It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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"2. Sex is only permissible through marriage"
Making sex outside of marriage illegal is solely a religious point. The overwhelming majority of people in this nation have sex either before marriage or after divorce.

3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
Birth control will not even be discussed? No matter if it saves lives? And will they be arrested if they discuss it?

4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
If sex education does not cover the biological act and the implications of it, it is not sex education. Ignorance is never preferable.

..... a. Relatively early curfew times
Early curfews are fine. I remember, when I was a teen, having sex early in the evening.

..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
This will never be a law. And if it was, young people would simply hide it. Making kissing illegal is ridiculous.

.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
Kissing, discussing birth control and such is part of getting to know each other. If a couple is not sexually compatible, the marriage will probably not last.

.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal."
This is absolutely nuts. I hug my daughters. I wrap my arms around them a hold them close. There is absolutely nothing sexual about that. I hug my sons the same way.
So you oppose these laws based on your irreligious or atheist perspective. In other words, you're doing the same thing you accuse me of doing. Right now laws favoring your perspective only are the laws of the land. And that's the point of my entire presentation. Atheists don't want religious laws because they want atheist laws on the books. The absence of religion is atheism. And I would point out the Supreme Court has ruled atheism a religion. But atheism leads to horrible results, so my contention is it needs to be rooted out of government laws, and the only way to do that is to insert religious laws, and since you have to pick one religion, we should pick the best religion, and that is Christianity.
So you oppose these laws based on your irreligious or atheist perspective. In other words, you're doing the same thing you accuse me of doing. Right now laws favoring your perspective only are the laws of the land. And that's the point of my entire presentation. Atheists don't want religious laws because they want atheist laws on the books. The absence of religion is atheism. But atheism leads to horrible results, so my contention is it needs to be rooted out of government laws, and the only way to do that is to insert religious laws, and since you have to pick one religion, we should pick the best religion, and that is Christianity.

Laws should be based on what is best for the people. Restricting what free people do because it is against your religion is like me demanding you not eat doughnuts because I am on a diet.
Because we need daddy government looking out for us.

No thanks. You may want a parent looking out for you, I have grown up and no longer need someone else to tell me what I need to do.
I find it comical for a leftwinger to be making 'daddy government' comments.
But we're talking about school children here, and yes, they do need adults watching out for their best interests.
I find it comical for a leftwinger to be making 'daddy government' comments.
But we're talking about school children here, and yes, they do need adults watching out for their best interests.

Why do you assume FA Q2 is a leftwinger?
Laws should be based on what is best for the people. Restricting what free people do because it is against your religion is like me demanding you not eat doughnuts because I am on a diet.
Yet your fine with imposing your atheist "religion" on me through the laws.
NFBW wrote: Mashmont is trying to sell Christian nationalism in a new Catholic version for the United STATES. He is pitting the 1955 “Leave it to Beaver” Good Christian Guys against the 2020 Antifa and BLM bad guys and all their rioting and violence that they inflict on us. It’s the "myth of a golden past," plus opposition to anti-fascism (ANTIFA) with a racially tainted explanation as to which color is causing all the problems (BLM) that didn’t used to annoy us white folks way back when Ward wore the pants in the family and June did the dishes

Christian nationalism is a threat to democracy, according to a German expert on fascism.​
Andrew Seidel of Religion Dispatches interviewed Annika Brockschmidt, the author of the new book, "Amerikas Gotteskrieger: Wie die Religiöse Rechte die Demokratie gefährdet" (roughly translated as “America’s Godly Warriors: How Religious Right Endangers Democracy.")​
"January 6 helped argue the case for fascist tendencies in Christian Nationalism," Brockschmidt said.​
She explained why Germans have a tough time understanding American fascists.​
Germans have had a hard time understanding what’s going on in the US; most probably don’t know about the homegrown fascist movement, and, in a sense, how could they? We remember a United States that fought the Nazis,” she said.​
And she explained that she does not think the comparisons between America today and 1930s Germany are overblown.​
The signs of fascism that Brockschmidt listed include a "myth of a golden past," describing enemies as "not real Americans," veneration of law and order, and anti-intellectualism.She also noted the "creation of unreality or a separate reality."​
RELATED: Republicans now openly embrace violent fascism “QAnon is the 2021 version of the blood libel," she said.​

I would like to know if Mortimer considers the large percentage of black Americans who attend church regularly in in their Western-prescribed nuclear family structure are anti-family and unAmerican and bad Christians if they support BLN as mostv of them do? 22FEB04-POST#666 Oh damn I got the 666

I dont consider those christian blacks anti-family but for racial solidarity probably they vote the wrong people, people who will destroy their families and churches, they are mislead, they think it will help black people. I think it takes some courage and to look deeper to realize it. Some blacks dont support BLM.

Yet your fine with imposing your atheist "religion" on me through the laws.
What is imposed on you? Abortion is legal, does not mean you have to get one. gay marriage is legal, how does it harm you?
What is imposed on you? Abortion is legal, does not mean you have to get one. gay marriage is legal, how does it harm you?
Your atheist laws force me to pay my tax dollars for abortions overseas.
Your atheist laws force me to pay my tax dollars for abortions overseas.

You have just as much control over who is in office making those decisions as I do. Vote them out of office.

And once you pay your taxes, it become the gov't's money, not yours.
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