It's Time To VOTE On Healtcare

John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
No, its not "time to VOTE on healthcare".

Its not "time" to vote on any bill that is as much a mess as this one is.

Its time Repubs did their job - but don't hold your breath.

Republicans no longer know how to pass legislation
A bill of this magnitude takes time and hardwork. It also takes compromise, something Republicans no longer are capable of

Republicans will fumble around with a bill that is unpassable and Democrats will sit back and laugh, secure in the realization that Obamacare is safe

Racer X; compromise has been a dirty word with Republicans for years! If they bend in the least, they not only get labeled hypocrites and liars, their own party will run someone against them in the next primary cycle! There's no incentive to compromise; esp. "on the right!" The dissension is more like HATE and the voters are responsible, holding them accountable for the core beliefs of the party on both sides! Punishment is swift and thorough in the last decade or so! Democrats have traditionally been punish more severely for legislation that winds up being not only historic, but a mainstay like Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights, and now Obamacare! The same people kvetchin' about how it was rammed down the throats of the country are now lauding the LAW & dare their party to try and repeal it! :argue: :blahblah:
But it gets worse
It used to be Republicans would refuse to compromise with the Democrats. Liberals are evil. Compromise is a pact with the devil
Now, they will not even compromise with themselves

They are running the freak'n government and they can't get anything done
Four months and they haven't passed any significant legislation

Dude you need help. Republican's just gave Democrats their dream budget. There is no two party system in this Nation.

They agreed on a continuing resolution good till the end of September
October first is time for a new budget. THAT is where Republicans get what they want
But the party is so inept they can't even agree on what they want

It is between turning America into a third world wild west joke or being heartless fucks but still having a respectable nation.
No, its not "time to VOTE on healthcare".

Its not "time" to vote on any bill that is as much a mess as this one is.

Its time Repubs did their job - but don't hold your breath.
The GOP wouldn't need to "do their jobs" if the dems wouldn't have fucked up the system so bad.

Just repeal the shit & move on.
Dems love to talk about the 20 million that got insurance. Sadly they leave out the 300 million that got fleeced in order for that to occur

The same could be said of that lame arse tax cut back during the "W" administration! So what, I got a $300 check while all the 1% of the 1% made out like bandits! Instead of reinvesting, they took their money and hoarded it abroad! They're entitled to do whatever they want, but I'm so tired of hearing that same ol' BS about cutting taxes and loosening regulation! The rich always just pocket it and we wonder why the country goes "in the hole" each time it's being run by Republicans! How many times does it have to happen? We're such suckers! :9: :bang3: :blahblah:
Dems love to talk about the 20 million that got insurance. Sadly they leave out the 300 million that got fleeced in order for that to occur
Then why doesn't Trump give us a better plan?
It can't be that hard
John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard
John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance
The budget bill that was passed it was a disaster for the country... career politicians will be career politicians - the house and senate are full of them.
John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance
The budget bill that was passed it was a disaster for the country... career politicians will be career politicians - the house and senate are full of them.
I expect the country to crumble any day now
John Boehner said it best
In 25 years in Congress, he never saw Republicans agree on a healthcare plan

What makes Republicans think they can do it now?
They think removing the requirement to cover pre-existing conditions is their solution?

The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
This country deserves to fail, in regards the the career politicians they pick… lol
The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance
The budget bill that was passed it was a disaster for the country... career politicians will be career politicians - the house and senate are full of them.
I expect the country to crumble any day now
It's been crumbling for a century
The GOP is two parties.....mainstream and Tea Party. I'd rather have a brew with your sorry ass than a "moderate" Republican. You better check your rings after you shake hands with those boys. That's how Trump won.....another McCain or Romney and Hillary would be shooting guys in the WH again. is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard

Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.
:blahblah: is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard

Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.

Being practical helps and something as basic as "health care" should be a no-brainer; even for most Republicans to realize as needed! :9: :beer:
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard

Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.

Being practical helps and something as basic as "health care" should be a no-brainer; even for most Republicans to realize as needed! :9: :beer:
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare… By the way insurance is not healthcare
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard

Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.

Being practical helps and something as basic as "health care" should be a no-brainer; even for most Republicans to realize as needed! :9: :beer:
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare… By the way insurance is not healthcare

Geniuses out there; without insurance, it'll cost more to "the state!" It only make sense to supply the insurance; winds up saving us all! :argue: :disbelief: :dunno: :cuckoo: :talktothehand:
Last edited:
As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard

Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.

Being practical helps and something as basic as "health care" should be a no-brainer; even for most Republicans to realize as needed! :9: :beer:
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare… By the way insurance is not healthcare

Geniuses out there; without insurance, it'll cost more to "the state!" It only make sense to supply the insurance; winds up saving us all! :argue: :disbelief: :dunno: :cuckoo: :talktothehand:
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Taxation without representation is the deal
You guys won

It means that after eight years you get to do what you want. Your problem is you can't even agree on what you want

Republicans are a bunch of fuck ups
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard

Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.
Democrats passed a shitload of legislation when they were running things. Republicans are still complaining

Why can't Republucans do anything?
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard

Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.

Being practical helps and something as basic as "health care" should be a no-brainer; even for most Republicans to realize as needed! :9: :beer:
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare… By the way insurance is not healthcare

Geniuses out there; without insurance, it'll cost more to "the state!" It only make sense to supply the insurance; winds up saving us all! :argue: :disbelief: :dunno: :cuckoo: :talktothehand:
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Taxation without representation
You are represented and have a right to vote
Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.

Being practical helps and something as basic as "health care" should be a no-brainer; even for most Republicans to realize as needed! :9: :beer:
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare… By the way insurance is not healthcare

Geniuses out there; without insurance, it'll cost more to "the state!" It only make sense to supply the insurance; winds up saving us all! :argue: :disbelief: :dunno: :cuckoo: :talktothehand:
Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Taxation without representation
You are represented and have a right to vote
Nope, Insurance is not in my best interest…
The GOP establishment Republicans are progressives and they are fuck ups. The more damage done to the federal government the better for the country… Fact
What happened to the balanced budget amendment? Tax reform? repealing Obamacare? Killing Planned Parenthood?

You can't get anything done after eight years of whining....just give us a chance

As they're learning even after being in the same position under "W" just over 10 years ago, "obstructing" is easy; really legislating is HARD! Trump said of The ACA; "who knew it was so hard!" "Everybody but you nitwit!" He's frustrating to deal with since his supporters are so defiant in defending him no matter how ridiculous he sounds! How many promises has he broken or totally glossed over knowing he CAN'T get it done? The experts said he would make the Republicans look inept and they were right! Eight years of railing about the ACA and there's nothing they can do; even during the honeymoon period of their new Prez! I've never seen such weakness owning all 3 branches of the gov't! It's truly unprecedented! :bang3: :blahblah:
Voting no is easy.....anybody can do it

Agreeing on what to vote yes on is hard

Glad to see you agree that dems/liberals are always looking for the easy way out.
Democrats passed a shitload of legislation when they were running things. Republicans are still complaining

Why can't Republucans do anything?

How true you are, there was that nuclear option.

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