It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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I don't know if it will happen or not, but it needs to happen in the case of precluding religion from government. The founders surely didn't intend what we have, which is an atheist government.

You know as well as I do that there will not be a majority of American citizens who want your theocracy. Especially not one based on the catholic church.
Lawmakers opposing those things have also been elected by a majority.

And to put your theocracy in to place would require one or more constitutional amendments.

You and I both know it would never get the votes for that.
So just toss the rest of the cases out? "Sorry, it is a gay disease so you have to die whether you are gay or not"?
You asked how gay marriage affects me. I answered. Now you want to divert as usual.
Sure you are. Your atheist laws that violate my religion are the law of the land.

Your atheist laws force me to pay my tax dollars for abortions overseas.
Thought I explained this to you already.

You were taught by St. Paul on what your relationship is to be with whatever government you're living under.

1 Let everyone submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which derives from God, and whatever authorities exist have been instituted by God. 2 Consequently, anyone who resists authority is rebelling against what God has appointed, and those who so resist will bring judgment upon themselves.

3 Rulers are a source of fear not to those who do good but rather to those who do evil. Do you wish to be free of fear from someone in authority? Then continue to do what is right and you will receive his approval. 4 For he is acting as God’s representative for your welfare. But if you do what is evil, then be afraid for he does not wear a sword for nothing. People in authority are God’s servants to mete out punishment to wrongdoers.

5 Therefore, you are obliged to submit, not only because of fear of punishment but also because of conscience. 6 That is why you also pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, and they devote themselves to this service. 7 Pay to each person what is rightfully his—taxes to the one to whom taxes are due, tolls to the one to whom tolls are due, respect to the one to whom respect is due, honor to the one to whom honor is due. Romans 13:1-7
A distinction without a difference.

Iran is a repressive, authoritarian theocracy – which is exactly what you and other social conservatives want for the United States.

The religion of that repressive, authoritarian theocracy is irrelevant.
Christianity isn't authoritarian or repressive in the least. Muslim Iran is. Do I really have to explain this?
Thought I explained this to you already.

You were taught by St. Paul on what your relationship is to be with whatever government you're living under.

1 Let everyone submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which derives from God, and whatever authorities exist have been instituted by God. 2 Consequently, anyone who resists authority is rebelling against what God has appointed, and those who so resist will bring judgment upon themselves.

3 Rulers are a source of fear not to those who do good but rather to those who do evil. Do you wish to be free of fear from someone in authority? Then continue to do what is right and you will receive his approval. 4 For he is acting as God’s representative for your welfare. But if you do what is evil, then be afraid for he does not wear a sword for nothing. People in authority are God’s servants to mete out punishment to wrongdoers.

5 Therefore, you are obliged to submit, not only because of fear of punishment but also because of conscience. 6 That is why you also pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, and they devote themselves to this service. 7 Pay to each person what is rightfully his—taxes to the one to whom taxes are due, tolls to the one to whom tolls are due, respect to the one to whom respect is due, honor to the one to whom honor is due. Romans 13:1-7
Sorry, we are instructed to speak out against repressive regimes.
And to put your theocracy in to place would require one or more constitutional amendments.

You and I both know it would never get the votes for that.
Not now, but the groundwork needs to be laid. Nothing is impossible with God.
Look at AOC's ridiculous Green New Deal. Even the Democrats laughed at it when it first came out. Now it's part of their major spending bill. And it was a horrible idea.

So a great idea like mine could certainly gain traction.
You asked how gay marriage affects me. I answered. Now you want to divert as usual.

LMAO!! When we were talking about AIDs, and the fact that lesbians get it far less than straight people, you wanted to talk about lesbians getting divorced. Now you are whining about me diverting the topic?

No, same sex marriage does not affect you. Most of those couples already lived together. They committed to each other. No, it does not effect you unless you count wanting the gov't peeking in our bedrooms.
Not now, but the groundwork needs to be laid. Nothing is impossible with God.
Look at AOC's ridiculous Green New Deal. Even the Democrats laughed at it when it first came out. Now it's part of their major spending bill. And it was a horrible idea.

So a great idea like mine could certainly gain traction.

And gain a greater mocking than ever. You will be compared to that religious group that protests military funerals. And the catholic church's track record for relocating priests after they were caught molesting children is probably uppermost in people's minds.
Lesbos also have double the rate of divorce of any marriage arrangement. Not a great example for you to use.

Oh, you're worried about divorce huh?

"in 2018 there 2,132,853 marriages and 782,038 divorces. "

"This is equal to a national divorce rate of about 2% of all marriages. According to a limited study done by UCLA School of Law Williams Institute in 2014, same sex divorce rates are actually slightly lower than for that of heterosexual couples (1-1.6% of same sex marriages)."

"The divorce rate among same sex couples may be driven by stressors that minorities face in general such as employment discrimination or unaccepting families of origin. These stressors can destabilize LGBTQ relationships."

Essentially they're saying that divorce can be helped along by other stresses. And some of those stresses are caused by people discriminating.

So, get rid of discrimination (I mean, why discriminate based on who someone fucks, that's BIZARRE).

And even then they have such issues, divorce rates are still lower.
Your questions was how does gay marriage affect me. Not, "Do lesbos get AIDS"? Please stop diverting. I realize you feel it's your only option.

Not my only option at all.

I recall you said it effects everyone and is immoral?? lol

If those couples were living together, and then got married, how does the marriage effect you when the living together didn't?
LMAO!! When we were talking about AIDs, and the fact that lesbians get it far less than straight people, you wanted to talk about lesbians getting divorced. Now you are whining about me diverting the topic?

No, same sex marriage does not affect you. Most of those couples already lived together. They committed to each other. No, it does not effect you unless you count wanting the gov't peeking in our bedrooms.
No, you asked how gay marriage affected me. I reported the massive AIDS research spending. You brought up about the lesbos. Completely irrelevant. Stay on topic.
Oh, you're worried about divorce huh?

"in 2018 there 2,132,853 marriages and 782,038 divorces. "

"This is equal to a national divorce rate of about 2% of all marriages. According to a limited study done by UCLA School of Law Williams Institute in 2014, same sex divorce rates are actually slightly lower than for that of heterosexual couples (1-1.6% of same sex marriages)."

"The divorce rate among same sex couples may be driven by stressors that minorities face in general such as employment discrimination or unaccepting families of origin. These stressors can destabilize LGBTQ relationships."

Essentially they're saying that divorce can be helped along by other stresses. And some of those stresses are caused by people discriminating.

So, get rid of discrimination (I mean, why discriminate based on who someone fucks, that's BIZARRE).

And even then they have such issues, divorce rates are still lower.
I said lesbo divorce. Not overall gay divorce. Pay attention.
But...this fiasco has only been legal for six or seven years. Give it time.
No, you asked how gay marriage affected me. I reported the massive AIDS research spending. You brought up about the lesbos. Completely irrelevant. Stay on topic.

No, it is not irrelevant.

Same sex marriage involves gay men and lesbian women. You offered AIDs research spending as a way same sex marriage effected you. But lesbians do not get AIDs at as high a rate as straights. If you want to talk about "gay marriage" you can't single out the men and ignore the women.
No, you asked how gay marriage affected me. I reported the massive AIDS research spending. You brought up about the lesbos. Completely irrelevant. Stay on topic.
AIDS is a bodily fluid borne disease. Research would have happened once it started to spread.
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