It's Time To VOTE On Healtcare

The numbers don't lie; Clinton and Obama created double the jobs of Reagan/Bush/W, presided over a thriving economy, low unemployment, and the DOW getting doubled! The only thing Republicans have doubled are their lies and the Nat'l Debt! Clinton actually had a surplus and had a plan to eliminate the debt in 10 years! "W" turned that all on it's head and now we're approaching $20 T when it was well under $6 in 2001! Thanks "W." :9: :argue: :blahblah:

True, but the debt was $10T when Barry the Fairy took over and now it's $20T.....some job creation. :lmao:

Yeah, it dropped from over 10% unemployment to under 5%! I know Republicans have trouble with numbers, but that means it was cut in half! As for the Nat'l Debt, "W's" credit card bill with his tax cuts and 2 wars inflated the deficit! This is hardly on Obama; PLEASE spare me! :9: :argue: :blahblah:
How can they vote on something that neither the President nor the bills supporters have taken the time to "sell" to the American people? Why isn't Trump stumping his healthcare bill instead of holding senseless rallies with his base?

Would you understand what he was talking about? Would any democrat? :eusa_eh:

Ya'll love being lied got no concept of the details....only if it FEELS right or not. Well, like I've been saying....we can drop it, watch BarryCare implode, and then watch you come begging, hat in hand, to "Please Daddy....can we have a second chance?"

It's his, and the bill's supporter's responsibility to make it understandable to the public.
Frankly I hope the GOP does replace it with something better....if they can. I am always down for improving the process Obama put in place. Either way Obama wins since it is now part of our society.
How can you make that assessment with only 3 months in office when most presidents aren't really rated until they've been out of office a while, come on! :lol:

You'd know if you'd quit watching MSLBGTQ TV.....Gorsuch, Keystone XL, Dakota Pipeline, Coal miners back to work, 500,000 new jobs, quit TPP, NAFTA dead or redone, 28 different Obozo EO's erased....and the beat goes on. :banana:
How can you make that assessment with only 3 months in office when most presidents aren't really rated until they've been out of office a while, come on! :lol:

You'd know if you'd quit watching MSLBGTQTV.....Gorsuch, Keystone XL, Dakota Pipeline, Coal miners back to work, 500,000 new jobs, quit TPP, NAFTA dead or redone, 28 different Obozo EO's erased....and the beat goes on. :banana:

I don't get cable television :lol:
It's his, and the bill's supporter's responsibility to make it understandable to the public.

Most folks can't balance their checkbook thanks to your government many do you think understand actuarial tables and risk pools? :tinfoil:
All these country club tin-men playing coy with Trump is getting old....they've been wined, dined, and bedded by every lobbyist on K Street for years without having to face their voters when the chips are down. They talk a good game when there's no chance of it going anywhere. But now it's time to put their name to it....either they want Trump to succeed or they don't and IF they don't, we need to know it now so we can primary every single one of them. Yes or No.


GOP pandered to their idiot voters who didnt know Obamacare is the same as the AHCA. Now they dont know what to do because while their idiot voters hate Obamacare, they love AHCA.
Conservatives/libertarian's have no love for Obamacare… Fact
I would have no problem with Obamacare if it was an opt in, me and my family have no right to healthcare. But we do have a right to earn healthcare…
Frankly I hope the GOP does replace it with something better....if they can. I am always down for improving the process Obama put in place. Either way Obama wins since it is now part of our society.

But that was NEVER their goal! It was to eliminate it in it's entirety! They went thru 60+ FAUX votes while Obama was President knowing he would veto it and now that they're in total charge, they can't even pass a new budget, falling back on CR's they kvetched about just last year! Such hypocrites "on the right," but Reps like to be lied to it seems! :blahblah: :321:
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I mean the point is mute, the Republicans aren't working on a 'healthcare bill' they are working behind the scenes on how to remove all those who are now covered under the ACA and yet make it APPEAR they are passing a 'healthcare bill'.

They are entirely ignorant of the word 'care'.
But that was NEVER their goal! It was to eliminate it in it's entirety! They went thru 60+ FAUX votes while Obama was President knowing he would veto it and now that they're in total charge, they can't even pass a new budget, falling back on CR's they kvetched about just last year! Such hypocrites on the right, but Reps like to be lied to it seems! :blahblah: :321:

"kvetched"? OY VEY!
All these country club tin-men playing coy with Trump is getting old....they've been wined, dined, and bedded by every lobbyist on K Street for years without having to face their voters when the chips are down. They talk a good game when there's no chance of it going anywhere. But now it's time to put their name to it....either they want Trump to succeed or they don't and IF they don't, we need to know it now so we can primary every single one of them. Yes or No.


GOP pandered to their idiot voters who didnt know Obamacare is the same as the AHCA. Now they dont know what to do because while their idiot voters hate Obamacare, they love AHCA.
Conservatives/libertarian's have no love for Obamacare… Fact
I know. I already pointed out they were idiots because they love AHCA.

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