equivalence to be had in this situation.

Who is the "they" in this situation?
That is not at all a deflection. (???) How could that be a deflection? If you don't see every single human being as made in the image of God, especially in their immutable qualities such as race, sex, etc--than what hope do we have to overcome racism?

God made races. What right do we have to say one is better than the other? In Heaven, presumably, there will be different races. If we don't like that now, what business do we have hoping for Heaven?

From from being a deflection, that answer is part of the bedrock of my life, actually.

If God made all races, and we are all made in the image of God, then God sees no distinction in race, and to see otherwise is not borne of God.

God sees no distinction in race but man does. And those of us who are negatively affected by man doing so are just not going to ignore the damage until it is fixed.

Of course He sees distinction in race. If He didn't why would He have created different races? IOW if there is no distinction between a rose and a daffodil and a hyacinth, then why bother making three distinct flowers? Why not make one generic "flower"?

I presume the Creator made different variations of flowers because they all express His glory. And I would presume the same thing about humans, right? He is an amazing Creator.

Maybe what you mean to say is we should not value one expression of humanity over another. And there you are exactly right.

Definition of distinction

1 a archaic :

b :
class 4
  • Mr. Hemingway's … prose is of the first distinction.
  • —Edmund Wilson

2 : the act of perceiving someone or something as being not the same and often treating as separate or different : the
distinguishing of a difference
  • without distinction as to race, sex, or religion
; also : the difference distinguished
  • the distinction between imply and infer

3 : something that distinguishes

  • regional distinctions

4 : the quality or state of being distinguishable

  • no distinction of facial features in the twins

5 a : the quality or state of being excellent or superior : the quality or state of being
distinguished or worthy
  • a politician of some distinction

b : special honor or recognition

  • took a law degree with distinction

  • won many distinctions

c : an accomplishment that sets one apart

  • holds the distinction of being the only American to win the prize

I don't think God sees racial distinctions.
God sees no distinction in race but man does. And those of us who are negatively affected by man doing so are just not going to ignore the damage until it is fixed.
Most certainly, and man can waste his time attempting to fix a problem he keeps creating, and ignore he is one of the many perpetrators, if he thinks that will do any good.

The thing is God has give man responsibilities. Therefore we have the capacity to fix this problem. The reality of God tells us there is a right and wrong to all things. If there is a problem, there is a wrong side and a right side There is no both sides. So on this case there is one side that is wrong and one that is not.

So when we talk about race and how wrong it is see it, we must look at the fruits. One side decided they were better or supreme. They made laws and policies denying rights to all they saw as such.. They continue doing so. There is no equivalence to be had in this situation.

Who is the "they" in this situation?

That is not at all a deflection. (???) How could that be a deflection? If you don't see every single human being as made in the image of God, especially in their immutable qualities such as race, sex, etc--than what hope do we have to overcome racism?

God made races. What right do we have to say one is better than the other? In Heaven, presumably, there will be different races. If we don't like that now, what business do we have hoping for Heaven?

From from being a deflection, that answer is part of the bedrock of my life, actually.

If God made all races, and we are all made in the image of God, then God sees no distinction in race, and to see otherwise is not borne of God.

God sees no distinction in race but man does. And those of us who are negatively affected by man doing so are just not going to ignore the damage until it is fixed.

Of course He sees distinction in race. If He didn't why would He have created different races? IOW if there is no distinction between a rose and a daffodil and a hyacinth, then why bother making three distinct flowers? Why not make one generic "flower"?

I presume the Creator made different variations of flowers because they all express His glory. And I would presume the same thing about humans, right? He is an amazing Creator.

Maybe what you mean to say is we should not value one expression of humanity over another. And there you are exactly right.

Definition of distinction

1 a archaic :

b :
class 4
  • Mr. Hemingway's … prose is of the first distinction.
  • —Edmund Wilson

2 : the act of perceiving someone or something as being not the same and often treating as separate or different : the
distinguishing of a difference
  • without distinction as to race, sex, or religion
; also : the difference distinguished
  • the distinction between imply and infer

3 : something that distinguishes

  • regional distinctions

4 : the quality or state of being distinguishable

  • no distinction of facial features in the twins

5 a : the quality or state of being excellent or superior : the quality or state of being
distinguished or worthy
  • a politician of some distinction

b : special honor or recognition

  • took a law degree with distinction

  • won many distinctions

c : an accomplishment that sets one apart

  • holds the distinction of being the only American to win the prize

I don't think God sees racial distinctions.

Eh, parsing too close I think. Look at number four--distinction in facial features--meaning a difference. Root word: distinct, something "unique to".
God sees no distinction in race but man does. And those of us who are negatively affected by man doing so are just not going to ignore the damage until it is fixed.
Most certainly, and man can waste his time attempting to fix a problem he keeps creating, and ignore he is one of the many perpetrators, if he thinks that will do any good.

The thing is God has give man responsibilities. Therefore we have the capacity to fix this problem. The reality of God tells us there is a right and wrong to all things. If there is a problem, there is a wrong side and a right side There is no both sides. So on this case there is one side that is wrong and one that is not.

So when we talk about race and how wrong it is see it, we must look at the fruits. One side decided they were better or supreme. They made laws and policies denying rights to all they saw as such.. They continue doing so. There is no equivalence to be had in this situation.

Who is the "they" in this situation?


So you attributed to me, a white person, this:

One side decided they were better or supreme. They made laws ad policies denying rights to all they saw as such.. They continue doing so. There is no equivalence to be had in this situation.

That means you view my behavior by my race. You realize this, right? You are just as bad as whites who view blacks' behavior by THEIR race, but maybe you don't mind that--because it serves your purposes. Because as long as they do that, you feel pleased as punch to view all whites by the words you typed above.

You are part of the problem. No. You ARE the problem.
Yeah, that's what the other side is telling me, too. See post 29.

There will be people who will be involved in the healing process, and there will be people who won't be.

If it ever happens, that is.

You choose to be blind. Those who solve the problem will be able to see the root cause and address it.
I see both sides. You don't. You only see one.
There is only one side.

Until white identity politics is as accepted and respected as other identity politics there will always be just one side.
Okay, well, you two guys can hash this out.

You won't be part of any progress, anyway.
I am the only one who stands for progress, and that kills you inside that you are being schooled so thoroughly by a true woke millennial.

IM2 wants white people to be submissive and meek and take whatever nonsense or horrors come our way.

I want white people to finally have a voice in this debate. I want the left to become a real progressive entity and stand up against ALL racism or to shut up about race forever.

I don't think you can tell me what I want white people to do junior. I don't want white people to do anything but get rid of people like you. To stop teaching the shit that you believe. White people have had the ONLY voice in these matters for most of the 242 years this nation has existed. You have never faced racism son. Not one day in your life. Whites have played identity politics since July 4th 1776. It's so fucking normal for whites that you don't even know you do it. You've lived your whole life in a system that was formed by playing white identity politics and now maintains itself by continuing to do so. What in the hell do you think slavery as based on? The system of American Aparthied after that? The so called conservative movement of New Gingrich? The Reagan Revolution? The Southern Strategy? You apparently know nothing of these things junior. If you were not white you couldn't even be a citizen. Whites made the rules and for most of our history didn't allow anyone else to be part of the rule making process. To people with functioning brains that is evidence of just how much a voice whites have had.

You see son, being a millennial means that you were born after baby boomers ad gen x'ers. I have seen these days and days you've only read or heard about. You ain't woke son. You are a stupid young white man radicalized by a group of losers.
You choose to be blind. Those who solve the problem will be able to see the root cause and address it.
I see both sides. You don't. You only see one.
There is only one side.

Until white identity politics is as accepted and respected as other identity politics there will always be just one side.
Okay, well, you two guys can hash this out.

You won't be part of any progress, anyway.
I am the only one who stands for progress, and that kills you inside that you are being schooled so thoroughly by a true woke millennial.

IM2 wants white people to be submissive and meek and take whatever nonsense or horrors come our way.

I want white people to finally have a voice in this debate. I want the left to become a real progressive entity and stand up against ALL racism or to shut up about race forever.

I don't think you can tell me what I want white people to do junior. I don't want white people to do anything but get rid of people like you. To stop teaching the shit that you believe. White people have had the ONLY voice in these matters for most of the 242 years this nation has existed. You have never faced racism son. Not one day in your life. Whites have played identity politics since July 4th 1776. It's so fucking normal for whites that you don't even know you do it. You've lived your whole life in a system that was formed by playing white identity politics and now maintains itself by continuing to do so. What in the hell do you think slavery as based on? The system of American Aparthied after that? The so called conservative movement of New Gingrich? The Reagan Revolution? The Southern Strategy? You apparently know nothing of these things junior. If you were not white you couldn't even be a citizen. Whites made the rules and for most of our history didn't allow anyone else to be part of the rule making process. To people with functioning brains that is evidence of just how much a voice whites have had.

You see son, being a millennial means that you were born after baby boomers ad gen x'ers. I have seen these days and days you've only read or heard about. You ain't woke son. You are a stupid young white man radicalized by a group of losers.
You don’t know shit about the world today or the world that existed when I was born. You are just a retired racist sitting on your porch and pretending the world hasn’t changed.

Reagan and Gingrich didn’t do a damn thing to black people. Neither of them understood that white people would have to form their own identity and organizations in the future and therefore we were left with absolutely nothing as the need for such things became apparent.

Being a woke millennial means that I not only personally understand how much the world has changed to the absolute detriment of whites, but it also means that I am not held back from personal guilt of the past and the fear that “white supremacy” will come back. I grew up with the internet and nearly full scale globalism while Bill Clinton was joyfully predicting a future in which white people are powerless to defend themselves.

Both my past and my present contradict your bullshit narrative, and that is why woke white millennials are especially dangerous to people like you.
I don't think you can tell me what I want white people to do junior. I don't want white people to do anything but get rid of people like you. To stop teaching the shit that you believe. White people have had the ONLY voice in these matters for most of the 242 years this nation has existed. You have never faced racism son. Not one day in your life. Whites have played identity politics since July 4th 1776. It's so fucking normal for whites that you don't even know you do it. You've lived your whole life in a system that was formed by playing white identity politics and now maintains itself by continuing to do so. What in the hell do you think slavery as based on? The system of American Aparthied after that? The so called conservative movement of New Gingrich? The Reagan Revolution? The Southern Strategy? You apparently know nothing of these things junior. If you were not white you couldn't even be a citizen. Whites made the rules and for most of our history didn't allow anyone else to be part of the rule making process. To people with functioning brains that is evidence of just how much a voice whites have had.

You see son, being a millennial means that you were born after baby boomers ad gen x'ers. I have seen these days and days you've only read or heard about. You ain't woke son. You are a stupid young white man radicalized by a group of losers.

How's that working for you? Do you think traveling that same road is ever going to take you anywhere else?
God sees no distinction in race but man does. And those of us who are negatively affected by man doing so are just not going to ignore the damage until it is fixed.
Most certainly, and man can waste his time attempting to fix a problem he keeps creating, and ignore he is one of the many perpetrators, if he thinks that will do any good.

The thing is God has give man responsibilities. Therefore we have the capacity to fix this problem. The reality of God tells us there is a right and wrong to all things. If there is a problem, there is a wrong side and a right side There is no both sides. So on this case there is one side that is wrong and one that is not.

So when we talk about race and how wrong it is see it, we must look at the fruits. One side decided they were better or supreme. They made laws and policies denying rights to all they saw as such.. They continue doing so. There is no equivalence to be had in this situation.

Who is the "they" in this situation?


So you attributed to me, a white person, this:

One side decided they were better or supreme. They made laws ad policies denying rights to all they saw as such.. They continue doing so. There is no equivalence to be had in this situation.

That means you view my behavior by my race. You realize this, right? You are just as bad as whites who view blacks' behavior by THEIR race, but maybe you don't mind that--because it serves your purposes. Because as long as they do that, you feel pleased as punch to view all whites by the words you typed above.

You are part of the problem. No. You ARE the problem.

I'm afraid you are the problem. I have not attributed anything to you. I have said whites decided they were better or supreme. Now does that mean I automatically assume all whites do this? No. But you chose to assume this. First of all learn this, whites like most of those here a USMB make up behaviors for us then pin them on our entire race. Whites have done the things I said, you don't have to like hearing it, but it should never have happened. You want to compare me to white racists, when I only stated what whites have done, not attributed any behavioral trait to an entire race to claim I am superior. White people today, and apparently that includes you, seem to think they can now redefine what racism is.

The “not all whites” argument
Saturday December 17th 2011 by abagond

The “not all whites” argument is a common straw man argument on this blog. I will make some statement about whites and then be informed that “not all whites” are like that, that they are Individuals. Like there is some special rule of English that “whites” always means “all whites”. Even when I say “some whites” or “most whites” it can still be taken to mean “all whites” – since clearly I only put in those words as a cheap trick to fool people.

In America, according to the government numbers, whites are supposedly better at reading than blacks. I would never know that from this blog: Only rarely do black commenters seriously misunderstand me while it is quite common for whites. And this imagined “all” before “whites” – which is not in any grammar book I know of – is one of the main causes.

Example: When I say, “Whites owned slaves” it hardly means they all owned slaves. As far as I know no more than 2% of White Americans ever did. Yet that does not make the statement untrue or meaningless. Because quantity is not the issue – it was never stated. To make quantity the issue is a derailment. To assume it means “All whites owned slaves” is putting words in my mouth and creating a straw man argument.

The “not all whites” argument
I see both sides. You don't. You only see one.
There is only one side.

Until white identity politics is as accepted and respected as other identity politics there will always be just one side.
Okay, well, you two guys can hash this out.

You won't be part of any progress, anyway.
I am the only one who stands for progress, and that kills you inside that you are being schooled so thoroughly by a true woke millennial.

IM2 wants white people to be submissive and meek and take whatever nonsense or horrors come our way.

I want white people to finally have a voice in this debate. I want the left to become a real progressive entity and stand up against ALL racism or to shut up about race forever.

I don't think you can tell me what I want white people to do junior. I don't want white people to do anything but get rid of people like you. To stop teaching the shit that you believe. White people have had the ONLY voice in these matters for most of the 242 years this nation has existed. You have never faced racism son. Not one day in your life. Whites have played identity politics since July 4th 1776. It's so fucking normal for whites that you don't even know you do it. You've lived your whole life in a system that was formed by playing white identity politics and now maintains itself by continuing to do so. What in the hell do you think slavery as based on? The system of American Aparthied after that? The so called conservative movement of New Gingrich? The Reagan Revolution? The Southern Strategy? You apparently know nothing of these things junior. If you were not white you couldn't even be a citizen. Whites made the rules and for most of our history didn't allow anyone else to be part of the rule making process. To people with functioning brains that is evidence of just how much a voice whites have had.

You see son, being a millennial means that you were born after baby boomers ad gen x'ers. I have seen these days and days you've only read or heard about. You ain't woke son. You are a stupid young white man radicalized by a group of losers.
You don’t know shit about the world today or the world that existed when I was born. You are just a retired racist sitting on your porch and pretending the world hasn’t changed.

Reagan and Gingrich didn’t do a damn thing to black people. Neither of them understood that white people would have to form their own identity and organizations in the future and therefore we were left with absolutely nothing as the need for such things became apparent.

Being a woke millennial means that I not only personally understand how much the world has changed to the absolute detriment of whites, but it also means that I am not held back from personal guilt of the past and the fear that “white supremacy” will come back. I grew up with the internet and nearly full scale globalism while Bill Clinton was joyfully predicting a future in which white people are powerless to defend themselves.

Both my past and my present contradict your bullshit narrative, and that is why woke white millennials are especially dangerous to people like you.

You are a fool. I was a grown ass man when your punk ass was cut from the umbilical cord, I was using computers before there was a internet boy. While you grew up with the internet was learning codes and building websites. Chump there is nothing you have seen that I haven't. You cat say the sane thing. Son, your parent and grandparents who taught you couldn't stop me. A young know nothing punk like you will just get rolled over.
I don't think you can tell me what I want white people to do junior. I don't want white people to do anything but get rid of people like you. To stop teaching the shit that you believe. White people have had the ONLY voice in these matters for most of the 242 years this nation has existed. You have never faced racism son. Not one day in your life. Whites have played identity politics since July 4th 1776. It's so fucking normal for whites that you don't even know you do it. You've lived your whole life in a system that was formed by playing white identity politics and now maintains itself by continuing to do so. What in the hell do you think slavery as based on? The system of American Aparthied after that? The so called conservative movement of New Gingrich? The Reagan Revolution? The Southern Strategy? You apparently know nothing of these things junior. If you were not white you couldn't even be a citizen. Whites made the rules and for most of our history didn't allow anyone else to be part of the rule making process. To people with functioning brains that is evidence of just how much a voice whites have had.

You see son, being a millennial means that you were born after baby boomers ad gen x'ers. I have seen these days and days you've only read or heard about. You ain't woke son. You are a stupid young white man radicalized by a group of losers.

How's that working for you? Do you think traveling that same road is ever going to take you anywhere else?

The fight blacks have waged has taken us from bondage to right now. We are not the problem. And we are required by the souls of our ancestors to fight for equality until it comes or until the day the lord returns.
There is only one side.

Until white identity politics is as accepted and respected as other identity politics there will always be just one side.
Okay, well, you two guys can hash this out.

You won't be part of any progress, anyway.
I am the only one who stands for progress, and that kills you inside that you are being schooled so thoroughly by a true woke millennial.

IM2 wants white people to be submissive and meek and take whatever nonsense or horrors come our way.

I want white people to finally have a voice in this debate. I want the left to become a real progressive entity and stand up against ALL racism or to shut up about race forever.

I don't think you can tell me what I want white people to do junior. I don't want white people to do anything but get rid of people like you. To stop teaching the shit that you believe. White people have had the ONLY voice in these matters for most of the 242 years this nation has existed. You have never faced racism son. Not one day in your life. Whites have played identity politics since July 4th 1776. It's so fucking normal for whites that you don't even know you do it. You've lived your whole life in a system that was formed by playing white identity politics and now maintains itself by continuing to do so. What in the hell do you think slavery as based on? The system of American Aparthied after that? The so called conservative movement of New Gingrich? The Reagan Revolution? The Southern Strategy? You apparently know nothing of these things junior. If you were not white you couldn't even be a citizen. Whites made the rules and for most of our history didn't allow anyone else to be part of the rule making process. To people with functioning brains that is evidence of just how much a voice whites have had.

You see son, being a millennial means that you were born after baby boomers ad gen x'ers. I have seen these days and days you've only read or heard about. You ain't woke son. You are a stupid young white man radicalized by a group of losers.
You don’t know shit about the world today or the world that existed when I was born. You are just a retired racist sitting on your porch and pretending the world hasn’t changed.

Reagan and Gingrich didn’t do a damn thing to black people. Neither of them understood that white people would have to form their own identity and organizations in the future and therefore we were left with absolutely nothing as the need for such things became apparent.

Being a woke millennial means that I not only personally understand how much the world has changed to the absolute detriment of whites, but it also means that I am not held back from personal guilt of the past and the fear that “white supremacy” will come back. I grew up with the internet and nearly full scale globalism while Bill Clinton was joyfully predicting a future in which white people are powerless to defend themselves.

Both my past and my present contradict your bullshit narrative, and that is why woke white millennials are especially dangerous to people like you.

You are a fool. I was a grown ass man when your punk ass was cut from the umbilical cord, I was using computers before there was a internet boy. While you grew up with the internet was learning codes and building websites. Chump there is nothing you have seen that I haven't. You cat say the sane thing. Son, your parent and grandparents who taught you couldn't stop me. A young know nothing punk like you will just get rolled over.
My boomer parents taught me to be passive and accept whatever bullshit looney tunes like you had to say because it worked for them in a much whiter world. My grandparents were better people than you could ever hope to be, but their memories of the past also clouded their judgment on racial issues in the present.

What you think and believe you know doesn’t mean shit to me. You are a relic whose time has long since past.

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