It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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I have not diverted anything. Anyone who opposed AIDs research should not be calling themself a Christian and should be ashamed of what they would have left American citizens to suffer through.

Also, when I asked how gay marriage affected you, I meant how gay marriage affected you. Money spent on research on AIDs was not a result of gay marriage. In fact, forming monogamous relationships is a good way to fight the spread of AIDs.

So you have not answered my question of how gay marriage affects you.
Anybody who encourages the very cause of AIDS to persist -- illicit sex--- is not acting in a Christian or humane manner. I guess atheists are excusing themselves from acting humane.
We could eradicate AIDS if people followed the sexual moral laws of God. The fact that our atheist government encourages such activity, through its pushing of gay marriage, is an abomination.
Your own stats show a decrease in Christianity and an increase in atheism in the past 40 years. You proved my point that the atheist cancer is growing. And it's largely due to the atheist laws. The religious population in most formerly Communist countries is way down, and it's because of the atheist laws.

I proved nothing of the kind. Because there is no evidence that atheism has effected Christianity. People have made their own personal choices. You don't get to force them back into the fold, no matter how much you want to.
Anybody who encourages the very cause of AIDS to persist -- illicit sex--- is not acting in a Christian or humane manner. I guess atheists are excusing themselves from acting humane.
We could eradicate AIDS if people followed the sexual moral laws of God. The fact that our atheist government encourages such activity, through its pushing of gay marriage, is an abomination.

But people, for the most part, will not abstain from sex completely. They never have.

And same sex marriage has nothing to do with AIDs. Anyone considering marrying another person of the same sex has already had sex. That is for certain.
Gay marriage does not exist in the USA, same sex marriage does. Everyone, including you, knows that gay rampant sexual encounters ranging in the hundreds or thousands for a typical gay and anal sex is the cause. Disappointed in you WB. You know better. You need to do better.
Funny. One of my sons is gay. He has been in a monogamous, committed relationship for over a decade.
Your own stats show a decrease in Christianity and an increase in atheism in the past 40 years. You proved my point that the atheist cancer is growing. And it's largely due to the atheist laws. The religious population in most formerly Communist countries is way down, and it's because of the atheist laws.
So in a nation where everyone is free to follow whatever beliefs they have, the decline in Xtianity is the fault of atheists? I've never seen Atheists trying to convert people. I've seen plenty of Xtians trying to convert Jews.
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So in a nation where everyone is free to follow whatever beliefs they have, the decline in Xtianity is the fault of atheists? I've never seen Atheists trying to convert people. I've seen plenty of Xtians trying to convert Jews.
It's the fault of Marxists intent on reshaping society in their atheist image. That includes their control of cultural media as well as their laws. If you don't see that, you aren't looking.
You proved my point that the atheist cancer is growing.

NFBW wrote: (1) The diagnosis is quackery, perhaps severe medical malpractice. - - - First a Current Event: Is a “no knock warrant” a Christian Law that will stay under an American white Christian nationalistic state. - - - Secondly 20 years ago: Was it atheistic Marxist policy to stop the peaceful disarming of Iraq or was it a “Nation under God policy” to defend One Nation under GOD from the threat of WMD? Were you supportive Mashmont of GWB’s decision to invade or were you aligned with the following statements hereinbelow:

Catholic Bishops The bishops’ president, Wilton Gregory, said on Feb. 26 that the bishops have not changed their minds since they spoke out against war last November. Religious Groups Issue Statements on War with Iraq “To permit preemptive or preventive uses of military force to overthrow threatening or hostile regimes would create deeply troubling moral and legal precedents. Based on the facts that are known, it is difficult to justify resort to war against Iraq.”​
World Council of Churches The WCC executive committee, in a Feb. 21 statement, said “war against Iraq would be immoral, unwise and in breach of the principles of the United Nations Charter.” The WCC also lambasted “the fact that the most powerful nations of this world again regard war as an acceptable instrument of foreign policy.​
Muslim American SocietyThe Muslim American Society issued a March 10 statement, arguing that a war on Iraq would not be a “just war,” would complicate the long-term foreign policy goals of our nation and could prompt increased terrorist attacks against America. “Therefore, based upon our Islamic religious beliefs and concern for our nation’s prosperity and security and the innocent potential Iraqi victims, we call on our government and all peace-loving people and nations to do everything in their power to avoid war, and resolve all pending issues through peaceful means,” the statement reads. 22FEB07-POST#852​
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Funny. One of my sons is gay. He has been in a monogamous, committed relationship for over a decade.
You didn't refute my point. Even in gay marriage vows fidelity and monogamy are missing. Cheating is expected.
Bible book, chapter and verse for that?

Let those who love the Lord hate evil, psalm 97:10

The path
of the righteous man is beset on
all sides by the inequities of the
selfish and the tyranny of evil
men. Blessed is he who, in the
name of charity and good will,
shepherds the weak through the
valley of darkness, for he is truly
his brother's keeper and the finder
of lost children.) Pulp Fiction
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those
who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you
." Ezekiel 25:17.
NFBW wrote: (1) The diagnosis is quackery, perhaps severe medical malpractice. - - - First a Current Event: Is a “no knock warrant” a Christian Law that will stay under an American white Christian nationalistic state. - - - Secondly 20 years ago: Was it atheistic Marxist policy to stop the peaceful disarming of Iraq or was it a “Nation under God policy” to defend One Nation under GOD from the threat of WMD? Were you supportive Mashmont of GWB’s decision to invade or were you aligned with the following statements hereinbelow:

Catholic Bishops The bishops’ president, Wilton Gregory, said on Feb. 26 that the bishops have not changed their minds since they spoke out against war last November. Religious Groups Issue Statements on War with Iraq “To permit preemptive or preventive uses of military force to overthrow threatening or hostile regimes would create deeply troubling moral and legal precedents. Based on the facts that are known, it is difficult to justify resort to war against Iraq.”​
World Council of Churches The WCC executive committee, in a Feb. 21 statement, said “war against Iraq would be immoral, unwise and in breach of the principles of the United Nations Charter.” The WCC also lambasted “the fact that the most powerful nations of this world again regard war as an acceptable instrument of foreign policy.​
Muslim American SocietyThe Muslim American Society issued a March 10 statement, arguing that a war on Iraq would not be a “just war,” would complicate the long-term foreign policy goals of our nation and could prompt increased terrorist attacks against America. “Therefore, based upon our Islamic religious beliefs and concern for our nation’s prosperity and security and the innocent potential Iraqi victims, we call on our government and all peace-loving people and nations to do everything in their power to avoid war, and resolve all pending issues through peaceful means,” the statement reads. 22FEB07-POST#852​
I supported the invasion of Iraq at the time. I have since realized that support was in error on moral grounds. I should have heeded the words of St. John Paul II when he opposed it.
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