It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Is it because they are atheist? How many Christian wars have there been?
Of course it's because they're atheists. They killed millions just for being religious. They closed churches and murdered thousands of clergy.
NFBW wrote: Are you at odds with Jesus because you rendered unto Ceasar what is Ceasars as he told you to do. Perhaps GOD, you, Jesus, Trump and the Holy Ghost need to hire a new communications director. 22JAN30-POST#0409

And yet you do the same thing by forcing me to pay for abortions abroad with my tax dollars. You're imposing your atheist laws on me

Aaahhh / Ceasars dollars God’s dollars Mashmont is a Special American.

NFBW wrote: You make tax free donations to your beautiful Catholic Church which was built on tax exempt land. Your church pays Clergy who live in the tax free parsonage not considered as income. A Federal tax benefit paid only to Clergy. IRC Code SEC. 107. RENTAL VALUE OF PARSONAGES.

You drive on a public road to get to your Church?

Did only Catholics who believe exactly as you, build that road and do only Catholics that believe exactly as you do, manage and maintain that road so you could thrive in the material world to earn money in mathematics?

Maybe there was a pro-choice atheist or two involved who built that road and maintain it. A Cop that protects you on it. The engineer who designed it so it drains the water away when it rains. Do you think they are all Catholics who believe exactly as you do?

Do you give a share of your worldly money to your church and deduct it from your worldly taxes that pays for our common national defense?

Are the men and women in uniform all Catholics we believe exactly as you do? Do all these people firemen, laborers, engineers, soldiers, the cashier at the grocery store, all believe exactly the same CATHOLIC doctrine as you.

When your priest in the parish and your family in your home flip a switch and the lights come on and you adjust the thermostat the heat or AC comes on; is that a miracle of God or is it the work of millions of multicultural Americans who do not all believe exactly as you do?

Are there any pro-Choice tax paying citizens out there making the mass of our iron and steel, brick plastic, electric oil grid, journey of life together, to make it possible for you to drive to your choice of worship on Sunday and have a very nice day - who do not believe and worship God as exactly and purely as you?

Or is it all by the Catholic Church, of the Catholic Church, and for the Catholic Church? The belief that God came to us and lived with us as a human.

Do me a favor Mashmont . I have talked to a few men of God in my days as a construction worker. I think he might would be appalled at you’re Christian arrogance. I Would like you to take this post and show it to your priest for comment. Perhaps he can enlighten me if I’m wrong.. Will you do that?. I can tell him why he is losing people. 22FEB08-POST#1043
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Aaahhh / Ceasars dollars God’s dollars Mashmont is a Special American.

NFBW wrote: You make tax free donations to your beautiful Catholic Church which was built on tax exempt land. Your church pays Clergy who live in the tax free parsonage not considered as income. A Federal tax benefit paid only to Clergy. IRC Code SEC. 107. RENTAL VALUE OF PARSONAGES.

You drive on a public road to get to your Church?

Did only Catholics who believe exactly as you, build that road and do only Catholics that believe exactly as you do, manage and maintain that road so you could thrive in the material world to earn money in mathematics?

Maybe there was a pro-choice atheist or two involved who built that road and maintain it. A Cop that protects you on it. The engineer who designed it so it drains the water away when it rains. Do you think they are all Catholics who believe exactly as you do?

Do you give a share of your worldly money to your church and deduct it from your worldly taxes that pays for our common national defense?

Are the men and women in uniform all Catholics we believe exactly as you do? Do all these people firemen, laborers, engineers, soldiers, the cashier at the grocery store, all believe exactly the same CATHOLIC doctrine as you.

When your priest in the parish and your family in your home flip a switch and the lights come on and you adjust the thermostat the heat or AC comes on; is that a miracle of God or is it the work of millions of multicultural Americans who do not all believe exactly as you do? Are there any pro-Choice tax paying citizens out there making the mass of humanity, iron and steel, brick plastic, electric oil grid, journey of life together to make it possible for to drive to your choice of worship on Sunday and have a very nice day?

Or is it all by the Catholic Church, of the Catholic Church, and for the Catholic Church? The belief that God came to us and lived with us as a human.

Do me a favor Mashmont . I have talked to a few men of God in my days as a construction worker. I think he might would be appalled at you’re Christian arrogance. I Would like you to take this post and show it to your priest for comment. Perhaps he can enlighten me if I’m wrong.. Will you do that?. I can tell him why he is losing people. 22FEB08-POST#1043
1. I was wondering if you gave the churches in your area a donation for opening up their buildings for use as polling places on Election Day. Did you help offset their expenses for heating, electricity, water, and janitorial services resulting from serving hundreds of people free of charge for the benefit of the government? And all the free assistance donated by churches and church members: Did you help remimburse all those fine volunteers for their time and gas? And the free afterschool services many churches provide. Did you make a nice donation to pay for utilties and time for the volunteers? And the churches who pay utilities for poor people during the cold winter months: Did you help the churches pay these bills? And the churches that feed the hungry in your city? Did you write a check to help out with that? The local priest who was summoned during the night to counsel and individual contemplating suicide....did you reimburse him for his time and inconvenience, and for reducing the load on government social services? I could keep going and going. I mean, as long as we're keeping tabs on who owes whom for what.....

2. As for my Catholic parish, we are doing great and adding members. The pastor is outstanding. I would happily show him my OP if I thought he wanted, but I would not subject him to the file profane insults and outright anti-religious bigotry put forth by the irreligious folks responding in my thread.
. I would happily show him my OP

NFBW wrote: i asked you to show him 22FEB08-POST#1043 That’s all. That’s the only one. I see you are not going to answer certain questions that I ask. I will ask again if you don’t. 22FEB08-POST#1044
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NFBW wrote: i asked you to show him 22FEB08-POST#1043 That’s all. That’s the only one. I see you are not going to answer certain questions that I ask. I will ask again if you don’t. 22FEB08-POST#1044
You're great at asking questions. Not so good on answering them. But in case you forgot, here are my questions again. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. But I have a feeling you regret ever bringiing up who should compensate whom concerning churches vs government,

I was wondering if you gave the churches in your area a donation for opening up their buildings for use as polling places on Election Day. Did you help offset their expenses for heating, electricity, water, and janitorial services resulting from serving hundreds of people free of charge for the benefit of the government? And all the free assistance donated by churches and church members: Did you help remimburse all those fine volunteers for their time and gas? And the free afterschool services many churches provide. Did you make a nice donation to pay for utilties and time for the volunteers? And the churches who pay utilities for poor people during the cold winter months: Did you help the churches pay these bills? And the churches that feed the hungry in your city? Did you write a check to help out with that? The local priest who was summoned during the night to counsel and individual contemplating suicide....did you reimburse him for his time and inconvenience, and for reducing the load on government social services? I could keep going and going. I mean, as long as we're keeping tabs on who owes whom for what.....
could keep going and going. I mean, as long as we're keeping tabs on who owes whom for what.....

NFBW wrote: My questions to you were not about keeping tabs. Please go back and read them again? If you refuse to answer them just say so. I’m spiritually and intellectually way above your whataboutism game. I won’t donate to organizations that have members who want to change the constitution to take away my freedom. In your case you make the Catholic Church look pretty bad. 22FEB08-POST#1046
But I have a feeling you regret ever bringiing up who should compensate whom concerning churches vs government,
NFBW Wrote: I don’t regret it because I didn’t bring that up. I pointed out the observable fact that church property is exempt from property taxes and a priest who lives there has significant income tax benefit that the rest of us taxpayers don’t have. And I made a point with some questions from there. Questions you have chosen to avoid. 22FEB08-POST#104
Tell you what, "Admiral" I realize you don't have an argument other than insults, but if you call me names again, you're gone to the Iggy Bin. Is that understood?
There is no argument to be made. What you propose is the antithesis of the freedoms the country possesses. It is easy to see you are an idiot, because you ignore that fact.
Not very brave for an alleged military man to hide behind the skirt of someone else and applaud them while they say things you wouldn't say, is it?

I have called you a fool in one of these threads. The fact that I have engaged you on this topic does NOT mean you are any less an idiot for wanting to change a fundamental freedom in this great nation.

Admiral spoke his mind, as he typically does,
There is no argument to be made. What you propose is the antithesis of the freedoms the country possesses. It is easy to see you are an idiot, because you ignore that fact.
Yeah, and you're in the iggy bin, troll.
You people whine about freedoms while your own freedoms will evaporate before your eyes once the atheists you enable to write the laws take over.
Yeah, and you're in the iggy bin, troll.
You people whine about freedoms while your own freedoms will evaporate before your eyes once the atheists you enable to write the laws take over.

The laws will not be written that violate the US Constitution. Or at least they will not stand.
I have called you a fool in one of these threads. The fact that I have engaged you on this topic does NOT mean you are any less an idiot for wanting to change a fundamental freedom in this great nation.

Admiral spoke his mind, as he typically does,
And you just joined your fellow screen beret troll in the iggy bin. Enjoy.
And you just joined your fellow screen beret troll in the iggy bin. Enjoy.

Awww, you can't handle actual debates? lol You can't see this post but others can. I have been engaging you since the beginning. But since you have no valid argument it is easier to just ignore me.
These leftwingers just aren't very smart. I mean I tell them I'll debate them all day, but the minute you name call you're gone. I warn them ahead of time what will happen. Then they do it anyway. Then I bust them. Then they whine about it. Again, not very intelligent.
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Putting all you opponents on ignore is one way to win an internet debate I guess.
It's not debate when you name call. Basically it's an admission I've won the debate and you're out of bullets. In the "admiral's" case, he never had any bullets to begin with.
. It is easy to see you are an idiot, because you ignore that fact.

he fact that I have engaged you on this topic does NOT mean you are any less an idiot for wanting to change a fundamental freedom in this great nation.

Putting all you opponents on ignore is one way to win an internet debate I guess.

NFBW wrote: It’s been my observation that the most aggressive militant Christians really hate to be considered an idiot because they believe they are the smartest people on earth on their best behavior on earth, because they were smart enough to be raised saved and stayed saved. - - - Everybody else is not saved and living in perpetual sin. Its absurd to the militant Christian to be regarded by a sinner (atheist generalization) to be stupid or wrong about anything. - - - One reason could be that militant Christians can’t understand why non-Christians don’t get saved because it’s so easy to do. It’s good that most Christians practice their religion in a much more state of humility and understanding the
fallibility of being human (like Jesus) and they achieve a higher spirituality in my mind. With or without attending a church. 22FEB08-POST#1057
These leftwingers just aren't very smart. I mean I tell them I'll debate them all day, but the minute you name call you're gone. I warn them ahead of time what will happen. Then they do it anyway. Then I bust them. Then they whine about it. Again, not very intelligent.
Which itself is insulting and hypocritical. You're insulting their intelligence, aka "name calling."
In his eyes the nations are
like a drop in a bucket,
like dust on the scales.
To him coasts and islands
weigh no more than fine dust,

Isaiah 40:15
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