It's time republicans faced the truth the rest of us know

Our racial issues won't heal unless and until both ends can stop screaming, look in the mirror, and clean their own house first.
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

Racism doesn't have a "side". It transcends politics. I'm sure that's really difficult for you to understand, you're so used to sitting at 15,000 feet in the alps and breathing your rarified air. You need to get over it.
Our racial issues won't heal unless and until both ends can stop screaming, look in the mirror, and clean their own house first.
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

Racism doesn't have a "side". It transcends politics. I'm sure that's really difficult for you to understand, you're so used to sitting at 15,000 feet in the alps and breathing your rarified air. You need to get over it.
You're very defensive.

And if you really don't see "sides" here, you're lying.

You need to get over it.
Our racial issues won't heal unless and until both ends can stop screaming, look in the mirror, and clean their own house first.
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature
Our racial issues won't heal unless and until both ends can stop screaming, look in the mirror, and clean their own house first.
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature
Sure, racism exists here. That's not my point, so I'll add: "If we really want to see race relations improve...."

And of course there are "sides".
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature
Sure, racism exists here. That's not my point, so I'll add: "If we really want to see race relations improve...."

And of course there are "sides".

I never said it didn't exist here in fact I said it trancends through all walks.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature
Sure, racism exists here. That's not my point, so I'll add: "If we really want to see race relations improve...."

And of course there are "sides".

I never said it didn't exist here in fact I said it trancends through all walks.
Of course. And I'm talking the ISSUE of racism and trying to improve race relations in America.

Some want that more than others.
'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature
Sure, racism exists here. That's not my point, so I'll add: "If we really want to see race relations improve...."

And of course there are "sides".

I never said it didn't exist here in fact I said it trancends through all walks.
Of course. And I'm talking the ISSUE of racism and trying to improve race relations in America.

Some want that more than others.

You're on a noble cause...but you're going to need a bigger boat
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature
Sure, racism exists here. That's not my point, so I'll add: "If we really want to see race relations improve...."

And of course there are "sides".

I never said it didn't exist here in fact I said it trancends through all walks.
Of course. And I'm talking the ISSUE of racism and trying to improve race relations in America.

Some want that more than others.

You're on a noble cause...but you're going to need a bigger boat
Well, that's probably true.
Part of the huge problem...

Well, I guess this is one way to cut down on the number of black people in jail. A New York State lawmaker is proposing making it a hate crime to call the police on black people. If you think I’m making this up or overreacting to something, check out this headline from The Patch, which says the same:

Calling 911 On Black People May Be Hate Crime Under Proposed Law

And the article backs that headline up:

New Yorkers who call 911 on law-abiding people of color are committing hate crimes and should be prosecuted, according to a state senator who was recently reported to police for campaigning in his own district.

State Senator Jesse Hamilton, who represents Brownsville, Crown Heights and Flatbush, proposed new legislation a week after a self-described Trump fan called police to report him for speaking to constituents in public. It would criminalize 911 calls against people of color without evidence of malice.

“That’s gonna be a hate crime. This pattern of calling the police on black people going about their business and participating in the life of our country has to stop,” said Hamilton.

Try to guess the race and political party of this guy. If you said white and Republican you were way off.

Lawmaker Wants To Make It A Hate Crime To Call Police On Black People
Sure, racism exists here. That's not my point, so I'll add: "If we really want to see race relations improve...."

And of course there are "sides".

The ice wagon became extinct when there was no longer a common use for it. As long as people want to use race as any kind of qualifier, then race relations will suffer. No matter who sees what sides in the race relations argument, we current only have Earth Inhabitants as a common qualifier.
Sure, racism exists here. That's not my point, so I'll add: "If we really want to see race relations improve...."
And of course there are "sides".
The ice wagon became extinct when there was no longer a common use for it. As long as people want to use race as any kind of qualifier, then race relations will suffer. No matter who sees what sides in the race relations argument, we current only have Earth Inhabitants as a common qualifier.
Yup. And what we're doing is a self-inflicted wound.
Sure, racism exists here. That's not my point, so I'll add: "If we really want to see race relations improve...."
And of course there are "sides".
The ice wagon became extinct when there was no longer a common use for it. As long as people want to use race as any kind of qualifier, then race relations will suffer. No matter who sees what sides in the race relations argument, we current only have Earth Inhabitants as a common qualifier.
Yup. And what we're doing is a self-inflicted wound.

The government has done all it can do in that situation, by making it illegal to use race as a qualifier. Any attempt to interject race back into the equation, in order to solve the inability to reconcile a more positive direction is counterproductive, no matter what merit some may see in the attempt.
Our racial issues won't heal unless and until both ends can stop screaming, look in the mirror, and clean their own house first.
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature

Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Course those on mountaintops in Switzerland are perfect. Just ask them.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature

Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.
Did I say something that you feel is incorrect? If so, what, precisely?

'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature

Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.

Oh you absolutely do. And you're quite smug about it, actually--but you're not alone. Most "moderate, libertarians" are, or however you choose to label yourself.

You invoke it more than most actually: "Both sides do it". YAWN
Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.

Those who choose not to be "above it all", are those who choose to perpetuate the existence of anything other than a better course of action. If a person thinks there is any nobility regarding their insistence in pursuing a counterproductive course of action, there isn't.
'K we are talking about racial issues here, not political issues, so your typical hobby horse of Democrat/Republican doesn't work here. There's not "both sides" you can call out while you sit pristine on your mountain in Switzerland. I know that's probably a disappointment.
Yes, we're talking about racial issues.

Are you saying that your side is doing nothing wrong, that it has no need to look in the mirror, that it has no need to clean its own house first?

Holy crap. Talk about "sitting pristine". Talk about being "perfect".

It's not about "sides". Why do you make everything about sides? Racism transcends through all walks of has for centuries and will continue.

Absolutely no person, party or organization is going to stop it. It's human nature

Exactly. He sees sides because then he can sit in Switzerland and call foul on both sides while he thinks he's above it all. Typical libertarian/"non-partisan" crapola.
Nope, I'm down in the mud with everyone else.

But unlike you, I take incoming from both ends of the spectrum every single day.

Unlike you, I don't have a nice, big, warm, soft, comfy ideological Safe Space in which I can hide and from which I can fling poo.

Unlike you, I don' t need one.

Oh you absolutely do. And you're quite smug about it, actually--but you're not alone. Most "moderate, libertarians" are, or however you choose to label yourself.

You invoke it more than most actually: "Both sides do it". YAWN
Perhaps you can stop moaning about ME for a moment and contribute something of substance here.

Let's see if I can get straight, direct answers to straight, direct questions.

First, do you want to see race relations in America improve? ("no" or "I don't care" are fine)

If you do, what is your prescription?

Thanks in advance.

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