It’s Time to Formally Declare America A Christian Nation.

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Okay, I'm going to stop responding to you. He's obviously a very decent person and you are very obtuse and not a nice person at all. I'm done with you.
Sorry he couldn't answer the simple question I asked and tried to blame Judaism for it. That's not very nice.
He said he disagreed with my proposed laws because he's an observant Jew. So I asked him what Jewish laws they violate. He can't answer. Neither can you.
Christians only have 10 commandments, the Torah has 613 commandments. You see Christ as God, they do not. Do not have any other gods. You're off to a very bad start with your theocracy with just that for beginning. The cross can be considered an idol, especially if Christ is on it. Jews are not allowed to worship or make idols. You said your day is I'm just like Christianity and Islam they are all judgmental religions. Here in Omaha weather have a fledging group starting called the Tri-Faith Initiative, they're making progress unresolving differences between the three faiths. It is very logical to envision these three faiths as becoming one in the future.
Christians only have 10 commandments, the Torah has 613 commandments. You see Christ as God, they do not. Do not have any other gods. You're off to a very bad start with your theocracy with just that for beginning. The cross can be considered an idol, especially if Christ is on it. Jews are not allowed to worship or make idols. You said your day is I'm just like Christianity and Islam they are all judgmental religions. Here in Omaha weather have a fledging group starting called the Tri-Faith Initiative, they're making progress unresolving differences between the three faiths. It is very logical to envision these three faiths as becoming one in the future.
Big machine typo in the above. " Judaism is just like Christianity and Islam, they are all judgmental religions. "
I said Christian. Muslim countries aren't Christian.
They are the only theocracies that exist you think creating a Christian one would be any different no it wouldn't. When the Catholic church was the only church in the West they abuse their powers beyond belief with the crusades, the Inquisition, asking poor people to pay their way into heaven indulgences that's what they were called. Why do you think the Protestants formed they were sick of what the Catholics were doing the division of religious power was welcomed in Europe. A monopoly on religious power in any country leads to absolute corruption.
Glad you predicted the idiocy of his question.
Mashmont: "I propose a Christian government."
Moron: "Muslim governments don't work".
A theocracy is a theocracy.

And you are not making your case. First it's atheists that are not worthy, next it's Muslims. I guess Jews are next. And you still wonder why I'm opposed to your suggestion and your laws?
Christians only have 10 commandments, the Torah has 613 commandments. You see Christ as God, they do not. Do not have any other gods. You're off to a very bad start with your theocracy with just that for beginning. The cross can be considered an idol, especially if Christ is on it. Jews are not allowed to worship or make idols. You said your day is I'm just like Christianity and Islam they are all judgmental religions. Here in Omaha weather have a fledging group starting called the Tri-Faith Initiative, they're making progress unresolving differences between the three faiths. It is very logical to envision these three faiths as becoming one in the future.
None of my proposed laws involve those things. They involve restrictions on porn, illegal drugs, and a ban on abortion. Which of those violate Judaic law? You do all this blabbing without answering the simple question.
A theocracy is a theocracy.

And you are not making your case. First it's atheists that are not worthy, next it's Muslims. I guess Jews are next. And you still wonder why I'm opposed to your suggestion and your laws?
I never used the word theocracy. You did. I just proposed a few simple laws. Which one of them violate Judaic teaching? Is this the 15th time you haven't answered?
None of my proposed laws involve those things. They involve restrictions on porn, illegal drugs, and a ban on abortion. Which of those violate Judaic law? You do all this blabbing without answering the simple question.
Ban on abortion is a start. The health of the mother is more important.
I never used the word theocracy. You did. I just proposed a few simple laws. Which one of them violate Judaic teaching? Is this the 15th time you haven't answered?
I think you better reread everything you've proposed if that isn't a theocracy I don't know what is.
Ban on abortion is a start. The health of the mother is more important.
I was waiting for that one. Checkmate. A ban on abortion does not violate Judaic teaching. I thought you said you were an observant Jew. I guess you lied.
Took a week or more, but I'm glad you finally caved.
I guess your also just pulled the legs out from your butt-buddy defender.
Time for bed.
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