It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Your anecdotes aren't a trend.
Once you include my friends, their friends, etc, it does become a trend. Cheating is no more prevalent than in the general population. Your ideas of laws that would again negatively affect gays would lead to more societal issues like depression and suicide.
See Clayton's response.

You want a religion based government. How about we go back to the basic and use Halacha?
The irony is that Catholics were actively persecuted in "Christian" England (as in banned, burned etc.), and in the English Colonies here.
- - Secondly 20 years ago: Was it atheistic Marxist policy to stop the peaceful disarming of Iraq or was it a “Nation under God policy” to defend One Nation under GOD from the threat of WMD?

I supported the invasion of Iraq at the time. I have since realized that support was in error on moral grounds. I should have heeded the words of St. John Paul II when he opposed it.

NFBW wrote: Thank you very much for answering the second question with regard to Iraq. Most conservatives are not that honest. But when you have time could you please answer the first part of the question that has to do with one of the aspects of this thread - atheist control of the nation. 22FEB07-POST#0867
Your own stats show a decrease in Christianity and an increase in atheism in the past 40 years.

NFBW wrote: And that was at the time of Ronald Reagan‘s economic Christian-centric miracle of Capitalism and the invisible hand in effect. 85% of Americans professed their belief in Christianity after 200 years of Christian dominance over politics and religion in the United States of America. I don’t see how it proves a point that the US Constitution supported atheism all those decades and generations because of neutrality on church and state issues. It makes no sense for the foundation of the proposal you have offered here for imposing Christian nationalism on the entire nation because of a recent 40 year decline in Christianity for which there are many many other factors besides atheism being the cause. As a practicing Catholic who supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003 you must also know there was a controversial war before that in Vietnam. 50 years ago, as a Catholic m, did you support that war while all the civil rights activism that was happening during Martin Luther King’s Time. It was a war and what to do about social injustice issues with black Americans that was handed to my generation . I was in high school at that time and I believe the number of Christians in America was at its highest at that time as well. I believe the decline in Christianity began with it is disillusionment about the war in Vietnan and there were divisions in the churches on the civil rights issues.b - - / I believe Reagan’s popularity was in part due to a renewed sense of optimism, but the lessons that needed to be learned from Vietnam etc were shoved under the rug in Reagan’s oval office. Did you support the war in Vietnam as well? 22FEB07-POST#868
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The irony is that Catholics were actively persecuted in "Christian" England (as in banned, burned etc.), and in the English Colonies here.
People who persecute others are not following the Christian teaching. They're following irreligion or atheism.
People who persecute others are not following the Christian teaching. They're following irreligion or atheism.
Sure it is. You yourself are doing it by saying they must obey your laws or be punished. Previously, being a Catholic was against the law.
Sure it is. You yourself are doing it by saying they must obey your laws or be punished. Previously, being a Catholic was against the law.
So you don't believe a nation should have any laws that people are punished if for they violate?
I thought somebody said this forum was mostly conservatives. If that's true, I sure seem to be drawing all the few leftwing atheist nuts. Weird.

Where are the Christians?
Most Xtians don't want to be ruled by Catholics.
I thought somebody said this forum was mostly conservatives. If that's true, I sure seem to be drawing all the few leftwing atheist nuts. Weird.
It is mostly conservatives. The problem you’re having is most conservatives believe in the Constitution. Possibly from the ones I’ve talked to that America was founded as a Christian nation.
So you don't believe a nation should have any laws that people are punished if for they violate?
I believe those laws should be Constitutional, a Constitution that was drafted by writers who were well versed in the dangers of state sponsored religious oppression.
Most if not all practicing Christians would agree with the laws I have proposed. You irreligious folks don't. That's expected.
At least half your fellow Catholics do not. The devout Christians in black churches surely do not. The latter do not want you anywhere near our Constitution if you are trying to change it.
It is mostly conservatives. The problem you’re having is most conservatives believe in the Constitution. Possibly from the ones I’ve talked to that America was founded as a Christian nation.
Conservatives are pro-life. None of the people arguing with me are.
At least half your fellow Catholics do not. The devout Christians in black churches surely do not. The latter do not want you anywhere near our Constitution if you are trying to change it.
All practicing Catholics are pro-life and believe abortion is morally wrong. Fake Catholics and other fake Christians like you're talking about, don't.
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