It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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I don't know what is difficult to understand about my proposal. People would still have freedom of believe or act as they choose, so long as they don't violate the law which would be based on Christian principles. Churches of all denominations would be allowed to have their services. Atheists would be free not to.
So what's the point of all this? Seems like nothing will change. Nothing but an empty gesture, devoid of any meaning

Anyways, can you please show me in the Bible where Jesus specifically ordered His followers to seize earthly political and then lord over and dominate everyone else? If it was sooo important that Christians have an earthly government run by them why didn't Jesus set one up while He was here?
Anyways, can you please show me in the Bible where Jesus specifically ordered His followers to seize earthly political and then lord over and dominate everyone else?
Of course, Jesus did not. He taught us how to bring peace into our own family, to the part of the community(s) in which we are involved. Our part to bring about peace on earth is to bring peace into the small measurement of the planet on which we exist. And pray that the peace we bring to this minuscule part will work like yeast.

Moreover, we cannot label ourselves as a "Christian Nation" or a "Catholic Nation". That appellation must be given by outside observers.
Of course, Jesus did not. He taught us how to bring peace into our own family, to the part of the community(s) in which we are involved. Our part to bring about peace on earth is to bring peace into the small measurement of the planet on which we exist. And pray that the peace we bring to this minuscule part will work like yeast.

Moreover, we cannot label ourselves as a "Christian Nation" or a "Catholic Nation". That appellation must be given by outside observers.
Maybe you can explain that to Mushmouth, er, Mashmont.
Nazi Germany wasn't Christian. It was an atheist regime. They closed Christian churches and murdered thousands of Christian clergy. We've already been over that.

sure -

A plebiscite vote was held on August 19 1934 . allotting Hitler a 90 percent majority. He was now, for all intents and purposes, dictator.

proving again the deceit and lies of christian immorality.
Maybe you can explain that
I don't believe declaring the nation a Christian nation will resolve its problems. First thing to address: We have never been able to campaign directly outside a polling place where voting is taking place. To get around this, why not change to mail-in voting where campaigning and instruction may take place while mail-in ballots are being filled out? Next, get a billionaire (can we say "Zuckerberg") to fund over four hundred million dollars to one party so that they can fund such campaigns?

Also, get billionaire non-citizens (Can we say "Soros") to fund one party at the expense of the others?

Who directs the mainstream media? (Can we say Pelosi?) Another billionaire, this one from one Congressional district in California to spew her totalitarianism view throughout the entire country. And yes, she has media billionaires standing beside her.

Why should single billionaires have more impact on an election than those who are luck to have single digit thousands in a hard-earned savings account?

Being a Christian or Catholic nation is not going to stop this. We, the populace, have to fight against the rich minority every minute of every day to prevent them from mowing us down. The populace includes people of all faiths, and if we don't stand together, we will be a populace of no faiths, which means no God or higher ideal will be above the few rich, powerful humans.
Of course, Jesus did not. He taught us how to bring peace into our own family, to the part of the community(s) in which we are involved. Our part to bring about peace on earth is to bring peace into the small measurement of the planet on which we exist. And pray that the peace we bring to this minuscule part will work like yeast.

Moreover, we cannot label ourselves as a "Christian Nation" or a "Catholic Nation". That appellation must be given by outside observers.

nothing could be further from the truth, they taught liberation theology, self determination the religion of antiquity - the exact opposite of selfish serving, christian paterfamilias.
"Morality" cannot be legislated.....laws do nothing but reflect the morality or lack thereof of any free society. It can be no other way or you are not living in a representative free republic governed by the people but rather you are living in a state that is controlled, at the very least by an "Oligarchy" and at its worst, you are living in a state controlled by despotic force.

Regardless of what "flag" you wish to plant as the reason for THE CAUSE..........its not Christian when you attempt to force your philosophy of religion upon others. Hell..........Hitler claimed to be a Christian that was simply controlling the evil (that he professed) that was the JEW. There is no doctrine found in scripture that demands conversion through force. If you want such a doctrine simply convert to Islam and begin reading the Koran.

The founding fathers had a noble idea.......but as each generation passes, once the politicians figured out they could become wealthy and powerful via manipulating the will of the people (through targeted taxes) the US was doomed to fail. Its only a matter of time.......void of a total revolution the United States of America will find themselves in the same cesspool as is the majority of the world.......a world controlled primarily by a few rich and powerful banking families, self professed elites (elite because they control both the labor and currency).

The beginning of the end started under the reign of one Woodrow Wilson when the rich conned the people into establishing the Federal Reserve (that is in no way controlled by THE PEOPLE), controlled entirely by those same wealthy elite families.
Yet you're fine with the forced atheism we have now? You're not being consistent.
Yet you're fine with the forced atheism we have now? You're not being consistent.
Oh, so now you are forced to be atheist?

There are no laws that prevent any religions teaching, reporting or proselytization through media or any other means. They are not there. Every single president we have ever had has professed to be a Christian. No force whatsoever, no law whatsoever. This, to you is force....

However you want laws passed that dictate media and law must adhere to Christian values and morals. Laws are enforced at the point of a gun. But that is not force....

Uh huh.
deflection noted & denied.
Not a deflection at all. Just putting $4 billion in perspective. The RCC is an international organization, and $4 billion is relatively a drop in the bucke
most aren't 'gay' ... learn the difference. don't say 'few' because there were hundreds if not thousands over the years & those were the ones who got caught & were found out. just like with any pedophile.
A few hundred or a few thousand is a drop in the bucket compared to the vast number of priests over the centuries. Again, haven't seen you address the far worse pedo scandal in today's atheist public school system. Why not, until it's pure anti-Catholic bigotry?
& why aren't you blaming the hierarchy who did nothing to protect them?
You're applying today's standards to things that happened 50 years ago. Yet you don't apply the same standards to any other organization. Why not?
i guess once the cord is cut - then it's about the money.
I'll ask again. What priest or sister gets rich in the Catholic Church, except the very occasional rogue who violates his or her vows?
not counting everything raked in from the other entities mentioned.

deflection noted & denied.

lol ... jesus preached on a rock. me thinx he & his dad aren't all that interested in riches that corrupt mens' souls. didn't timothy write about that?

well, since it's a given, i didn't bother. why are YOU so reluctant to admit priests over many many MANY years were allowed to continue their sick irreligious behavior at the same time as preaching mass? & on the rare occasions when it got too hot to keep a priest in a particular parish ... he was tranferred to another where he can find fresh meat?

all with the blessing of the cardinal that allowed it.

most aren't 'gay' ... learn the difference.
Seems to me that stating "They are always the most strident, the most violent, the most evil" is clearly false. Evil comes in all stripes. What you find is that the combination of government and religion very often a horrific and evil institution.
No nations have ever been more violent than the atheist regimes of the 20th century: Nazi Germany, Soviet USSR, China, Cambodia, Cuba.
You people continue to post without reading. For the now tenth time, I said nothing about demanding conversion through force.

Then followed by:

My plan is simply to allow only laws that do not violate Christian teaching, and to disallow the media complex from advocating an atheist agenda.

You just said you do not want forced conversion and then flow right into using force to suppress things that are not Christian.

Just. Like. Iran.
Stopping evil atheist acts that violate Christianity is not the same thing as forcing people to become Christian.
If you want to see hell start here in the United States, just go ahead and name Christianity as the state religion. It would be the end of religion in this country not a revival as you think it would be. If you give a nation that power over religion it has the power to outlaw it all together.Be careful what you wish for.
Do you think the Communists, whose practice it is to illegalize religion, will be bother with laws once they seize power? And that is precisely what will happen if the US continues its slide into atheism.
So what's the point of all this? Seems like nothing will change. Nothing but an empty gesture, devoid of any meaning

Anyways, can you please show me in the Bible where Jesus specifically ordered His followers to seize earthly political and then lord over and dominate everyone else? If it was sooo important that Christians have an earthly government run by them why didn't Jesus set one up while He was here?
The point is to put this into people's minds that this should be done and why. Every great idea has to be introduced at some point. This was proposed in about the 1860s. It's time to revive it.
And once again, this has nothing to do with attempted forced conversion. Is this the twelfth time I've had to say this? It's about the elimination of a godless atheist government, which I am sure Jesus would want.
No nations have ever been more violent than the atheist regimes of the 20th century: Nazi Germany, Soviet USSR, China, Cambodia, Cuba.
Ha, someone should look into Rome, both Pegan and Christian Rome.

Recent history always looks like the most ______ <insert whatever you want> ever.
Stopping evil atheist acts that violate Christianity is not the same thing as forcing people to become Christian.
And there we are folks.

Outright admission. We do nothing to you, that is force. Force the other way is simply justified.

That is why we do not have a 'Christian nation.' Evil fucks like you just want such to force your religion on everyone else all the while pretending you don't. I am not forcing you to be Christian, just chopping your head off because you committed the sin of having an idol I don't like. Not force at all. Love....
Stopping evil atheist acts that violate Christianity is not the same thing as forcing people to become Christian.
What acts are atheists doing that is soooo evil, aside from not agreeing with you? Again, can you please show me in the Bible where Jesus specifically ordered His followers to seize earthly political and then lord over and dominate everyone else, and, lets say, punish others for their beliefs, or lack of beliefs?
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Mashmont wrote 22JAN29-POST#0251 above

NFBW wrote:
But the easily observable observable fact is going on in Texas
where Christian law, Including bounty hunting on violators is being applied to women who are deprived of their right to control their own bodies. That is religious intolerance gone psycho. And it is exactly the use of force and coercion to attain a religious end. Your denial lacks credibility my Catholic authoritarian friend. And Jesus was silent on abortion.

"depriving women control over their own bodies" is a lying Marxist misrepresentation of killing little babies in the womb. Atheists ALWAYS dehumanize, in order to justify killing. That is one of their hallmarks. The Nazis did it to the Jews. The Soviets did it to non-atheists.

Jesus did not have to specify every type, every form of killing for it to be grievously wrong.
Mashmont wrote 22JAN29-POST#0251 above

NFBW wrote:
But the easily observable observable fact is going on in Texas
where Christian law, Including bounty hunting on violators is being applied to women who are deprived of their right to control their own bodies. That is religious intolerance gone psycho. And it is exactly the use of force and coercion to attain a religious end. Your denial lacks credibility my Catholic authoritarian friend. And Jesus was silent on abortion.

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