It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Uh, the opposite of religion isn't atheism. It's being non-religious. Atheism is a belief system that something DOESN'T exist. Non-religious isn't a belief system, hence, it's the opposite.

Which church would you FORCE people to follow then?
Atheism and irreligion are the same in practice as far as people's behavior. I don't distinguish between the two.
And once again, I wouldn't force anyone to choose a religion. I believe I have made it clear I am talking about the official position of the country being Christian.
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Lots of people want to amend the founding documents. We live in what is recognized to the leading nation in this world and much of our success is due to those founding documents. I suggest we thread carefully here especially when dealing with the Bill of Rights.

I personally suspect there was some Devine guidance in those founding documents.

During the American Revolution, when the American Founders wrote the Declaration of Independence to form the new nation of the United States, they included principles in the document that characterized America’s founding philosophy. One of these principles was the idea of God as “Divine Providence.” The Founders concluded the Declaration by stating, “For the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the Protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor [emphasis mine].” Their description shows that they acknowledged and upheld a Judeo-Christian, Bible-based view of God as actively involved in the lives of human beings. Such were the views of many early Americans, which greatly impacted their thoughts and actions at that time.


The Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution do not therefore represent competing views of the existence of a Supreme Being or its role in American political life. They are two sides of the same coin. When read together, the Declaration and Constitution tell us that the people’s rights are divine in origin, sacred and unalienable, while governments are human in origin, answerable to the people and dependent entirely on their consent.
While I think most of the founding documents are ingenious. I do not think these men were infallible, so I don't fault them for an inability to foresee the large-scale cancer of atheist regimes and atheists working to subvert countries. Such hadn't existed yet. But I think it's critical we now correct their error.
America deserves the best hypocrisy!

Mindless insults don't make your case. Is it because you don't have a case?
Someone who lacks belief is "non-religious". Atheist is "believes there is no God".

And yes, I do know that people use the term "atheist" badly and claim it's what you've said.


: a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods : one who subscribes to or advocates atheism
You would think that after all the oppression Jews suffered durning WWII they would be all for gun ownership. Many are not as they fear firearms will be used against them by firearm owners who hate Jews.

Therefore I think they appreciate living in our nation which has no official religion more than you believe. This link is quite dated but interesting.

The regimes that persecuted the Jews in the Holocaust were not Christian; they closed churches and executed Christian clergy. No, the persecuting regimes, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia were godless, irreligious, atheist. And that's where America is being led by the Marxists. Jews should be frightened by that prospect. Not by the prospect of a Christian nation.
They were mainly Catholic.

Funny, that.
The regimes were atheist. Hitler and Stalin were atheists. Both closed Christian churches and murdered Christian clergy by the thousands.
While I think most of the founding documents are ingenious. I do not think these men were infallible, so I don't fault them for an inability to foresee the large-scale cancer of atheist regimes and atheists working to subvert countries. Such hadn't existed yet. But I think it's critical we now correct their error.
How exactly do you plan to correct this problem. You would have to amend the Constitution. You might succeed if an overwhelming number of citizens in this nation were extremely devout Christians. I suspect a high percentage of Christians would oppose making Christianity the official religion of our nation. Many support the separation of church and stater. Plus how would you define Christianity. Are Catholics really Christian, or Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unificationists, etc. Lots of disagreement here — many believe their particular form of Christianity is the only true one.


The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution . . . which . . . shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof.
You read that correctly: two-thirds of both chambers plus three-fourths of the state legislatures must approve an amendment before it becomes law.

The regimes that persecuted the Jews in the Holocaust were not Christian; they closed churches and executed Christian clergy. No, the persecuting regimes, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia were godless, irreligious, atheist. And that's where America is being led by the Marxists. Jews should be frightened by that prospect. Not by the prospect of a Christian nation.
Note: I am not Jewish nor do I know any Jewish people at this time to ask. In passing I agree that Jews should support firearm ownership by civilians. If I wasJewish you can bet I would own firearms for self defense.

Some Jews in America are pro-gun. This article from such a group tries to explain Jewish opposition to firearm ownership.

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws.

Forcing Christian groups to pay for abortions and birth control for their employees.
Forcing Christian florists, photographers, and bakers to participate in gay weddings.
Distributing condoms in government schools to teens and preteens, suggesting that sex among these immature and obviously unmarried students is morally acceptable.
Using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions abroad.
Banning the Ten Commandments from government buildings (while flying the rainbow flag).
Banning the Nativity Scenes from government buildings.
Government sanction of Kwanzaa celebrations (a made-up racist ‘holiday’).
Disallowing references to Christmas in the public schools.
Teaching Critical Race Theory (which divides people and promotes hate).
Allowing gay marriage.

This is why the left screeches so loudly about “keeping religion out of government”. It’s because they know their atheism gets free reign if it doesn’t have to compete against Christianity.

The solution is two part: First, BAN atheism and atheistic views from being promoted by all media outlets. We’ve had such decency laws before. Hollywood enacted such standards in 1934 (that have since been repealed, unfortunately). Get rid of all the immoral trash in the movies and TV. Disallow the leftwing media from promoting atheist Marxism and other atheist policies. Then, secondly promote a Constitutional Amendment to make Christianity the official belief of the land. Then we end the abortion debate, the race-baiting issue, and the anti-capitalist pro-socialist issue once and for all. The country would once again be following God’s plan, church attendance would rise again, couples would marry instead of cohabitating, the gay marriage ruling would be repealed, families would stay together and be stronger, children would grow up in two-parent homes, so there would be far less crime. And best of all, ALL Marixst atheist disinformation would be stifled, and our children would stop being poisoned by it.

Let’s do it NOW!!

This is truly one of the most asinine and delusional things I've ever heard.
The regimes were atheist. Hitler and Stalin were atheists. Both closed Christian churches and murdered Christian clergy by the thousands.
Russians, Germans and Poles, French and Italians etc., were Catholic or their cousins, Orthodox. They executed, pun intended, the plan.

But it's ok, I'm sure they were forgiven. I mean, that's the whole point, isn't it?
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws.

Forcing Christian groups to pay for abortions and birth control for their employees.
Forcing Christian florists, photographers, and bakers to participate in gay weddings.
Distributing condoms in government schools to teens and preteens, suggesting that sex among these immature and obviously unmarried students is morally acceptable.
Using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions abroad.
Banning the Ten Commandments from government buildings (while flying the rainbow flag).
Banning the Nativity Scenes from government buildings.
Government sanction of Kwanzaa celebrations (a made-up racist ‘holiday’).
Disallowing references to Christmas in the public schools.
Teaching Critical Race Theory (which divides people and promotes hate).
Allowing gay marriage.

This is why the left screeches so loudly about “keeping religion out of government”. It’s because they know their atheism gets free reign if it doesn’t have to compete against Christianity.

The solution is two part: First, BAN atheism and atheistic views from being promoted by all media outlets. We’ve had such decency laws before. Hollywood enacted such standards in 1934 (that have since been repealed, unfortunately). Get rid of all the immoral trash in the movies and TV. Disallow the leftwing media from promoting atheist Marxism and other atheist policies. Then, secondly promote a Constitutional Amendment to make Christianity the official belief of the land. Then we end the abortion debate, the race-baiting issue, and the anti-capitalist pro-socialist issue once and for all. The country would once again be following God’s plan, church attendance would rise again, couples would marry instead of cohabitating, the gay marriage ruling would be repealed, families would stay together and be stronger, children would grow up in two-parent homes, so there would be far less crime. And best of all, ALL Marixst atheist disinformation would be stifled, and our children would stop being poisoned by it.

Let’s do it NOW!!
What a load of crap.
Your founding fathers would be disgusted.
Maintaining a democracy is more important than any silly God rubbish.
Atheism and irreligion are the same in practice as far as people's behavior. I don't distinguish between the two.
And once again, I wouldn't force anyone to choose a religion. I believe I have made it clear I am talking about the official position of the country being Christian.

Right, so because you see anyone who doesn't believe the same as you, then we should just have one word for all people who aren't you then?

The reason I said "force" is because if you make "Christianity" the "Official religion", what then is "Christianity"? Islam has Jesus in it.

And what would be the point in making it the official religion? The UK has an "official religion", Church of England. Not "Christianity". And to be honest, most people in the UK don't care unless it's got chocolate involved, ie, Christmas and Easter.

It's more likely to turn people off because they don't trust the government.


: a person who does not believe in the existence of a god or any gods : one who subscribes to or advocates atheism

And dictionaries can be wrong.

What's the point of saying someone is an atheist and then giving two widely different definitions for it? And then having "non-religious" which means half of that?
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How exactly do you plan to correct this problem. You would have to amend the Constitution. You might succeed if an overwhelming number of citizens in this nation were extremely devout Christians. I suspect a high percentage of Christians would oppose making Christianity the official religion of our nation. Many support the separation of church and stater. Plus how would you define Christianity. Are Catholics really Christian, or Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Unificationists, etc. Lots of disagreement here — many believe their particular form of Christianity is the only true one.


You read that correctly: two-thirds of both chambers plus three-fourths of the state legislatures must approve an amendment before it becomes law.

I understand there is not a chance in hell this could happen today. But there was also a time when the notion of gay marriage was absolutely absurd in people's minds. Yet through leftwing media hammering, public opinion turned about 2012. Then Biden, Hillary, and 0bama, all three jumped on board. So if a horrible immoral idea can gain traction, so can a good idea. They key is to have a multi-media complex that is forced to STOP pushing the Marxist atheist agenda that is turning people away from churches today, through a constant pounding of anti-religion disinformation.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws.

Forcing Christian groups to pay for abortions and birth control for their employees.
Forcing Christian florists, photographers, and bakers to participate in gay weddings.
Distributing condoms in government schools to teens and preteens, suggesting that sex among these immature and obviously unmarried students is morally acceptable.
Using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions abroad.
Banning the Ten Commandments from government buildings (while flying the rainbow flag).
Banning the Nativity Scenes from government buildings.
Government sanction of Kwanzaa celebrations (a made-up racist ‘holiday’).
Disallowing references to Christmas in the public schools.
Teaching Critical Race Theory (which divides people and promotes hate).
Allowing gay marriage.

This is why the left screeches so loudly about “keeping religion out of government”. It’s because they know their atheism gets free reign if it doesn’t have to compete against Christianity.

The solution is two part: First, BAN atheism and atheistic views from being promoted by all media outlets. We’ve had such decency laws before. Hollywood enacted such standards in 1934 (that have since been repealed, unfortunately). Get rid of all the immoral trash in the movies and TV. Disallow the leftwing media from promoting atheist Marxism and other atheist policies. Then, secondly promote a Constitutional Amendment to make Christianity the official belief of the land. Then we end the abortion debate, the race-baiting issue, and the anti-capitalist pro-socialist issue once and for all. The country would once again be following God’s plan, church attendance would rise again, couples would marry instead of cohabitating, the gay marriage ruling would be repealed, families would stay together and be stronger, children would grow up in two-parent homes, so there would be far less crime. And best of all, ALL Marixst atheist disinformation would be stifled, and our children would stop being poisoned by it.

Let’s do it NOW!!
Nope. We are better than that
You aren't debating. You are folding your arms and saying " no because I said so" to the arguments made. That's not a debate.
Reread the OP if you think I haven't listed the reasons.
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