It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Putin has done what you wanna do here in America. He has eliminated the separation of church and state. Putin has used the Christian religion for his own means to his and which is absolute power and control over the population. The fact that you want to try to do this in the United States is disgusting and deplorable. You’re a sick worthless human being all in the name of Your perverted concept of religion History is littered with dead bodies and destroyed property by the likes of you. You are dangerous and a threat to our democracy
Putin actually believes he's a good guy, a religious guy. He thinks the West is satanic and full of Nazis, as he practices his own version of fascism. Religion really screws people up.
Religion really screws people up.
I think Putin Trump Mashmont and the white evangelical Christian REPUBLICAN votER base is screwing religion up. The REPUBLICAN PARTY IS NOTHING without its authoritarian anti-democracy and anti-multicultural society base. All they do in the name of JESUS and patriotism has for too long been tolerated. That tolerance needs to be stopped or we lose our 240 year ole democracy.
I think Putin Trump Mashmont and the white evangelical Christian REPUBLICAN votER base is screwing religion up. The REPUBLICAN PARTY IS NOTHING without its authoritarian anti-democracy and anti-multicultural society base. All they do in the name of JESUS and patriotism has for too long been tolerated. That tolerance needs to be stopped or we lose our 240 year ole democracy.
Agreed, but when it starts getting that bad I think the majority of those people are going to have a rude awakening and realize all that they're doing wrong. Hopefully they will keep the faith and repent for following such screwed up agendas in the name of God.
The person I directed the post towards has been one I argued with as much as agreed with.

And if anyone was embarrassed, it would be the one who used a Reddit post as "proof" of his claims.
My claim was that others reported that the student threatened rape. I linked a site whether others reported it. It's not my job to verify the quote. Whereas you categorically claimed the threat was never made, and you provided no evidence of your positive claim. Then you tried to make the silly claim that I posed as the three people who all agreed on reading about the threat even though they registered with reddit several years ago. You embarrassed yourself, then didn't have the decency to own up to your false claim.
Here we are a month and a half later, and my thesis that we must officially convert to being a Christian nation is more true now than ever. Just look at what the atheist Democrats are allowing to happen in Ukraine.
I just looked up the religious basis of the two different parties. Democrats are 42% Protestant and 23% Catholic for a total of 65%; Republicans are 54% Protestant and 18% Catholic for a total of 72%. That's from a 2020 survey. Very little difference, so your claim about Democrats being atheist is another lie. And more Democrats voted for aid to the Ukraine then Republicans. Their reason, if you could call it that, is because Biden was for it so naturally they were going to against it. Stick to the facts and you're better off.
Just look at what the atheist Democrats are allowing to happen in Ukraine.
By saying Democrats are allowing the mass murder of Ukrainians by order of Donald Trump’s mentor and friend at the Kremlin you are suggesting that there is an absolutely specific and realistic way to stop Putin. Franklin Graham wants us to pray for Putin - Is that your plan you anti-free democracy so-called Catholic. If it is Biden and the Dens are not stopping you.
For the second time, Iran and the middle East are NOT Christian nations. Nazi Germany was not a Christian nation.

Interesting...considering that "GOTT MIT UNS!" (with the Nazi eagle) was common on Wehrmacht uniform accessories.

My choice would be Catholicism, the religion founded by Jesus. Jesus' teaching supersedes the OT teaching. I always notice atheists don't want any part of discussing Jesus' perfect teachings of love and peace.

Yeah, Catholicism is great. You could make Joseph Birmingham, Paul Desilets, Robert Gale, and Ronald Paquin spiritual advisors!

For some reason, people are quoting the founding documents, as if that counters my claim. I have said three or four times, I think the founders were misguided on this issue, and I said why in my OP. I'm not sure the founders had ever seen the destruction virulent strains of atheism can cause, like with the Communists. The founders couldn't have foreseen how they would hijack the Constitution for their own ends. I would ask that people stop pasting these quotes, as I know what they say already.

People are and should be free to choose their beliefs, but I think the state religion should be Christianity. And the media complex should not be allowed to push an atheist agenda as they are now. As we have seen, government and the media have to pick one belief or another to spread, as there is no way to be neutral. We have to make sure it's the one that helps people; not the one that hurts them. Christianity helps people; atheism ruins them.

You really do want a return to witch-burnings, don't you?

I hope the same. We desperately need a Christian renaissance.

Those tend to have high body counts...

Atheism and irreligion are the same in practice as far as people's behavior. I don't distinguish between the two.

Your ignorance should be corrected.

The regimes that persecuted the Jews in the Holocaust were not Christian; they closed churches and executed Christian clergy. No, the persecuting regimes, Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia were godless, irreligious, atheist. And that's where America is being led by the Marxists. Jews should be frightened by that prospect. Not by the prospect of a Christian nation.

And yet..."GOTT MIT UNS" was common on Wehrmacht uniforms.
By saying Democrats are allowing the mass murder of Ukrainians by order of Donald Trump’s mentor and friend at the Kremlin you are suggesting that there is an absolutely specific and realistic way to stop Putin. Franklin Graham wants us to pray for Putin - Is that your plan you anti-free democracy so-called Catholic. If it is Biden and the Dens are not stopping you.
It's a lie, 54 Republicans voted against sending aid to the Ukraine 15 Democrats voted against sending aid to the Ukraine. " These 69 House Representatives voted against Ukraine military aid " 3-10 -22
By saying Democrats are allowing the mass murder of Ukrainians by order of Donald Trump’s mentor and friend at the Kremlin you are suggesting that there is an absolutely specific and realistic way to stop Putin. Franklin Graham wants us to pray for Putin - Is that your plan you anti-free democracy so-called Catholic. If it is Biden and the Dens are not stopping you.

Trump isn't a friend of Putin not with the many sanctions and Trade roadblocks along with his insistence of building up NATO military power.

I posted the evidence HERE

Being ignorant isn't helping you.
Trump isn't a friend of Putin not with the many sanctions and Trade roadblocks along with his insistence of building up NATO military power.

I posted the evidence HERE

Being ignorant isn't helping you.
Unless trump is totally gullible, they never were friends. If you watched carefully Putin wasn't smiling the whole time he was with trump, he was smirking; that's something a child would do and they think they're getting away with something.
You are such a liar and Congress made him do sanctions And he tried to lift sanctions when he came into office …

You didn't look at the link I gave you for the evidence which means you are willfully ignorant:

Here is what the NATO Chief has to say about Trump,

USA Today

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost​

William Cummings

January 27, 2019


President Donald Trump "is committed to NATO" and deserves credit in obtaining $100 billion more in defense spending for the alliance, Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, said Sunday.

"President Trump has been very clear: He is committed to NATO. He stated that clearly just a few days ago and also at the NATO summit in July," Stoltenberg said on "Fox News Sunday."



"Aug 2 Legislation – President Trump signs Russia sanctions bill into law (CAATSA)
President Trump signed into law the Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions act (CAATSA), enacting new sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea."


you should slink away.......
Trump isn't a friend of Putin
Why did Putin want TRUMP In the White House instead of Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020? Putin and Trump have white Christian nationalism as a political tool for authoritarian rule. Putin got damn close to keeping his NATO bashing Friendly POTUS in power on January 6. Pence ruined it for Putin didn’t he.
Unless trump is totally gullible, they never were friends.
They were friends for life after Trump told the entire world he believed Putin’s lies over what US intelligence presented to him. Trump might as well been on his knees at Putin’s podium. Same difference.
Why did Putin want TRUMP In the White House instead of Clinton in 2016 or Biden in 2020? Putin and Trump have white Christian nationalism as a political tool for authoritarian rule. Putin got damn close to keeping his NATO bashing Friendly POTUS in power on January 6. Pence ruined it for Putin didn’t he.

Pence didn't ruin anything as he followed his certification duties to the letter as Trump was wrong about it which I pointed out several time with the evidence.

You apparently will ignore the evidence I posted because you made up your mind against him because you can't handle the truth.
Here is what the NATO Chief has to say about Trump,

USA Today

'Trump is having an impact': NATO head credits president's tough talk for $100B boost​

William Cummings
Yes - tough talk threatening to pull the US out of NATO and Europe made our friends in Europe FEAR they can’t count on the US to come to their defense with an isolationist like Trump as the leader of the free world. That certainly delighted Putin and he was hoping for four more years of that.

In a 2016 interview with The New York Times, Trump described NATO as “obsolete” and “unfair, economically, to … the United States.” As president, Trump berated other NATO nations for not meeting certain fundraising benchmarks and toyed with the idea of leaving the alliance. According to the Times, Trump in 2018 “told his top national security officials that he did not see the point of the military alliance, which he presented as a drain on the United States.”

NATO without the US would be weak - That’s why Putin loves Trump. and hates Biden.
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Pence didn't ruin anything as he followed his certification duties to the letter as Trump was wrong about it which I pointed out several time with the evidence.
WHEN pence Refused to obey his boss he saved us all from the potential end of our constitutional system of peaceful transfer of power according to the electorate. THAT “RUINed” WHAT Putin hoped would happen - democratic catastrophe in the greatest democracy the world has ever seen. THATS THE RUIN I’m talking about. PWNCE RUINED WHAT Trump and Putin wanted. Get it? He ruined Trump JR’s plot that was hatched before the election results were final.

PUTIN Would have loved it had Pence not been loyal to his oath to leave office peacefully when the voters rejected him and Trump.
Yes - tough talk threading to pull the US out of NATO and Europe made are friends in Europe FEAR they can’t count on the US to come to their defense with an isolationist line Trump as the leader of the free world. That certainly delighted Putin and hoping for four more years of that.

In a 2016 interview with The New York Times, Trump described NATO as “obsolete” and “unfair, economically, to … the United States.” As president, Trump berated other NATO nations for not meeting certain fundraising benchmarks and toyed with the idea of leaving the alliance. According to the Times, Trump in 2018 “told his top national security officials that he did not see the point of the military alliance, which he presented as a drain on the United States.”

NATO without the US would be weak - That’s why Putin loves Trump. and hates Biden.

BWAHAHAHAHAHA your hate is making you stupid, I posted hard evidence on WHY he was pushing NATO so hard it was because only 4 nations were meeting the MANDATED minimum 2% spending while America for many years were above that and currently above 3.5% level.

The NATO Chief doesn't agree with you as he made specific statements about Trumps desire to make NATO stronger which was all pointed out in my link you didn't read Trump was making withdrawal noises because he knew it would wake them up which worked.

He wanted NATO to be Militarily stronger against Russia which is what NATO was partially created for in 1949 in the first place.

Funny, these founders are 'wise' when it comes to religion, but when it comes to slave-owning, they were horrible corrupt people who should be erased from our history.

Amazing how the left picks and chooses.

Actualy the Founders were fine with state religions, they just opposed a nationally favored sect, is all. The states could and did keep their state favored sects, many with statewide taxing powers to boot. They had no interest in some silly notion of a 'secular nation'; they just wanted to bar the Anglicans from setting themselves up as the national religion is all. The colonies had several different sects among themselves and state govts., so the establishment clause was a restriction on the Federal govt. , not the individual states.

The establishment clause itself is taken directly from one of the platforms of the Baptists, in fact, one of those 'Evul Fundie sects' commies and faggots hate.
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