It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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We are a nation of Christians. We are not a Christian nation. There is a difference.
Actually we're a nation of believers and non-believers. Christians are still in the majority but that is waning fast. Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Wiccans, Mormons and a thousand other religious groups are present in the United States. That is why we will never become a Christian Nation. It goes against everything we stand for, it's divisive and would only add to the misery of all the people that call America their home. A useless endeavor, say the very least. A destructive endeavor is more like the reality.
You can call America a "Christian Nation" all you want. I doubt that Jesus will be impressed
What documents are rooted in Christianity?

Where is the Christian God specifically mentioned in our founding documents?
The fundamentals of democracy are pagan in origin. From the Greeks. The very structure of our government is a republic which is also pagan, Roman. Basic laws about right and wrong have been around since before religion developed. At the beginning of civilization itself. Christianity has no right to claim to be the basis of our laws. Our laws are not based on moral judgments they are based on ethics.
Just look at what the atheist Democrats are allowing to happen in Ukraine.
Atheists are not committing genocide and terrorist atrocities in Ukraine. That is
being committed by a white Christian nationalist authoritarian son of a demon bitch such as you are and a very good friend of the head of the white Christian nationalist movement in the US named Donald J. Trump.
Atheists are not committing genocide and terrorist atrocities in Ukraine. That is
being committed by a white Christian nationalist authoritarian son of a demon bitch such as you are and a very good friend of the head of the white Christian nationalist movement in the US named Donald J. Trump.
Russia's Communist leadership = atheist. Russia also has among the largest atheist population in the world.
If I were a woman, abortion would be my last resort. If things were out of my control, like I was raped or the victim of incest. I would go to a secular hospital and get the morning after pill to make sure I wouldn't become pregnant. If somehow that failed, I would have an abortion. If I were a married woman and discovered through the doctor's examinations and testing that the fetus I was caring had multiple problems or wasn't very viable at all, I would have an abortion rather than bringing a child it would have nothing but suffering in this world, if it lived at all. I consider that a crime for a woman to be told that something is so wrong with a fetus and still go on with the pregnancy. But that's not my call, it's her decision and a difficult one to make. No one else has a right to interfere with that decision. Of course, in the case of a married woman or woman with a significant other the two would have to decide what to do along with their doctor.
Well you're not a woman so whatever.
Sucking up because I embarrassed you in the Hosinski thread.

The person I directed the post towards has been one I argued with as much as agreed with.

And if anyone was embarrassed, it would be the one who used a Reddit post as "proof" of his claims.
Trump is a better Christian than Biden.
Only if your satanic understanding of Christianity is to hate thy neighbor as you hate yourself.
Russia's Communist leadership = atheist.
PUTIN IS NOT A COMMUNIST. This is Putin war crimes and genocide. Putin is a devout Christian. You are not only an idiot and a liar - You are a Putin loyalist and an unAmerican Deplorable waste of human life specifically in when you try to pin the blame for murder terror and genocide in Ukraine on Biden and DEMOCRATS. You are a disgrace to Catholicism and your church should excommunicate you for defiling the Teachings of Jesus Christ if you still attend.
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Notice atheists only insult. They never debate. That tells you something about atheism.
There's nothing to debate. A religious person ends up quoting the Bible as their proof. It is not, the Bible was devised by men they pick and chose all the storylines that fit the story they wanted to tell. They cast out anything that contradicted or took away from the whole message they wanted to send to their followers. Religion is a choice, believe it or not. It cannot be proven one way or the other if it is real or valid cuz it's based on an idea that is not of this world. We can prove things in this world we can't prove things that aren't in it. You might even be able to extrapolate but that will not give you proof. It's all a matter of Faith you either have it or you don't. May your way serve you well.
Russia's Communist leadership = atheist.
Putin has done in Russia what you want to do here in America. He has eliminated the separation of church and state. Putin has used the Christian religion for his own means to his end which is absolute power and control over the population in order to make Russia the dominant nation in the world through brute force in the name of God. The fact that you want to try to do this in the United States is disgusting and deplorable. You’re a sick worthless human being all in the name of your ignorance and perverted concept of religion. History is littered with dead bodies and destroyed property by the likes of you. You are dangerous and a threat to our democracy and all mankind.
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