It's time to start thinking about resistance.

Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
How do you start? By voting.

Been doing that for 42 years. It's time to do more.
no, it isn't. Acting out in a violent fit of pique does not make you a revolutionary. It makes you a simple criminal. Dissatisfaction with the political process requires more than a Rambo wannabe mindset. It requires involvement. Run for office.

A wise man once said "all politics are local". More political forces are applied to you from the state level down than from the federal level. Get involved, Cliven. An armed standoff always ALWAYS ends in tragedy.

I can't remember if you are a lefty or not. Your post might have been an attempt at constructive criticism so I'll go with that until I detect otherwise.

Sure it's time to do more, and who said anything about violence? That is something the idiot lefties jumped right to. I'm simply talking about resistance. And I am certainly talking local first.
Which is an indication of how far gone our country is...which is why people are protesting and resisting and thinking about "revolution"

Good thing you didnt grow up in the 60ties.

Cities burning. Thousands of protestors in Washing DC all the time, thousands of college campuses in an uproar..riots, Black Panthers, bad assed, head cracking cops. All across theh country this shit was happening.

Yet you see people protesting and resisting and all that tuff stuff.

Is it an avatar world where you see all this happening or what? Is it some new ap for your phone?

But if you think things are bad now, you would have lived in an underground bunker in the 60ties.

But then again, maybe you do that now.
Sure it's time to do more, and who said anything about violence? That is something the idiot lefties jumped right to. I'm simply talking about resistance. And I am certainly talking local first.

Good to hear you all arent ready for or looking to be violent. You all could be violent. But you dont want to be. Right?

I suggest you and your kind start your local resistance efforts by boycotting the buses.

That tactic has proven successful in the past. Try it.

Another good non violent tactic you all could try is a long, drawn out hunger strike. Bobby Sands man.

Sign up for Biggest Losers before you go on hunger strike. You all will DEFINITELY earn the rewards of the biggest losers out there. LMAO.

Just keep telling yourselves; you will not be assimalated, you will not be assimalated, you will not be...........
Which is an indication of how far gone our country is...which is why people are protesting and resisting and thinking about "revolution"

Good thing you didnt grow up in the 60ties.

Cities burning. Thousands of protestors in Washing DC all the time, thousands of college campuses in an uproar..riots, Black Panthers, bad assed, head cracking cops. All across theh country this shit was happening.

Yet you see people protesting and resisting and all that tuff stuff.

Is it an avatar world where you see all this happening or what? Is it some new ap for your phone?

But if you think things are bad now, you would have lived in an underground bunker in the 60ties.

But then again, maybe you do that now.
KG is a bit .... touched.

But the funny thing about the 60s (and 70s) is most of us were just trying to get edgeucated and jobs. There was the sexual revolution, at least in terms of easy to use birth control, but most of us weren't weren't hooking up with mult partners on a regular basis.

Neither the Bern nor the Trump really have that great numbers overall. The polls we're seeing of Bernie or Hillary v. Donald or whomever are really meaningless because just over half actually bother to vote. Later on, the polls may mean something. It may turn out that the "non establishment" candidates are more fringe than not. The gop tried it in 1964 and got blown out, and the dems in 72 with a similar resutl
But the funny thing about the 60s (and 70s) is most of us were just trying to get edgeucated and jobs.

Huh?? I was partying my ass off wondering if I would live to see 25.LOL

There was the sexual revolution, at least in terms of easy to use birth control, but most of us weren't weren't hooking up with mult partners on a regular basis.

We definitely were not running with the same group of people. LMAO.

I really had a good time even if it was crazy a lot of the time. Made for a lot of good times and good stories the late 60ties and early 70ties did.
Well, my daughter's in her 20s, and while she is going to parties where people are drinking and drugging, she is more sober than I was. Most of the kids seem to have "friends with benefits" but I don't really see it's much different.

But the kids who saw some revolution in the air, or about changing the world, were imo the small minority, and from what I see it's still true.
Not for most it isn't. Sure, it's a discussion for bigots...but those same kind of bigots don't think interracial marriages are equal to non interracial marriages. Bigots are a small minority.

To me its a question of them being equal enough for courts to force a change in legislated law. If the States want to change it themselves fine, but I don't see any reason that the courts can take power here.

I support changing marriage laws via legislation at the State level to remove the issue of sex from the marriage contract, and I support forcing States to recognize any valid marriage contract from other States, as is currently the case. What I don't see is the right of the SC or any other court to get involved in this.

Your sight is irrelevant. It's done and we are NOW treated equally under the law, just like the interracial couples bigots didn't think were on par with them.

Again, my issue is with the process and not the end result, how does that make me a bigot?
What was wrong with the process?

The Federal courts had no jurisdiction over the State level marriage contract in this situation.
They most certainly do...Supreme Law of the Land.
But the kids who saw some revolution in the air, or about changing the world, were imo the small minority, and from what I see it's still true.

I agree that the true committed revolutionary was a relatively small group. As those groups tend to be even today.

But the frustrations that the revolutionaries talked about (civil rights and the war in Viet Nam and the draft to support that war) made everybody pissy. And couple that with the civil rights issues that had cities on fire with cops and Nationl Guard in the street locked and loaded. It was way crazy.

Back then was a much more intense, violent, emotional time. And it involved many more people than anything concerning protesting now.

Now people log a protest note about something in FB and think they are protestors and fighting the revolution.
On their computers.

They need a phone app; Riots in the Streets.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight....If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights....It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail...A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
You already started long ago. What, you aren't satisfied with the tyranny your cult has been practicing thusfar? You jailed a Christian for refusing to play along with two dudes ass-ramming each other and telling the kids involved "we are equal to mommy and daddy". Seriously, the last thing your group needs is more power. You need to be hog tied, thrown in a gunny sack and put on ice pal...

Resist this motherfucker.


one ac-130 would wipe out all you tea bag fucks.

That's how we get our country back.

There's an overall sense of being left out among the middle class. The kids have huge debt, when back when I was a kid, college tuition was an issue, but it was not THE issue. The Donald's core support is displaced older white workers. Both these groups see the American Dream of each generation being a bit better off a hollow lie. Hillary's so tone deaf and cocooned she never saw it, and that says something of Chelsea too. Life is good in the Hamptons when your married to a guy in finance with a capital F. Paul Ryan has ideas for middle class tax reform, but he's not running and can't get a paper airplane passed. Cruz does too, and the establishment loathes him

Meanwhile, the blacks got one of their own, and things are worse. They know that Bernie's tax the rich socialism offers them nothing. The Clintons understand that capital in the black communities coupled with jobs are the only answer. (Paul Ryan does too) But, Bill locked a lot of people up. To be fair, there were calls, "Make our communities safe."

Latinos and more so Asians seem upwardly mobile.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight....If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights....It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail...A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?
You already started long ago. What, you aren't satisfied with the tyranny your cult has been practicing thusfar? You jailed a Christian for refusing to play along with two dudes ass-ramming each other and telling the kids involved "we are equal to mommy and daddy". Seriously, the last thing your group needs is more power. You need to be hog tied, thrown in a gunny sack and put on ice pal...

Resist this motherfucker.


one ac-130 would wipe out all you tea bag fucks.

That's how we get our country back.
That looks like a sweet ride.
Sounds like your community needs to be organized. What do you call that? Someone who can organize a community?

LMAO....A Community Organizer!

But Preddy doesn't want to use technology to communicate, other than on this public chat forum.

Step one I think is secrecy. No names, no public showings untill numbers are large enough. No blogs, no Facebook pages. Off the grid to get a solid core.

I could be mistaken, I'm not a community organizer, I'm just an American who recognizes the danger coming.

So I'm suggesting this...


That seems a little high tech. After all, the authorities can follow the pigeon. They need to get really crafty:


Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

Lemme ask you; while oboma was takin our right, where was the republican outrage?

What are you talking about, and what does it have to do with the OP?

They have no input here.

So, take the voice away from half the population?....Thats the republican way!

Oh I see, you are a liberal.


Laughing.....echo chamber up. If you ignore anything that you don't already believe, then you never hear a thing you don't already think.

Which makes you a very good little conservative.
Even if the Dems don't take the White House, there are local battles to fight.

If it's Hillary or Sanders, only we can stop the destruction and loss of basic rights.

It's time to organize, to unite, to resist. If there are enough of us, they cannot throw us all in jail.

A little revolution now and then is a good thing.

So how do we start?

I don't think it's that small. The real fight isn't about what side of the political aisle you're on. Or taking on Washington. Trouble is coming and very well could take a 'local resistance revolution' to fight it. But it has less to do with politics than it does terrorists. Since they aren't a government backed, organized military with tanks, helicopters or naval ships there is nothing to focus our military on. Such as North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Russia or ANY other country.....they all have that.

These damn terrorists don't, they have nothing but money, numbers, and small scale bombs & weaponry. They are also very organized. Right now we only see 1 or 2 minor attempts, such as San Bernadino. Here in the US we don't see the masses of people storming our borders like in Europe & elsewhere, but it doesn't mean they aren't coming into this country by the droves (overall numbers, not per incidence) a few here, a few there that has been going on for many years undetected. Those little sleeper cells of ragheads have been forming and lying in wait for some time. Whenever they decide to strike, they will take this nation by surprise. We will then HAVE to unite with our neighbors in order to protect our very lives.

Speculation on my part......they are waiting until our military is away from home probably at war , leaving this country wide open & vulnerable to them. Those same small groups & factions literally scattered across this country can really do some damage if it's done within the same time frame. In the mean time, they are learning more about us as a population and probably laughing their asses off at how nit picking we can be at each others throats over who the hell is in office, or not.
About the only possible aspect politics may play in this, as far as who is in charge, is when. About the only candidate that could put a crimp in those plans is Trump & his plan to find them & send them packing. Any of the other establishment candidates, whether Dem or Rep, won't bother them or their plans in the least. Either way it will happen, just a matter of time.

Terrorism, sure. That's a problem too but I can only fight one battle at a time, and fighting to keep my rights is the battle I've chosen.

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