It's time to start thinking about resistance.

The terrorists are the feds who are behaving unconstitutionally, threatening, attacking, harassing, and killing Americans who stand up to them.

And by 'stand up', you mean resist arrest, refuse to surrender to a lawful warrant, lead them on a high speed chase, try to run a police blockade and then reach for a gun?
And by the way. It has begun.

Nope. It hasn't. Its silly fiction you tell yourself to sooth the dissonance between what you want to believe....and what the evidence actually indicates.

And anyone who mentions that the Emperor Has No Clothes is desperately ignored by you. Your willful ignorance doesn't change the fact that your argument is buck naked.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

First - there is no way in HELL that the democrats take the White House. They are going to get the ever-loving shit kicked out of them. Resistance? Vote republican.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

First - there is no way in HELL that the democrats take the White House. They are going to get the ever-loving shit kicked out of them. Resistance? Vote republican.
You are the one who said there was no way in hell that the Supreme Court would legalize gay marriage.........
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

First - there is no way in HELL that the democrats take the White House. They are going to get the ever-loving shit kicked out of them. Resistance? Vote republican.
You are the one who said there was no way in hell that the Supreme Court would legalize gay marriage.........

Indeed. I am. And, as Roberts said, if there were no judicial activism taking place in the SCOTUS - it would never have happened. Now? You and yours can cry alligator tears at how "mean" the republicans are treating by not allowing another asshole to be placed on the SCOTUS.

Every now and again - you jerks have to be slapped down. Just wait till November.. :dance:
KG is a bit .... touched.

But the funny thing about the 60s (and 70s) is most of us were just trying to get edgeucated and jobs. There was the sexual revolution, at least in terms of easy to use birth control, but most of us weren't weren't hooking up with mult partners on a regular basis.

Neither the Bern nor the Trump really have that great numbers overall. The polls we're seeing of Bernie or Hillary v. Donald or whomever are really meaningless because just over half actually bother to vote. Later on, the polls may mean something. It may turn out that the "non establishment" candidates are more fringe than not. The gop tried it in 1964 and got blown out, and the dems in 72 with a similar resutl

You were in a very different 70's than I was.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight....If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights....It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail...A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
You already started long ago. What, you aren't satisfied with the tyranny your cult has been practicing thusfar? You jailed a Christian for refusing to play along with two dudes ass-ramming each other and telling the kids involved "we are equal to mommy and daddy". Seriously, the last thing your group needs is more power. You need to be hog tied, thrown in a gunny sack and put on ice pal...

Resist this motherfucker.


one ac-130 would wipe out all you tea bag fucks.

That's how we get our country back.

What in the FUCK makes you think the military would back you, retard?
Because criminalizing a sex act between two consenting adults is wrong, and legalizing doesn't impact others in any meaningful way. Because when it comes to adoption, I say the more the merrier.

However gay marriage was changing an existing contract that never even considered the concept prior to the 1990's. The proper way would have been to petition state legislatures to change the laws, while going to court to force full faith and credit on any issued marriage license from another State.
And who determined that criminalizing a sex act between two consenting adults is wrong...the courts did. And who determined that gay adoption was ok...the courts did. Just like the courts determined that gay marriage was also ok.

The only difference is your opinion on the decisions.
And who made blacks sit in the back of the bus, the courts did. They can be wrong, and were, and are, the only difference is, wait there is no difference demicrats are in charge again
Not true at all...the Legislature did, with their Jim Crow laws. It was the courts and direct action by such groups as the NAACP that made the Legislatures back down with such laws.

You have some serious gaps in your history knowledge.
I dont know history? Who was that in the picture I posted? Not FDR as you thought
I never said that was isn't even an American...It's Neville Chamberlain. So...if you want to talk about the history of the GOP supporting Hitler....why would you go to a pic of Chamberlain and Hitler. Very odd......and not very thought out on your part.
It was a test, that you failed, as far as the rest of your rant, yawn.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
Start by coordinating with your fellow loon, Stephanie .

Operation american spring

Hurry up... Let's roll, before it's too late!
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

First - there is no way in HELL that the democrats take the White House. They are going to get the ever-loving shit kicked out of them. Resistance? Vote republican.

I plan on it, but I don't necessarily trust the GOP anymore do you? Having a republican in the WH will be much better, but no reason to scrap the plans. Hell, if whomever it is really does fix the country and reverse the damage Obama and the democrats have done, the worst that can happen is we just turn into a group of friends who get together and drink.
Only three percent of the population was needed to kick of the Revolutionary War.

To kick it off, yes, but at that point everyone else had to start making choices, and patriot support increased rapidly.
Total fucking bullshit. You really think that the sane citizens of this nation are going to follow a bunch of fruitloops like you? We had a good example of your kind of thinking just this year here in Oregon. And you fellows insanity was completely rejected.

Oregon wasn't the coming of the revolution, it was a local dispute blown up into a national story due to the federal nature of the place taken over, and the guys relation to a previous incident of armed confrontation.

If the number of people with grievances increases, and these people feel that normal channels will not work to resolve said grievances, what do you think will happen?

No, this isn't true at all. This isn't a local dispute, it's a national dispute and it's been going on for a hundred years. Normal channels do NOT work, because the parties involved are a minority, and located far away from where the majority lives.

California, Utah, Arizona, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon...they have all been fighting this nonsense, and losing. Because the system is corrupt, because our legislators and our law enforcement do NOT uphold the constitution, and because people stupidly believe that the government in all it's forms..the EPA, the BLM, the USFS, has good intentions.

There are no good intentions here. The government is by its nature tyrannical. Our constitution is supposed to control it in this country, but since NOBODY is adhering to the constitution and in fact our citizenry is no longer even properly educated in their role in a CONSTITUTIONAL republic (because the feds educate them) and people are sick of it. Harney county went from being one of the most prosperous and wealthy counties in the STATE to being I think the second from the bottom just in the last 50 years..and because of NOTHING except governmental manipulation.

Says you.

Citing you.

And you reflect the sentiments of a very, very small minority of malcontents.

Compared to the sentiments of farmers in the United States towards the government in the 1930's, your foot stamping is entirely insignificant.
You two have yet to prove one, wrong
The terrorists are the feds who are behaving unconstitutionally, threatening, attacking, harassing, and killing Americans who stand up to them.

And by 'stand up', you mean resist arrest, refuse to surrender to a lawful warrant, lead them on a high speed chase, try to run a police blockade and then reach for a gun?

And begging for someone to send them snacks.....
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight....If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights....It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail...A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
You already started long ago. What, you aren't satisfied with the tyranny your cult has been practicing thusfar? You jailed a Christian for refusing to play along with two dudes ass-ramming each other and telling the kids involved "we are equal to mommy and daddy". Seriously, the last thing your group needs is more power. You need to be hog tied, thrown in a gunny sack and put on ice pal...

Resist this motherfucker.


one ac-130 would wipe out all you tea bag fucks.

That's how we get our country back.
And then someone bombs the shit out of white house and the Capitol, more than making up for that.

All one needs to destroy a government is the will to sacrifice yourself for the cause.

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