It's Time To VOTE On Healtcare

Hahahahaha ....

Governing is hard.

Math is hard.

Trump is really bad at both of them.[/B]

Who needs math to build skyscrapers eh, moron? BTW, none of you fruitcakes belong in this thread...You had your chance and bet on the Kenyan....

Surely you can't believe that building skyscrapers does not require math.

If so, YOU are the moron.

No one "bet on the Kenyan" but America bet on President Obama - twice. What we got for that is a very healthy economy, a safe planet, record setting jobs, all of which we will lose with the fat cheeto.
Op-Ed: Trump gets rid of the stupidest part of Obamacare


We've been through this before, the IRS is still enforcing and he this was part of legislation. Has to go through congress.
My accountant informed me that I do not have to show proof of insurance for health care… in fact it's no longer even on the IRS form.
Like most taxes it's taxation without representation… Fact
I know a State Senator that disagrees with you. I know several big whigs in the industry that disagree with you. You're watching a separation of the wheat and the chaff. You will see it narrow down to at a minimum of 4 major companies to be used for regional administration of a dual payer to start then completely to a single payer.

Not a chance,, Doc.

Nope. he is correct and Blue Crosses across the nation will administer the single payer.

I know you're really mad at your boys in congress, you see that is Trump meant when he said "clean the swamp" vote for me but vote against and throw the bums out. You and the other's did not catch on and voted the same ole congress back in. Jokes on you.

BCBS and United Health Care will be a large part of everything. It is the BCBS big wigs I've been talking to.

I know. Humana and Cigna will try to build on their Medicare business. Humana already has one of the biggest books on Medicare Advantage I believe.
John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again.

Nope. There are only those who still obstinately buy into the two sides paradigm. Everything you've been taught, everything you believe is a lie. I will not do your research for you but I can point you in the right direction. American's are waking up one mind at a time.
No, its not "time to VOTE on healthcare".

Its not "time" to vote on any bill that is as much a mess as this one is.

Its time Repubs did their job - but don't hold your breath.

Republicans no longer know how to pass legislation
A bill of this magnitude takes time and hardwork. It also takes compromise, something Republicans no longer are capable of

Republicans will fumble around with a bill that is unpassable and Democrats will sit back and laugh, secure in the realization that Obamacare is safe

Racer X; compromise has been a dirty word with Republicans for years! If they bend in the least, they not only get labeled hypocrites and liars, their own party will run someone against them in the next primary cycle! There's no incentive to compromise; esp. "on the right!" The dissension is more like HATE and the voters are responsible, holding them accountable for the core beliefs of the party on both sides! Punishment is swift and thorough in the last decade or so! Democrats have traditionally been punish more severely for legislation that winds up being not only historic, but a mainstay like Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights, and now Obamacare! The same people kvetchin' about how it was rammed down the throats of the country are now lauding the LAW & dare their party to try and repeal it! :argue: :blahblah:
But it gets worse
It used to be Republicans would refuse to compromise with the Democrats. Liberals are evil. Compromise is a pact with the devil
Now, they will not even compromise with themselves

They are running the freak'n government and they can't get anything done
Four months and they haven't passed any significant legislation
I know a State Senator that disagrees with you. I know several big whigs in the industry that disagree with you. You're watching a separation of the wheat and the chaff. You will see it narrow down to at a minimum of 4 major companies to be used for regional administration of a dual payer to start then completely to a single payer.

Not a chance,, Doc.

Nope. he is correct and Blue Crosses across the nation will administer the single payer.

I know you're really mad at your boys in congress, you see that is Trump meant when he said "clean the swamp" vote for me but vote against and throw the bums out. You and the other's did not catch on and voted the same ole congress back in. Jokes on you.

BCBS and United Health Care will be a large part of everything. It is the BCBS big wigs I've been talking to.

I know. Humana and Cigna will try to build on their Medicare business. Humana already has one of the biggest books on Medicare Advantage I believe.

AARP (United) is number one. Humana's Advantage plans are what keep's them in the fore front.
Hahahahaha ....

Governing is hard.

Math is hard.

Trump is really bad at both of them.[/B]

Who needs math to build skyscrapers eh, moron? BTW, none of you fruitcakes belong in this thread...You had your chance and bet on the Kenyan....

Surely you can't believe that building skyscrapers does not require math.

If so, YOU are the moron.

No one "bet on the Kenyan" but America bet on President Obama - twice. What we got for that is a very healthy economy, a safe planet, record setting jobs, all of which we will lose with the fat cheeto.
Op-Ed: Trump gets rid of the stupidest part of Obamacare


We've been through this before, the IRS is still enforcing and he this was part of legislation. Has to go through congress.
My accountant informed me that I do not have to show proof of insurance for health care… in fact it's no longer even on the IRS form.
Like most taxes it's taxation without representation… Fact

It is still on the form at least mine and your accountant is correct you don't have to mark it. I know as of this moment around 20 people who did not mark it and their return is being held up either for a 1095B to prove they had it or a 1095A and 8962 for subsidized people. I also know a few who had to pay the penalty.
No, its not "time to VOTE on healthcare".

Its not "time" to vote on any bill that is as much a mess as this one is.

Its time Repubs did their job - but don't hold your breath.

Republicans no longer know how to pass legislation
A bill of this magnitude takes time and hardwork. It also takes compromise, something Republicans no longer are capable of

Republicans will fumble around with a bill that is unpassable and Democrats will sit back and laugh, secure in the realization that Obamacare is safe

Racer X; compromise has been a dirty word with Republicans for years! If they bend in the least, they not only get labeled hypocrites and liars, their own party will run someone against them in the next primary cycle! There's no incentive to compromise; esp. "on the right!" The dissension is more like HATE and the voters are responsible, holding them accountable for the core beliefs of the party on both sides! Punishment is swift and thorough in the last decade or so! Democrats have traditionally been punish more severely for legislation that winds up being not only historic, but a mainstay like Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights, and now Obamacare! The same people kvetchin' about how it was rammed down the throats of the country are now lauding the LAW & dare their party to try and repeal it! :argue: :blahblah:
But it gets worse
It used to be Republicans would refuse to compromise with the Democrats. Liberals are evil. Compromise is a pact with the devil
Now, they will not even compromise with themselves

They are running the freak'n government and they can't get anything done
Four months and they haven't passed any significant legislation

Dude you need help. Republican's just gave Democrats their dream budget. There is no two party system in this Nation.
He's presidenting now, Tommy.

Or, at least making a lame attempt at it.

And, he needed to be able to do the math to figure out how to garner the votes to get shit done.

He failed miserably, and it's not gonna get any better moving forward.

Do the math.

He's the best President we've had since Saint Ronald.....all you losers got is Hillary looking for somebody new to blame for being a two-time LOSER. :slap:

The fat cheeto as good as Ronnie RayGun?

I admit that both Ronnie and Nixon were the most crooked in our history but it looks like drumpf will have them both beat.

You're right, but you don't know why.
John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
Nope. There are only those who still obstinately buy into the two sides paradigm. Everything you've been taught, everything you believe is a lie. I will not do your research for you but I can point you in the right direction. American's are waking up one mind at a time.

I've given you enough rope to hang yourself and you just went through the trap door all by yourself.
Who needs math to build skyscrapers eh, moron? BTW, none of you fruitcakes belong in this thread...You had your chance and bet on the Kenyan....

Surely you can't believe that building skyscrapers does not require math.

If so, YOU are the moron.

No one "bet on the Kenyan" but America bet on President Obama - twice. What we got for that is a very healthy economy, a safe planet, record setting jobs, all of which we will lose with the fat cheeto.
Op-Ed: Trump gets rid of the stupidest part of Obamacare


We've been through this before, the IRS is still enforcing and he this was part of legislation. Has to go through congress.
My accountant informed me that I do not have to show proof of insurance for health care… in fact it's no longer even on the IRS form.
Like most taxes it's taxation without representation… Fact

It is still on the form at least mine and your accountant is correct you don't have to mark it. I know as of this moment around 20 people who did not mark it and their return is being held up either for a 1095B to prove they had it or a 1095A and 8962 for subsidized people. I also know a few who had to pay the penalty.
I'm self-employed, so mine is probably slightly different than yours.
Also I have three years of extensions, so my accountant can find every loophole possible not to pay anymore than I have to to the federal government. I pay for more for my account fees than I do to the federal government... on principle alone
John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
Nope. There are only those who still obstinately buy into the two sides paradigm. Everything you've been taught, everything you believe is a lie. I will not do your research for you but I can point you in the right direction. American's are waking up one mind at a time.

I've given you enough rope to hang yourself and you just went through the trap door all by yourself.

Pop you simply have no idea. None at all.
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact

Nah, they're not "progressives"....these are the boys making a fortune off NAFTA and cheap illegal labor.
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact

Nah, they're not "progressives"....these are the boys making a fortune off NAFTA and cheap illegal labor.
They are progressives and that makes them hypocrites...
Pop you simply have no idea. None at all.

You're giving the word "oddball" a whole new meaning....You one of Fakey-Jake's poses by any chance?

I have Jake on ignore. You're free to call me anything you like, it's the internet. What I feel most badly about is the laziness of mind that you and most others exhibit. It's all out there, it's all in the open. If I thought it would help I's post a clip from "The Long Kiss Goodnight" . It was filmed in 1996 and yet.....a CIA Agent (in the movie) talks about needing to expand their budget, he says they'll do it by 4000 American's and blaming Muslims. But you'd just say "NO SIR".
No, its not "time to VOTE on healthcare".

Its not "time" to vote on any bill that is as much a mess as this one is.

Its time Repubs did their job - but don't hold your breath.

Republicans no longer know how to pass legislation
A bill of this magnitude takes time and hardwork. It also takes compromise, something Republicans no longer are capable of

Republicans will fumble around with a bill that is unpassable and Democrats will sit back and laugh, secure in the realization that Obamacare is safe

Racer X; compromise has been a dirty word with Republicans for years! If they bend in the least, they not only get labeled hypocrites and liars, their own party will run someone against them in the next primary cycle! There's no incentive to compromise; esp. "on the right!" The dissension is more like HATE and the voters are responsible, holding them accountable for the core beliefs of the party on both sides! Punishment is swift and thorough in the last decade or so! Democrats have traditionally been punish more severely for legislation that winds up being not only historic, but a mainstay like Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights, and now Obamacare! The same people kvetchin' about how it was rammed down the throats of the country are now lauding the LAW & dare their party to try and repeal it! :argue: :blahblah:
But it gets worse
It used to be Republicans would refuse to compromise with the Democrats. Liberals are evil. Compromise is a pact with the devil
Now, they will not even compromise with themselves

They are running the freak'n government and they can't get anything done
Four months and they haven't passed any significant legislation

Dude you need help. Republican's just gave Democrats their dream budget. There is no two party system in this Nation.

They agreed on a continuing resolution good till the end of September
October first is time for a new budget. THAT is where Republicans get what they want
But the party is so inept they can't even agree on what they want
John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

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