It's time to take America back


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Vance is so right on this. Hopefully all the Christian patriots in America got the message. JD knows how to get the base pumped up.

Got to love this:

--About an hour before Mr. Vance's appearance, a prayer was said for people with liberal family members.---

Vance is so right on this. Hopefully all the Christian patriots in America got the message. JD knows how to get the base pumped up.

Got to love this:

--About an hour before Mr. Vance's appearance, a prayer was said for people with liberal family members.---

Best of luck. :itsok:
Vance is so right on this. Hopefully all the Christian patriots in America got the message. JD knows how to get the base pumped up.

Vance might be right but I just hope his expression of his position doesn't actually backfire costing Trump the election.
Reality is that Vance is simply arming the left with exactly what they need to rally themselves and rise up to defeat Trump.
Vance is so right on this. Hopefully all the Christian patriots in America got the message. JD knows how to get the base pumped up.

Got to love this:

--About an hour before Mr. Vance's appearance, a prayer was said for people with liberal family members.---

Matthew 6:5-14

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.
Vance might be right but I just hope his expression of his position doesn't actually backfire costing Trump the election.
Reality is that Vance is simply arming the left with exactly what they need to rally themselves and rise up to defeat Trump.
Damn! How do you think it could cost the orange bag O' shit the election?
Matthew 6:5-14

5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. 6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
Best of luck. :itsok:
Trump is polling higher than he polled in oct of 2016 ! much much higher ! remember the electoral college ! I admit that Trump could lose .. will you admit that Harris could lose or is that possibility to much for your fragile effeminate emotional mind to contemplate ..
Trump is polling higher than he polled in oct of 2016 ! much much higher ! remember the electoral college ! I admit that Trump could lose .. will you admit that Harris could lose or is that possibility to much for your fragile effeminate emotional mind to contemplate ..
Nope. Harris could lose. I fully accept this fact. :dunno:
Vance is so right on this. Hopefully all the Christian patriots in America got the message. JD knows how to get the base pumped up.

Got to love this:

--About an hour before Mr. Vance's appearance, a prayer was said for people with liberal family members.---

YOUR problem is that The Base by itself is nowhere NEAR enough to actually win...

You (collectively) have known for a long time now that you need a Bigger Tent...

If your have not increased the size of Your Tent by November 5th then you will be quite sad on the morning of the 6th...

And that will be YOUR doing (or lack thereof), not the Democrats, nor anyone else's but yourselves...
YOUR problem is that The Base by itself is nowhere NEAR enough to actually win...

You (collectively) have known for a long time now that you need a Bigger Tent...

If your have not increased the size of Your Tent by November 5th then you will be quite sad on the morning of the 6th...

And that will be YOUR doing (or lack thereof), not the Democrats, nor anyone else's but yourselves...
Tell that to the Dems whose entire base are radical LGBTQ tranny loons and Abortion-on-demand extremists and that is all they care about appeasing.
Vance is so right on this. Hopefully all the Christian patriots in America got the message. JD knows how to get the base pumped up.

Got to love this:

--About an hour before Mr. Vance's appearance, a prayer was said for people with liberal family members.---

I appreciate it seems a lovely idea but you are going to look so absurd when Disclosures are revealed over the next few weeks .
Six months at the most, but possibly beginning this month .

However hard to even contemplate , the only believers remaining for the Abrahamic religions will be the rock hard Cognitively Rigid and those that are truly stone deaf .

Keep it stored at the back of your mind to help avoid having a stroke or some other sort of permanent break down .
if she does lose their will be a loud shrill screech as millions and millions of effeminate Marxist democrat homosexuals have an emotional breakdown .
Dems will immediately declare the election was stolen just like in 2016.

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