It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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I thought somebody said this forum was mostly conservatives. If that's true, I sure seem to be drawing all the few leftwing atheist nuts. Weird.
It is.

Which should tell you something. Even the HARD right here, the absolute partisans think your idea is beyond the pale.

Simply put, virtually no one agrees with you. The propensity to find someone like minded is FAR higher here than in the general populace which tells you even more how unpopular these ideas are.

Face it, no one wants this claptrap.
I am for keeping it here. This person of high Catholic morals, superior to all the rest of us, was so steeped in American Christian nationalism In 2003, possibly white Christian nationalism, that he opposed Catholic bishops in America and the pope are in Rome to support the unnecessary and immoral invasion of Iraq. I am interested to find things like that about people who want to make design a Christian police state in America.
It’s an idiotic OP as well as a truly crappy notion. I don’t care if it stays here or gets put into the trash. 😎
It is.

Which should tell you something. Even the HARD right here, the absolute partisans think your idea is beyond the pale.

Simply put, virtually no one agrees with you. The propensity to find someone like minded is FAR higher here than in the general populace which tells you even more how unpopular these ideas are.

Face it, no one wants this claptrap.
Either that or it's just the leftwing nuts who are responding.
No, you are drawing out both conservatives and liberals. Your ideas go against what this nation is based on.
I haven't seen any conservatives who disagree with my laws. I just see leftwingers like you.
Back in 2001, when Judge Roy Moore installed the 2 ton monument of the 10 Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Courthouse lobby (in the middle of the night), there were several public protests against it. I was working in Montgomery at the time and joined in several of them. There were ministers, deacons, lay-preachers, and at least one catholic priest who participated in the protest. They were adamant about the monument being removed (or other displays being allowed). So you are certainly wrong about all practicing Christians being in favor of a theocracy.
I said practicing Christians would agree with my laws.
Oh, I see. You are a leftwing activist. Learning more and more. Your preoccupation is making sense now.
There are leftwing folks who claim to be Christians. The fact that some of them support anti-Christian causes is nothing new.
Yes. Because the chosen avatar for an anonymous username on a message board is so important to the utter stupidity of your OP contention.
Yes, a guy who OD'd on heroin at 33 is such a great spokesman against morality.
You people don't even see the irony.
You need to take a better look. Catholicism bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens-the crusades, inquisition, burning humans alive at the stake. the rev war, the civil war, ww1, ww2, many other wars in history--The real Jesus teaches-love, peace and unity.
During the inquisition, a whole race of people were wiped out in south america on the orders of clergy, because they fornicated, all the while back in europe the clergy were the #1 attendees of the brothels-fornicating. Many cases of nuns and priests having sex. Gay priests, paedophile priests. Any in their right mind would run from that darkness.
Again, how do the bad actions of fallible men invalidate the perfect teachings of Jesus' church?
I haven't seen any conservatives who disagree with my laws. I just see leftwingers like you.
I am about as conservative as anyone you will interact with here. I think your OP concept is insanity. Your labeling doesn’t control.

The first amendment was part of an inducement to get the Constitution ratified by the states. If you, as a Christian, wouldn’t want our government to be premised on the laws of Judaism or the Sharia precepts of Islam, then even you must grasp why a Jew or an Islamist might object to being governed by a Christian based government.

Conservatives, generally speaking, prefer the stability of the foundation of our government being the Constitution. It is entirely unclear why you would wish to a free around with it. It sure ain’t very conservative of you.
Yes, a guy who OD'd on heroin at 33 is such a great spokesman against morality.
You people don't even see the irony.
You dopes have no sense of humor or irony. Nevertheless, I don’t require your approval of my avatar of choice which isn’t Belushi but a character he played in a comedy. 🥸
I am about as conservative as anyone you will interact with here. I think your OP concept is insanity. Your labeling doesn’t control.

The first amendment was part of an inducement to get the Constitution ratified by the states. If you, as a Christian, wouldn’t want our government to be premised on the laws of Judaism or the Sharia precepts of Islam, then even you must grasp why a Jew or an Islamist might object to being governed by a Christian based government.

Conservatives, generally speaking, prefer the stability of the foundation of our government being the Constitution. It is entirely unclear why you would wish to a free around with it. It sure ain’t very conservative of you.
Let me guess. Another irreligious "conservative"? Which means "not a conservative at all".

If you took the time to read my OP, you would know why I want that particular part of the Constitution changed. But I find the reason atheists don't want a THING changed in the separation argument, is because they are currently getting their way. They don't want to lose their power.
Let me guess. Another irreligious "conservative"? Which means "not a conservative at all".

If you took the time to read my OP, you would know why I want that particular part of the Constitution changed. But I find the reason atheists don't want a THING changed in the separation argument, is because they are currently getting their way. They don't want to lose their power.
No, it's because secular government is far superior to whatever childish, iron aged mythological fantasy you have bouncing around that head of yours.
Your daffynition of “conservative” doesn’t control.
Yep. Looks like I was right. Another atheist fake conservative. This place is crawling with 'em.

Let me tell you people something. If you aren't a religious conservative, you aren't a conservative. If you are fine with abortion, you aren't a conservative. You are part of the leftwing problem. You are part of the faction that wants to make us into China.
I have a terrific tip for you mashy:

Those blinders you are wearing are supposed to help avoid distractions on your periphery. Therefore, they shouldn’t be worn OVER your eyes!
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