It's time republicans faced the truth the rest of us know

Oh you absolutely do. And you're quite smug about it, actually--but you're not alone. Most "moderate, libertarians" are, or however you choose to label yourself.

You invoke it more than most actually: "Both sides do it". YAWN

Finding someone to blame is not the same as locating and implementing a better solution.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature

Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.

Please forgive my short temper with these "both sides do it arguments", as I have said before, I have patience with these arguments from second graders; not so much from adults. It's like this. We are on a political forum surrounded by political arguments. It's of little use to point to all the chaff around us when we know we're surrounded by chaff. That's what I get when I'm dealing with a second grader who says "She gave me a funny look!"

Yes, you all give each other funny looks. You're in second grade; this is a given. Let's not tattle on givens, okay? "Both sides do it" is a given that doesn't need to be stated over and over and over and over and over....

And with that, I shall excuse myself.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature

Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.

Oh you absolutely do. And you're quite smug about it, actually--but you're not alone. Most "moderate, libertarians" are, or however you choose to label yourself.

You invoke it more than most actually: "Both sides do it". YAWN
Perhaps you can stop moaning about ME for a moment and contribute something of substance here.

Let's see if I can get straight, direct answers to straight, direct questions.

First, do you want to see race relations in America improve? ("no" or "I don't care" are fine)

If you do, what is your prescription?

Thanks in advance.

I have already said. It starts by seeing every single individual as made in the image of God. Beyond or aside from that I don't see much hope.
'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature

Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.

Please forgive my short temper with these "both sides do it arguments", as I have said before, I have patience with these arguments from second graders; not so much from adults. It's like this. We are on a political forum surrounded by political arguments. It's of little use to point to all the chaff around us when we know we're surrounded by chaff. That's what I get when I'm dealing with a second grader who says "She gave me a funny look!"

Yes, you all give each other funny looks. You're in second grade; this is a given. Let's not tattle on givens, okay? "Both sides do it" is a given that doesn't need to be stated over and over and over and over and over....

And with that, I shall excuse myself.
Great, and I'll patiently wait for answers to the questions I posed in post 100.

See you then.
It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature

Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.

Oh you absolutely do. And you're quite smug about it, actually--but you're not alone. Most "moderate, libertarians" are, or however you choose to label yourself.

You invoke it more than most actually: "Both sides do it". YAWN
Perhaps you can stop moaning about ME for a moment and contribute something of substance here.

Let's see if I can get straight, direct answers to straight, direct questions.

First, do you want to see race relations in America improve? ("no" or "I don't care" are fine)

If you do, what is your prescription?

Thanks in advance.

I have already said. It starts by seeing every single individual as made in the image of God. Beyond or aside from that I don't see much hope.
Okay, I'll assume your answer is "I don't care".

Well, I do. And I won't complain about your posts.
Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.

Oh you absolutely do. And you're quite smug about it, actually--but you're not alone. Most "moderate, libertarians" are, or however you choose to label yourself.

You invoke it more than most actually: "Both sides do it". YAWN
Perhaps you can stop moaning about ME for a moment and contribute something of substance here.

Let's see if I can get straight, direct answers to straight, direct questions.

First, do you want to see race relations in America improve? ("no" or "I don't care" are fine)

If you do, what is your prescription?

Thanks in advance.

I have already said. It starts by seeing every single individual as made in the image of God. Beyond or aside from that I don't see much hope.
Okay, I'll assume your answer is "I don't care".

Well, I do. And I won't complain about your posts.

Please explain how that answer equals "I don't care".
Okay, I'll assume your answer is "I don't care".

Well, I do. And I won't complain about your posts.

Caring is a motivator, not a solution. That doesn't mean that it is not essential to a solution, but that it is never enough to accomplish a goal.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.

Oh you absolutely do. And you're quite smug about it, actually--but you're not alone. Most "moderate, libertarians" are, or however you choose to label yourself.

You invoke it more than most actually: "Both sides do it". YAWN
Perhaps you can stop moaning about ME for a moment and contribute something of substance here.

Let's see if I can get straight, direct answers to straight, direct questions.

First, do you want to see race relations in America improve? ("no" or "I don't care" are fine)

If you do, what is your prescription?

Thanks in advance.

I have already said. It starts by seeing every single individual as made in the image of God. Beyond or aside from that I don't see much hope.
Okay, I'll assume your answer is "I don't care".

Well, I do. And I won't complain about your posts.

Please explain how that answer equals "I don't care".
It was obviously a deflection, so I guessed.

Perhaps you could give me a straight answer.
Okay, I'll assume your answer is "I don't care".
Well, I do. And I won't complain about your posts.
Caring is a motivator, not a solution. That doesn't mean that it is not essential to a solution, but that it is never enough to accomplish a goal.

This issue will take self inspection, honesty, humility and hard work from all of us.

Or we can just keep screaming.
Oh you absolutely do. And you're quite smug about it, actually--but you're not alone. Most "moderate, libertarians" are, or however you choose to label yourself.

You invoke it more than most actually: "Both sides do it". YAWN
Perhaps you can stop moaning about ME for a moment and contribute something of substance here.

Let's see if I can get straight, direct answers to straight, direct questions.

First, do you want to see race relations in America improve? ("no" or "I don't care" are fine)

If you do, what is your prescription?

Thanks in advance.

I have already said. It starts by seeing every single individual as made in the image of God. Beyond or aside from that I don't see much hope.
Okay, I'll assume your answer is "I don't care".

Well, I do. And I won't complain about your posts.

Please explain how that answer equals "I don't care".
It was obviously a deflection, so I guessed.

Perhaps you could give me a straight answer.

That is not at all a deflection. (???) How could that be a deflection? If you don't see every single human being as made in the image of God, especially in their immutable qualities such as race, sex, etc--than what hope do we have to overcome racism?

God made races. What right do we have to say one is better than the other? In Heaven, presumably, there will be different races. If we don't like that now, what business do we have hoping for Heaven?

From from being a deflection, that answer is part of the bedrock of my life, actually.
Please explain how that answer equals "I don't care".

I am guessing, but I would assume that Mac acquainted caring, with the desire to exhaust all arguments. Only when we choose to examine all avenues, will we arrive at what the best course of action may be. As long as the course of action chosen by anyone, involves the desire to fix something that cannot be fixed (race or further government involvement), we are going to be shackled by the chains that bind us now. Neutrality (Switzerland in your metaphor) is closer to equality and partisanship will ever be.
That is not at all a deflection. (???) How could that be a deflection? If you don't see every single human being as made in the image of God, especially in their immutable qualities such as race, sex, etc--than what hope do we have to overcome racism?

God made races. What right do we have to say one is better than the other? In Heaven, presumably, there will be different races. If we don't like that now, what business do we have hoping for Heaven?

From from being a deflection, that answer is part of the bedrock of my life, actually.

If God made all races, and we are all made in the image of God, then God sees no distinction in race, and to see otherwise is not borne of God.
Perhaps you can stop moaning about ME for a moment and contribute something of substance here.

Let's see if I can get straight, direct answers to straight, direct questions.

First, do you want to see race relations in America improve? ("no" or "I don't care" are fine)

If you do, what is your prescription?

Thanks in advance.

I have already said. It starts by seeing every single individual as made in the image of God. Beyond or aside from that I don't see much hope.
Okay, I'll assume your answer is "I don't care".

Well, I do. And I won't complain about your posts.

Please explain how that answer equals "I don't care".
It was obviously a deflection, so I guessed.

Perhaps you could give me a straight answer.

That is not at all a deflection. (???) How could that be a deflection? If you don't see every single human being as made in the image of God, especially in their immutable qualities such as race, sex, etc--than what hope do we have to overcome racism?

God made races. What right do we have to say one is better than the other? In Heaven, presumably, there will be different races. If we don't like that now, what business do we have hoping for Heaven?

From from being a deflection, that answer is part of the bedrock of my life, actually.
Another defection, only bigger this time.


That's okay, I'm used to that here.

From both ends, of course.
Please explain how that answer equals "I don't care".

I am guessing, but I would assume that Mac acquainted caring, with the desire to exhaust all arguments. Only when we choose to examine all avenues, will we arrive at what the best course of action may be. As long as the course of action chosen by anyone, involves the desire to fix something that cannot be fixed (race or further government involvement), we are going to be shackled by the chains that bind us now. Neutrality (Switzerland in your metaphor) is closer to equality and partisanship will ever be.

I am using Switzerland as a metaphor for a place of (presumed) neutrality. As in "I take no position". Not a place where race relations are perfect. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
That is not at all a deflection. (???) How could that be a deflection? If you don't see every single human being as made in the image of God, especially in their immutable qualities such as race, sex, etc--than what hope do we have to overcome racism?

God made races. What right do we have to say one is better than the other? In Heaven, presumably, there will be different races. If we don't like that now, what business do we have hoping for Heaven?

From from being a deflection, that answer is part of the bedrock of my life, actually.

If God made all races, and we are all made in the image of God, then God sees no distinction in race, and to see otherwise is not borne of God.

So God is blind?

I am using Switzerland as a metaphor for a place of (presumed) neutrality. As in "I take no position". Not a place where race relations are perfect. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

My point exactly. As long as you choose to use race as a marker, you are going to find someone that has a problem with where you put it and what you do with it. You were incredibly clear about race relations. You want to classify people by race, divide up sides and fight about it. Just don't pretend that in any way represents or is compliant with God's will.
So God is blind?


Do you think God values any distinction you want to make in regards to race?

Nope, it's your vision that is clouded by all the pretty colors.
If we are all His children, then we are one family.
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No more tall tales about the republican party of the 1860's. Blacks are not republicans because of what the party is now.

Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise
By Anthony Salvanto CBS News August 12, 2018, 10:30 AM

Today, 58 percent of Americans disapprove of Mr. Trump's handling of race relations and racial issues, but these views – like many others on the president – are dramatically split by partisanship and by race.


Eighty-two percent of blacks disapprove and 73 percent of Hispanics disapprove. Whites are evenly split (49 percent approve, 51 percent disapprove) and views among them fall along party lines.

Overall, 83 percent of Republicans approve of the president's handling of racial issues, including 44 percent who strongly approve. And 90 percent of Democrats disapprove, including 80 percent who strongly disapprove.


Poll: One year after Charlottesville, majority of Americans see racial tensions on the rise

So what we see here is republicans agree with Trumps racism. Basically that's what this says. And yet while they do this we continue reading how the democratic party, the party where 90 percent do not approve of how Trump is handling race, is the racist party.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders admitted her figures for black employment growth under President Obama were incorrect.

Sanders’ Black Employment Falsehood | HuffPost
"This President since he took office, in the year and a half that he's been here, has created 700,000 new jobs for African-Americans," Sanders said from the White House podium. "That's 700,000 African-Americans that are working now that weren't working when this President took place. When President Obama left, after eight years in office, he had only created 195,000 jobs for African-Americans."

But that's not even close to true, according to Labor Department figures.
Yawn...another you're all racists thread

Another crying white person who doesn't mind creating threads where she can opine for days about how all blacks are violent, lazy people on welfare waiting for whitey to hand them everything, but can't take it when the mirror is held to her acist face.

Well here's a question for you. If you're comfortable saying "Whites owned slaves" without any caveat, knowing that it was only 2% of whites, are you then cool with me saying "Blacks are carjackers", knowing what percentage of the black population that is? Or would you want a caveat for that?

Fair is fair, after all.

Are 98% of blacks turning a blind eye to car jackers in their neighborhoods? No they are not. They would love to do something about it but can't.

But 98% of whites were complicit during racism if it's true that only 2% of whites owned slaves. Are you counting the north? I bet more than 2% of southerners owned slaves.

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