It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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As the OP can see, the responses on this thread would indicate a profound rejection of Jesus and Biblical theology.
The question is....Is America falling BECAUSE of that or is it just coincidence?

And yes...America IS falling behind in every aspect on the financial front, the social front and the scientific front.
Oddly, a Communist nation where belief in a "God" is punished by the state and human rights are unimportant seems to be the new and rising "Greatest" nation.
As the OP can see, the responses on this thread would indicate a profound rejection of Jesus and Biblical theology.
The question is....Is America falling BECAUSE of that or is it just coincidence?

And yes...America IS falling behind in every aspect on the financial front, the social front and the scientific front.
Oddly, a Communist nation where belief in a "God" is punished by the state and human rights are unimportant seems to be the new and rising "Greatest" nation.
Is it fair to say that you believe that Jesus gives a flying intercourse about earthly nations?
As the OP can see, the responses on this thread would indicate a profound rejection of Jesus and Biblical theology.
The question is....Is America falling BECAUSE of that or is it just coincidence?

And yes...America IS falling behind in every aspect on the financial front, the social front and the scientific front.
Oddly, a Communist nation where belief in a "God" is punished by the state and human rights are unimportant seems to be the new and rising "Greatest" nation.
That a non-Cristian nation is rising would negate the entire premise that it is the abandonment of Christianity that is causing our downfall.

Of course, China is mostly rising because of how miserably low they have been for the last several hundred years. It is not hard to grow extremely quickly when you are starting out with a populace that is pathetically destitute. They SHOULD be the wealthiest and most prosperous nation on the planet as they have a HUGE advantage in the most useful resource on the planet - brains. They have a lot of them. It should tell you how bad they really are considering the massive number of people they have and the abject poverty that the majority of them still experience. And they are turning their prosperity around. I am nowhere near as confident in the rise of China as I would have been a few decades ago.
Considering it was written by Ben Shapiro, he should understand those intricacies. I think he is an Orthodox Jew, is he not?
Because he attends an orthodox shul does not mean he is a Talmudic scholar. Jewish law is complex and interpretation varies. Most laws are overruled by "Pikuach Nefesh", the saving of a life. That includes saving the mother's life. How that is defined varies according to the movement and sometimes your Rabbi. It absolutely includes physical danger, but often includes mental anguish as well.
Because he attends an orthodox shul does not mean he is a Talmudic scholar. Jewish law is complex and interpretation varies. Most laws are overruled by "Pikuach Nefesh", the saving of a life. That includes saving the mother's life. How that is defined varies according to the movement and sometimes your Rabbi. It absolutely includes physical danger, but often includes mental anguish as well.
Understanding the intricacies does not require a Talmudic scholar nor does it even require one agrees with any particular position.

Essentially, that he may think Jewish law leads to a right to life stance does not mean there is a misunderstanding as much as there may be differing interpretations on the various laws. As you say, Jewish laws are massively complex. No different than SCOTUS members disagreeing with how a law will be applied. They are, by definition, experts in constitutional law but still may come to differing opinions.

Not that I am defending the counter position here, just making a point that the problem with the stance does not come from the fact it is a daily wire article. His actual failure is, once again, in the same vein as the other no true Scotsman fallacies he has used. Defining if someone is Jewish or not based on a position on abortion is fallacious on its face. I just do not think you can rightfully claim that the article itself is making a fallacious claim.
Here we are a month and a half later, and my thesis that we must officially convert to being a Christian nation is more true now than ever. Just look at what the atheist Democrats are allowing to happen in Ukraine.
Atheism just fills you with hate, like your comment reflects. Abandon that hate for God. Leave it behind. It's killing you.

Here we are a month and a half later, and my thesis that we must officially convert to being a Christian nation is more true now than ever. Just look at what the atheist Democrats are allowing to happen in Ukraine.
A United Congress is sending all the aid to the Ukraine. Democrats and Republicans alike our responding. Your statement is false and idiotic. Just like the idea of saying America is a Christian Nation, it can never happen. That would be a slap in the face to all other Americans who aren't Christians. Which by the way is becoming a larger and larger proportion of the population. Your proposal might have made sense 100 years ago but it is no longer practical. That's at its best at it's worse it would foster fascism not Christian values.
A United Congress is sending all the aid to the Ukraine. Democrats and Republicans alike our responding. Your statement is false and idiotic. Just like the idea of saying America is a Christian Nation, it can never happen. That would be a slap in the face to all other Americans who aren't Christians. Which by the way is becoming a larger and larger proportion of the population. Your proposal might have made sense 100 years ago but it is no longer practical. That's at its best at it's worse it would foster fascism not Christian values.
Which part is false? The atheists in America allowed the atheists in Russia to attack Ukraine. Nobody believes such an attack would have happened under President Trump, because it didn't.
Which part is false? The atheists in America allowed the atheists in Russia to attack Ukraine. Nobody believes such an attack would have happened under President Trump, because it didn't.
I still find it funny that you believe Trump is a Xtian.
Which part is false? The atheists in America allowed the atheists in Russia to attack Ukraine. Nobody believes such an attack would have happened under President Trump, because it didn't.
If you believe trump's lies you are lost cause. Putin decides what happens in Russia, nothing any US president could have done were prevented this this has been in the making for since 1991. The fact that the Ukraine was embracing NATO and the West and about to become a NATO member pushed Putin to the brink. The man is just a psychotic as trump is. If you look up the voting records on aid to Ukraine, Democrats voted strongly for it, in fact the majority of Republicans voted against it. But believe or create any lies you want to try to make your point it doesn't matter your point is very ignorant.
Married 3 times, cheated on his wives, does not attend church, yeah, he's great...
He lies all the time and is very deceitful and conniving; January 6th is the best example of how treacherous the trump is. I don't know how he was able to pull these crazy religious zealots. They should have seen this coming from a great liar and con man.
Married 3 times, cheated on his wives, does not attend church, yeah, he's great...
Sure. He did some things back when he was a Democrat. Biden had an illicit affair as well. Plus Biden is a baby-killer. Plus Biden has enriched himself and his family through illegal deals. Trump is pro-life. Biden sides with the atheist Marxists.

My statement was Trump is a better Christian than Biden. You haven't disproven that.
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