It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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I believe those laws should be Constitutional, a Constitution that was drafted by writers who were well versed in the dangers of state sponsored religious oppression.
The framers were not infallible. They miscalculated by keeping Christianity out of the law. The couldn't foresee the malignant atheism we have now. The other parts of the Constitution are ingeneous. Just not this part.
All practicing Catholics are pro-life and believe abortion is morally wrong. Fake Catholics and other fake Christians like you're talking about, don't.
That's the difference. Many people believe many things are morally wrong, but do not wish people with guns harm you if you do them ( which in essence is government power).
All practicing Catholics are pro-life and believe abortion is morally wrong. Fake Catholics and other fake Christians like you're talking about, don't.
Personal beliefs and beliefs for the good and welfare of a diverse country can and should be different. I don't believe in eating pork. Does not mean I want to make laws against it.
Personal beliefs and beliefs for the good and welfare of a diverse country can and should be different. I don't believe in eating pork. Does not mean I want to make laws against it.
My laws have nothing to do with ceremonial practices. I don't call for Lenten fasting for example. All I'm saying is no laws should violate Christian teaching. You people are claiming I said stuff I didn't say.
All practicing Catholics are pro-life and believe abortion is morally wrong. Fake Catholics and other fake Christians like you're talking about, don't.
My response was to the issue of whether most practicing Catholics want to be ruled by Christians enforcing Christian laws. in the constitution and under some form of Christian laws being enforced. Please read. Please I know you can do it
My response was to the issue of whether most practicing Catholics want to be ruled by Christians enforcing Christian laws. in the constitution and under some form of Christian laws being enforced. Please read. Please I know you can do it
Of course practicing Catholics want laws that don't violate Christian teaching. That's pretty obvious. Why would they want radical atheist rulings like legal abortion and gay marriage?
Most if not all practicing Christians would agree with the laws I have proposed.

At least half your fellow Catholics do not.

All practicing Catholics are pro-life and believe abortion is morally wrong

My response was to the issue of whether most practicing Catholics want to be ruled by Christians enforcing Christian laws.

Of course practicing Catholics want laws that don't violate Christian teaching.

do you want a law banning all atheists talking about atheism banned from all media.
I thought somebody said this forum was mostly conservatives. If that's true, I sure seem to be drawing all the few leftwing atheist nuts. Weird.

No, you are drawing out both conservatives and liberals. Your ideas go against what this nation is based on.
Most if not all practicing Christians would agree with the laws I have proposed. You irreligious folks don't. That's expected.

Back in 2001, when Judge Roy Moore installed the 2 ton monument of the 10 Commandments in the Alabama Supreme Courthouse lobby (in the middle of the night), there were several public protests against it. I was working in Montgomery at the time and joined in several of them. There were ministers, deacons, lay-preachers, and at least one catholic priest who participated in the protest. They were adamant about the monument being removed (or other displays being allowed). So you are certainly wrong about all practicing Christians being in favor of a theocracy.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws.

Forcing Christian groups to pay for abortions and birth control for their employees.
Forcing Christian florists, photographers, and bakers to participate in gay weddings.
Distributing condoms in government schools to teens and preteens, suggesting that sex among these immature and obviously unmarried students is morally acceptable.
Using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions abroad.
Banning the Ten Commandments from government buildings (while flying the rainbow flag).
Banning the Nativity Scenes from government buildings.
Government sanction of Kwanzaa celebrations (a made-up racist ‘holiday’).
Disallowing references to Christmas in the public schools.
Teaching Critical Race Theory (which divides people and promotes hate).
Allowing gay marriage.

This is why the left screeches so loudly about “keeping religion out of government”. It’s because they know their atheism gets free reign if it doesn’t have to compete against Christianity.

The solution is two part: First, BAN atheism and atheistic views from being promoted by all media outlets. We’ve had such decency laws before. Hollywood enacted such standards in 1934 (that have since been repealed, unfortunately). Get rid of all the immoral trash in the movies and TV. Disallow the leftwing media from promoting atheist Marxism and other atheist policies. Then, secondly promote a Constitutional Amendment to make Christianity the official belief of the land. Then we end the abortion debate, the race-baiting issue, and the anti-capitalist pro-socialist issue once and for all. The country would once again be following God’s plan, church attendance would rise again, couples would marry instead of cohabitating, the gay marriage ruling would be repealed, families would stay together and be stronger, children would grow up in two-parent homes, so there would be far less crime. And best of all, ALL Marixst atheist disinformation would be stifled, and our children would stop being poisoned by it.

Let’s do it NOW!!

You need to take a better look. Catholicism bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens-the crusades, inquisition, burning humans alive at the stake. the rev war, the civil war, ww1, ww2, many other wars in history--The real Jesus teaches-love, peace and unity.
During the inquisition, a whole race of people were wiped out in south america on the orders of clergy, because they fornicated, all the while back in europe the clergy were the #1 attendees of the brothels-fornicating. Many cases of nuns and priests having sex. Gay priests, paedophile priests. Any in their right mind would run from that darkness.
I am for keeping it here. This person of high Catholic morals, superior to all the rest of us, was so steeped in American Christian nationalism In 2003, possibly white Christian nationalism, that he opposed Catholic bishops in America and the pope are in Rome to support the unnecessary and immoral invasion of Iraq. I am interested to find things like that about people who want to make design a Christian police state in America.
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