It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Sure. He did some things back when he was a Democrat. Biden had an illicit affair as well. Plus Biden is a baby-killer. Plus Biden has enriched himself and his family through illegal deals. Trump is pro-life. Biden sides with the atheist Marxists.

My statement was Trump is a better Christian than Biden. You haven't disproven that.
Yeah, Trump totally walks the path of a Jesus. Are you nuts?!?!
And--we're currently going down the tubes. Thanks to the influence of Marxist atheism.
It ain't atheism baby. It's african nationalism and catholicism along with muslims and jews working to enrich themselves at the cost of everyone else.
Sure. He did some things back when he was a Democrat. Biden had an illicit affair as well. Plus Biden is a baby-killer. Plus Biden has enriched himself and his family through illegal deals. Trump is pro-life. Biden sides with the atheist Marxists.

My statement was Trump is a better Christian than Biden. You haven't disproven that.
Like I said you are hopeless if you believe anything that comes out of the mouth of donald trump. I have no doubt whatsoever that trump has paid for several abortions and he simply knew how to manipulate the religious to back him by saying he was pro-life. The only thing trump is is pro trump.
He lies all the time and is very deceitful and conniving; January 6th is the best example of how treacherous the trump is. I don't know how he was able to pull these crazy religious zealots. They should have seen this coming from a great liar and con man.
Jan 6 was nothing. Pretty hard to have a government takeover without weapons
Yeah, Trump totally walks the path of a Jesus. Are you nuts?!?!
Better than the atheist Biden who kills little babies in the womb.
Sure. He did some things back when he was a Democrat. Biden had an illicit affair as well. Plus Biden is a baby-killer. Plus Biden has enriched himself and his family through illegal deals. Trump is pro-life. Biden sides with the atheist Marxists.

My statement was Trump is a better Christian than Biden. You haven't disproven that.
Biden is a Christian, trump isn't. I'm sure Biden doesn't personally approve of abortion, but he has the common sense to keep his personal beliefs out of the political beliefs of a woman's right over their own body. Women are citizens fetuses are not. The laws of our nation pertain to citizens and their rights.
Like I said you are hopeless if you believe anything that comes out of the mouth of donald trump. I have no doubt whatsoever that trump has paid for several abortions and he simply knew how to manipulate the religious to back him by saying he was pro-life. The only thing trump is is pro trump.
3 great pro-life supreme court justices appointed by Trump. Deny that.
Biden is a Christian, trump isn't. I'm sure Biden doesn't personally approve of abortion, but he has the common sense to keep his personal beliefs out of the political beliefs of a woman's right over their own body. Women are citizens fetuses are not. The laws of our nation pertain to citizens and their rights.
Biden isn't a Christian. He kills little babies and sides with the atheists.
Jan 6 was nothing. Pretty hard to have a government takeover without weapons

Better than the atheist Biden who kills little babies in the womb.
Joe Biden kills little babies in the womb huh? Ok youre officially nuts. Good night
3 great pro-life supreme court justices appointed by Trump. Deny that.
You are not much of a Christian if you believe the ends justify the means and you are and you have the right to force your opinions on other people making it even illegal for people to control their own bodies that is not Christian at all that's some type of fascism.
You are not much of a Christian if you believe the ends justify the means and you are and you have the right to force your opinions on other people making it even illegal for people to control their own bodies that is not Christian at all that's some type of fascism.
You're not much of a Christian if you believe it's OK to kill little babies in the womb.
You're not much of a Christian if you believe it's OK to kill little babies in the womb.
I am not a Christian. I believe many of the things that the man named Jesus Christ taught in his philosophy on life. Most important of all will be to treat your fellow human beings as you would treat yourself. That would have to mean you can't force your ideas on another, legally or otherwise. It is unfortunate such a beautiful philosophy was turned into another hateful religion.
You're not much of a Christian if you believe it's OK to kill little babies in the womb.
If I were a woman, abortion would be my last resort. If things were out of my control, like I was raped or the victim of incest. I would go to a secular hospital and get the morning after pill to make sure I wouldn't become pregnant. If somehow that failed, I would have an abortion. If I were a married woman and discovered through the doctor's examinations and testing that the fetus I was caring had multiple problems or wasn't very viable at all, I would have an abortion rather than bringing a child it would have nothing but suffering in this world, if it lived at all. I consider that a crime for a woman to be told that something is so wrong with a fetus and still go on with the pregnancy. But that's not my call, it's her decision and a difficult one to make. No one else has a right to interfere with that decision. Of course, in the case of a married woman or woman with a significant other the two would have to decide what to do along with their doctor.
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time to formally declare America a Christian nation.

If some of the framers intended to separate Church and state (which is not 100% certain), then it’s time to correct that mistake. it’s time for a Constitutional Amendment to declare Christianity the official belief of the United States. Here’s why:

The intent of any such separation was to prevent any single denomination from dominating or punishing members of another through government. The idea was to be religion-neutral. Noble enough. But the framers made a few critical miscalculations: They incorrectly assumed:

1. That “good” laws and “Christian” laws could be separated. They can’t. There is 100% overlap. You can’t have laws that help the people without them being Christian laws.
2. That a belief vacuum is possible in our laws. It isn’t, because the opposite of religion isn’t nothing; it’s atheism.

That’s right. When you attempt to ban Christian laws, you only allow atheist laws.

Forcing Christian groups to pay for abortions and birth control for their employees.
Forcing Christian florists, photographers, and bakers to participate in gay weddings.
Distributing condoms in government schools to teens and preteens, suggesting that sex among these immature and obviously unmarried students is morally acceptable.
Using taxpayer funds to pay for abortions abroad.
Banning the Ten Commandments from government buildings (while flying the rainbow flag).
Banning the Nativity Scenes from government buildings.
Government sanction of Kwanzaa celebrations (a made-up racist ‘holiday’).
Disallowing references to Christmas in the public schools.
Teaching Critical Race Theory (which divides people and promotes hate).
Allowing gay marriage.

This is why the left screeches so loudly about “keeping religion out of government”. It’s because they know their atheism gets free reign if it doesn’t have to compete against Christianity.

The solution is two part: First, BAN atheism and atheistic views from being promoted by all media outlets. We’ve had such decency laws before. Hollywood enacted such standards in 1934 (that have since been repealed, unfortunately). Get rid of all the immoral trash in the movies and TV. Disallow the leftwing media from promoting atheist Marxism and other atheist policies. Then, secondly promote a Constitutional Amendment to make Christianity the official belief of the land. Then we end the abortion debate, the race-baiting issue, and the anti-capitalist pro-socialist issue once and for all. The country would once again be following God’s plan, church attendance would rise again, couples would marry instead of cohabitating, the gay marriage ruling would be repealed, families would stay together and be stronger, children would grow up in two-parent homes, so there would be far less crime. And best of all, ALL Marixst atheist disinformation would be stifled, and our children would stop being poisoned by it.

Let’s do it NOW!!
The first amendment of the Constitution forbids Congress from both promoting one religion over others as well as not being able to restrict an individual's religious practices. It makes total sense and that's why our government has been so great and good for so long. What you are suggesting is unconstitutional and illegal.
We absolutely are a Christian based nation. There really is no disputing that


All you need to do to prove that is to provide something; anything within our founding documents which addresses the Christian God.

I mean, if there's no disputing that we're a "Christian nation", that should be a pretty simple task, right?
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