It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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There are more than a few that argue against spending money on those things. Look to the political christians and teach them.
Oh, there's a big difference between demanding government blow money on wasteful social liberals do.....and actually using your own time and resources to physically help the conservative Christians do.
Oh, there's a big difference between demanding government blow money on wasteful social liberals do.....and actually using your own time and resources to physically help the conservative Christians do.

But you want the nation to be Christian. Can it be a Christian nation if it ignores the poor, hungry, downtrodden and homeless? Jesus didn't think so.
But you want the nation to be Christian. Can it be a Christian nation if it ignores the poor, hungry, downtrodden and homeless? Jesus didn't think so.
It would be even more of a Christian nation if care for the poor was put in the hands of the private sector, individuals and volunteers instead of wasteful government programs that pad the pockets of leftwing cronies and do little to help the poor. Jesus didn't say "Force others to pay taxes to possibly help the poor". No, Jesus called for each person to help the poor.
It would be even more of a Christian nation if care for the poor was put in the hands of the private sector, individuals and volunteers instead of wasteful government programs that pad the pockets of leftwing cronies and do little to help the poor. Jesus didn't say "Force others to pay taxes to possibly help the poor". No, Jesus called for each person to help the poor.

But you want the gov't to force religious laws on everyone. How is that different?
What is an example of a purely religious law I supposedly want to force on everyone?

In another thread you listed laws you want to see passed for this country. I will highlight the ones that are religious and you want to force on everyone.

"Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:
1. Human lives are of supreme importance. Animals are subordinate,
2. Sex is only permissible through marriage
3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
..... a. Relatively early curfew times
..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.
In another thread you listed laws you want to see passed for this country. I will highlight the ones that are religious and you want to force on everyone.

"Christian/Catholic sexual morality taught from the earliest grades:
1. Human lives are of supreme importance. Animals are subordinate,
2. Sex is only permissible through marriage
3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
..... a. Relatively early curfew times
..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage
.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person
.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.
Those aren't solely religious points. They're common sense points. They keep people from getting into bad situations.
Which law in the OP precludes your praying to Satan at school?
We don't have your theocracy and people lose their shit when a Satanist want to introduce a prayer at meetings that start with a prayer. When Xtians say prayers are OK, they always mean only their prayer.
We don't have your theocracy and people lose their shit when a Satanist want to introduce a prayer at meetings that start with a prayer. When Xtians say prayers are OK, they always mean only their prayer.
Do you really pray to Satan?
Those aren't solely religious points. They're common sense points. They keep people from getting into bad situations.

"2. Sex is only permissible through marriage"
Making sex outside of marriage illegal is solely a religious point. The overwhelming majority of people in this nation have sex either before marriage or after divorce.

3. Birth control will not be discussed, nor will condoms be distributed in the schools.
Birth control will not even be discussed? No matter if it saves lives? And will they be arrested if they discuss it?

4. Sex education would be replaced with sensible teaching on dating which would include recommendations of:
If sex education does not cover the biological act and the implications of it, it is not sex education. Ignorance is never preferable.

..... a. Relatively early curfew times
Early curfews are fine. I remember, when I was a teen, having sex early in the evening.

..... b. No passionate kissing prior to marriage

This will never be a law. And if it was, young people would simply hide it. Making kissing illegal is ridiculous.

.....c. Emphasis on getting to know the other person

Kissing, discussing birth control and such is part of getting to know each other. If a couple is not sexually compatible, the marriage will probably not last.

.....d. Duggar-style side hugs, rather than frontal.
This is absolutely nuts. I hug my daughters. I wrap my arms around them a hold them close. There is absolutely nothing sexual about that. I hug my sons the same way.
Those aren't solely religious points. They're common sense points. They keep people from getting into bad situations.
Because we need daddy government looking out for us.

No thanks. You may want a parent looking out for you, I have grown up and no longer need someone else to tell me what I need to do.
You asked if you would be allowed to. I asked if you really did that. It's your job to have a point.
And I said I don't. But others do. I'm not an island. There are other rights it is my duty to protect. Did you ever read Neimoller?
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