It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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And furthermore, concerning THE ESTABLISHMENT CLAUSE of the Constitution -- it's purpose was that the nation as a whole would NOT DO what some of the colonies did do -- establish an official church for the usa, like some colonies did for their colony.

It wasn't that they were deists or atheists - it was that the usa as a whole would NOT have an official church, would not establish one.

I read a whole book on Establishment Clause related cases. Almost all of them were squabbles about parents whose kids went to a private school (church- related usually) fighting to not pay taxes to the regular schools. Most parents who do send their kids to a church school just have to eat it, and pay taxes that support the regular schools.

Baylor's mens basketball team is getting slaughtered by Kansas right now, just blowing us out, 23-7.

There are always Catholics like rightwinger with their " we are the only true Church " hooplah.

It is the true church of GOD

All other religions are just made up?

Martin Luther
Joseph Smith
L Ron Hubbard

All fakes looking to make a buck off of gullible suckers
Catholics descended from Saint Peter……a freaking Apostle of Jesus himself

Other so called “Christians” descended from Martin Luther, a heretic who never met Jesus and came up with a made up church

Catholics are the only true Christians…..The rest are no different from Mormons or Scientologists
It was a dishonor for a male to have long hair.( 1Cor 11:14) In Catholicism pictures of Jesus they show the world, Jesus bringing dishonor to his Fathers name. Jesus would never do that, proving they do not know him.
Matt 23:9-- Do not call any man on earth-Father--This is speaking about those in a clergy position, not about a dad. Its simple bible milk just like the hair one--Yet they are called Father. They call the Pope holy Father, elevating himself into Gods position.
As well the bible condemns-statues, icons and graven images--Your churches and homes are filled with all 3.
They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for a man named Hitler, they wouldnt even stop them when they saw he was a power mad mass murderer. And they prayed on both sides to the same God=pure hipocrosy.
And the worst of it all--They created a trinity god at one of their councils and translated errors in to mislead billions.
It was a dishonor for a male to have long hair.( 1Cor 11:14) In Catholicism pictures of Jesus they show the world, Jesus bringing dishonor to his Fathers name. Jesus would never do that, proving they do not know him.
Matt 23:9-- Do not call any man on earth-Father--This is speaking about those in a clergy position, not about a dad. Its simple bible milk just like the hair one--Yet they are called Father. They call the Pope holy Father, elevating himself into Gods position.
As well the bible condemns-statues, icons and graven images--Your churches and homes are filled with all 3.
They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for a man named Hitler, they wouldnt even stop them when they saw he was a power mad mass murderer. And they prayed on both sides to the same God=pure hipocrosy.
And the worst of it all--They created a trinity god at one of their councils and translated errors in to mislead billions.
Catholics descended from a SAINT
An Apostle of Christ

Protestants descended from Martin Luther
It was a dishonor for a male to have long hair.( 1Cor 11:14) In Catholicism pictures of Jesus they show the world, Jesus bringing dishonor to his Fathers name. Jesus would never do that, proving they do not know him.
Matt 23:9-- Do not call any man on earth-Father--This is speaking about those in a clergy position, not about a dad. Its simple bible milk just like the hair one--Yet they are called Father. They call the Pope holy Father, elevating himself into Gods position.
As well the bible condemns-statues, icons and graven images--Your churches and homes are filled with all 3.
They even killed their own supposed brothers in Christ for a man named Hitler, they wouldnt even stop them when they saw he was a power mad mass murderer. And they prayed on both sides to the same God=pure hipocrosy.
And the worst of it all--They created a trinity god at one of their councils and translated errors in to mislead billions.
Catholics don't worship images. That's one of those falsehoods out there. Statues are merely reminders to us.
Catholics descended from a SAINT
An Apostle of Christ

Protestants descended from Martin Luther
The facts i showed you prove they do not have Jesus or any apostle behind them. They created that trinity God. Israel never served a trinity while serving the true God. God does not change.
The facts i showed you prove they do not have Jesus or any apostle behind them. They created that trinity God. Israel never served a trinity while serving the true God. God does not change.

So wait a minute
There is no ”Christian” Religion. If you must choose one, it would have to be Catholic
Are you saying you would object if our Nation chose Catholic as it’s only religion?

Why would that be?
So wait a minute

Are you saying you would object if our Nation chose Catholic as it’s only religion?

Why would that be?
They dont have Jesus. They do not know Jesus. No followers of Jesus Ever would stand on both sides of wars like catholicism did-Rev war--civil war-=ww1,ww2 and many other trinity based religions did as well. Its very hard for any on earth to see love amongst themselves( a true mark) when they are blowing each others heads off on orders of wicked mortal govts.
They dont have Jesus. They do not know Jesus. No followers of Jesus Ever would stand on both sides of wars like catholicism did-Rev war--civil war-=ww1,ww2 and many other trinity based religions did as well. Its very hard for any on earth to see love amongst themselves( a true mark) when they are blowing each others heads off on orders of wicked mortal govts.

Try SAINT Peter who founded the Holy Catholic Church
One of Jesus’ favorite Apostles. They used to drink together.
What do you think happened at the Last Supper?

Your faith was founded by Martin Luther….a known heretic

Catholic is the true faith
If our nation were to choose one faith, it has to be a real one. Not a phony religion like the Protestant religions, Mormons or Scientology
They bow to a wooden Jesus behind the pulpit. They kiss a little metal cross. Both objects can do 0.
No, we bow to Jesus. The cross is a reminder. Nobody worships the object or image itself. And now that a Catholic has explained it to you, you can drop these false misconceptions, yes?
Try SAINT Peter who founded the Holy Catholic Church
One of Jesus’ favorite Apostles. They used to drink together.
What do you think happened at the Last Supper?

Your faith was founded by Martin Luther….a known heretic

Catholic is the true faith
If our nation were to choose one faith, it has to be a real one. Not a phony religion like the Protestant religions, Mormons or Scientology

That is what men tell you. Jesus would never allow his followers to stand on both sides of wars killing each other. He teaches-Love, peace, unity--no matter what mortal govts say is ok, Jesus gets applied first over them. Hitler wouldnt have had enough armies to attack anyone if the clergys told the christian young men not to kill their own own brothers for him. They threw Jesus away. Catholicism backed Hitler. There are photos of upper clergy shaking Hitlers hand in the holocaust museum. They put him above their own brothers in Christ who stood on the other side. Praying to the same God on both sides is pure hipocrisy.
No, we bow to Jesus. The cross is a reminder. Nobody worships the object or image itself. And now that a Catholic has explained it to you, you can drop these false misconceptions, yes?
Jesus is a king on a throne in heaven, he is not in a wooden object=a graven image. Just like a stone Buddah. there is no difference to God. Exodus20:4--you must not make a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth.
Jesus taught all who to worship-John 4:22-24
It was a dishonor for a male to have long hair.( 1Cor 11:14) In Catholicism pictures of Jesus they show the world, Jesus bringing dishonor to his Fathers name. Jesus would never do that, proving they do not know him.

Shows you know nothing about Jesus
He had long reddish blonde hair and blue eyes
Shows you know nothing about Jesus
He had long reddish blonde hair and blue eyes
No one knows what Jesus looked like. Except for the fact, he did not have long hair. No Israelite male did unless they were a Nazarite like Samson. Jesus wasnt. He was a Nazarene.
No one knows what Jesus looked like. Except for the fact, he did not have long hair. No Israelite male did unless they were a Nazarite like Samson. Jesus wasnt. He was a Nazarene.
Jesus was the Son of God
He could have as long hair as he wanted

You going to tell the Son of God to get a haircut?
Not me…..He could strike you down with a bolt of lightning or something

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Jesus is a king on a throne in heaven, he is not in a wooden object=a graven image. Just like a stone Buddah. there is no difference to God. Exodus20:4--you must not make a carved image or a form like anything that is in the heavens above or on the earth underneath or that is in the waters under the earth.
Jesus taught all who to worship-John 4:22-24
I've told you how it is in clear terms., yet you just repeat the same falsehoods. That tells me you aren't sincere. You're trolling, and we're done.
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