It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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For individuals, yes. But government MUST represent some belief, whether by action or default. Right now they've chosen atheism by default. That is what needs to change.
I whole heartedly disagree. The government represent the voice of the people and serve as a government body. Limiting that voice to represent a single religious belief does just that… Limits. We are better than that
We should leave it to our Catholic President to decide which religion should be our official religion

There are too many bogus Christian religions that speak in tongues and handle snakes
Well since the majority of practicing Catholics are Spanish speakers, he'll need to make the national language Spanish, not heathen English.
As a Catholic, Joe Biden takes orders from the Pope
A man who takes orders directly from God himself.

Biden will make Catholicism our official religion
Well, here's more stupidity on your part.

I'm hardly representative of "the left".

You should probably try to smarten the fuck up...

I whole heartedly disagree. The government represent the voice of the people and serve as a government body. Limiting that voice to represent a single religious belief does just that… Limits. We are better than that
I contend that our government laws have moved toward representing the atheist belief. Are you good with that?
No. It is time to confirm that America is a nation where all religions may be practiced freely, and that we have a separation between Church and State. However, I also believe that Church should have a strong voice in government, speaking for its people, even though it would not hold the power of government.
The actual effect of banning religion from government has been to create an atheist state, or at least moving in that direction. That's the point I'm making.
Yes. Like I said. The founders were wrong on this one.

oh well.

They didn't forsee that the left would insert atheism as the default to fill the void.

the 1st amendment guarantees the freedom of religion & freedom from religion.

there has never been, nor will ever be a state sponsored religion nor as a litmus test - so says the constitution.

Haven't you heard? Jefferson was a racist.

damn right he was. he owned people too. history cannot be erased - much like the holocaust.

The left believes he should be airbrushed from American history books.


spare me.
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Show me where Jesus said to Pray the Rosery, Chant, say 10 Hail Mary's, repeatedly Stand, Kneel, Sit & give money to build temples, monuments, statues, crosses, trinkets & idols to worship? I believe Jesus spoke against that Paganist crap!

the RC church is a very political entity.
Show me where Jesus said to Pray the Rosery, Chant, say 10 Hail Mary's, repeatedly Stand, Kneel, Sit & give money to build temples, monuments, statues, crosses, trinkets & idols to worship? I believe Jesus spoke against that Paganist crap!

one is also supposta be an adult to be aware & make the decision to be baptized.
But don't you see? By not having an official religion, the de facto "religion" becomes atheism.

you want to de facto change that as a step above anothers' belief & ideology.

in god we trust & 1 nation under god does not mean YOUR god as you see him/her/it/they.

guess what? they also allow an atom on the gravestones at arlington if it's wanted; along with a vast array of others.

why is that? | Veterans Affairs

because your OP is off the wall.
It's not. The church doesn't bow to the PC left.

it's been political since its inception.

ions ago - only priests & higher could have a bible.

first born sons were destined to enter the seminary...

& the pope/vatican is chock full of riches.

& i didn't even mention the child diddling cover ups.
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