It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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A ban on abortion does not violate Judaic teaching. I thought you said you were an observant Jew.
I had the misfortune of rereading your entire original post or the third time. I'm really done here now because it's ridiculous. Your objected to gay weddings sex education sex before marriage abortions you wanted sanctions against Kwanzaa celebrations I mean who the hell do you think you are ? Believe it or not other people live on this planet too and many don't believe any of the crap you do. Go live in some third world nation that's Christian and try to promote your idea there cuz it's not going to fly here.
You're wasting your time with this character. I think he's a troll he proposed this to see if he could get a rise out of people. If he really is a Christian he's one of the worst Christians I've ever met.
Save your breath. He just took the bait and lost the argument.
He's not an observant Jew.
He lied.
You look foolish.

Usually I don't mess with trolls for long, but in this case, I just wanted to make an example of this guy who tried to blame his faith to justify his belief in the legality of immoral acts. I just more or less wanted to make an example of him, so that's why I stuck with this for a week.
Eventually, these people cave.
So yah, it took time, but I made my point.
You're wasting your time with this character. I think he's a troll he proposed this to see if he could get a rise out of people. If he really is a Christian he's one of the worst Christians I've ever met.
If Mashmont is a troll I doff my cap to him. This has been a tour de force. One could learn a lot from him.
You're wasting your time with this character. I think he's a troll he proposed this to see if he could get a rise out of people. If he really is a Christian he's one of the worst Christians I've ever met.
I laugh pretty hard when atheists tell me how bad a Christian I am.
I laugh pretty hard when atheists tell me how bad a Christian I am.
Christ preached, " Goodwill towards all men." This insanity is what you call Goodwill ? Sorry for you, it's just the opposite. Your words define what kind of Christian you are.
Same thing. Irreligious = atheist. Y'll behave the exact same way. Stop justifying.
You're sore because Asher exposed himself as a fake.
You are the only fake I've seen on this thread. Tried to twist other people's words, thinking negatively about other people. Try to have a good night, I plan on it.
Sorry y'all can't answer. lol.

And waiting....
Because a dailywire article understands the nuances of Jewish law...
Considering it was written by Ben Shapiro, he should understand those intricacies. I think he is an Orthodox Jew, is he not?
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