It's True... I was embarrassed by much of what Trump said..

Hate this
: What leadership don't looks like
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (CNBC)
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” (Fox News)
March 6: “I like the numbers being where they are.” (Washington Post)
- It will be gone by April.
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” (Twitter)
- Hot weather will kill it
- It’s just a flu.
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all"
- based on his “hunch,” the death rate is very low.
- Only 15 people have it here
- Numbers of people with it, going down to zero.
- Closing borders stopped it
- It might just go away
- It’s the new Democratic hoax
- No one will die from it
- It’s just another influenza
- The tests are beautiful
- “Anyone who wants a test can get one”
- A vaccine will be available soon
- major insurance companies will cover treatment for Covid-19 “free of charge”
- The US was “most prepared country in the world”
- The governor of Washington is a snake
- I Know So Much About the Coronavirus because I have a natural ability
- We have tests for everyone
- It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear
-“It is what it is”
-Not my fault
- We have tremendous control of the virus
- I give myself a “10” in dealing with the virus
- the buck does NOT stop with him.
- he also said that ordering protective gear and ventilators is not the federal governments job that states are on their own.
- Trump is using public airwaves to promote dangerous and unproven coronavirus 'cures
-"inject themselves with bleach cure."'
Mar. 24: U.S. President Donald Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.
Republicans are the worlds biggest suckers
What lies? That is leadership
LOL Leadership republican style is not leadership It's bullshit repeated 10 times so idiots will believe the lies
I disagree! What now? What happens now?
Guess we'll have to wait and see how republicans treat a REAL president Trump was a cancer on America
Trump wasn’t real? Fk did you waste your life then!
ain't it the truth

Right jc A murderer
Hate this
: What leadership don't looks like
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (CNBC)
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” (Fox News)
March 6: “I like the numbers being where they are.” (Washington Post)
- It will be gone by April.
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” (Twitter)
- Hot weather will kill it
- It’s just a flu.
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all"
- based on his “hunch,” the death rate is very low.
- Only 15 people have it here
- Numbers of people with it, going down to zero.
- Closing borders stopped it
- It might just go away
- It’s the new Democratic hoax
- No one will die from it
- It’s just another influenza
- The tests are beautiful
- “Anyone who wants a test can get one”
- A vaccine will be available soon
- major insurance companies will cover treatment for Covid-19 “free of charge”
- The US was “most prepared country in the world”
- The governor of Washington is a snake
- I Know So Much About the Coronavirus because I have a natural ability
- We have tests for everyone
- It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear
-“It is what it is”
-Not my fault
- We have tremendous control of the virus
- I give myself a “10” in dealing with the virus
- the buck does NOT stop with him.
- he also said that ordering protective gear and ventilators is not the federal governments job that states are on their own.
- Trump is using public airwaves to promote dangerous and unproven coronavirus 'cures
-"inject themselves with bleach cure."'
Mar. 24: U.S. President Donald Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.
Republicans are the worlds biggest suckers
What lies? That is leadership
LOL Leadership republican style is not leadership It's bullshit repeated 10 times so idiots will believe the lies
I disagree! What now? What happens now?
Guess we'll have to wait and see how republicans treat a REAL president Trump was a cancer on America
Trump wasn’t real? Fk did you waste your life then!
ain't it the truth

Right jc A murderer
Why haven’t daily death counts increased?
Hate this
: What leadership don't looks like
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (CNBC)
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” (Fox News)
March 6: “I like the numbers being where they are.” (Washington Post)
- It will be gone by April.
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” (Twitter)
- Hot weather will kill it
- It’s just a flu.
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all"
- based on his “hunch,” the death rate is very low.
- Only 15 people have it here
- Numbers of people with it, going down to zero.
- Closing borders stopped it
- It might just go away
- It’s the new Democratic hoax
- No one will die from it
- It’s just another influenza
- The tests are beautiful
- “Anyone who wants a test can get one”
- A vaccine will be available soon
- major insurance companies will cover treatment for Covid-19 “free of charge”
- The US was “most prepared country in the world”
- The governor of Washington is a snake
- I Know So Much About the Coronavirus because I have a natural ability
- We have tests for everyone
- It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear
-“It is what it is”
-Not my fault
- We have tremendous control of the virus
- I give myself a “10” in dealing with the virus
- the buck does NOT stop with him.
- he also said that ordering protective gear and ventilators is not the federal governments job that states are on their own.
- Trump is using public airwaves to promote dangerous and unproven coronavirus 'cures
-"inject themselves with bleach cure."'
Mar. 24: U.S. President Donald Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.
Republicans are the worlds biggest suckers
What lies? That is leadership
LOL Leadership republican style is not leadership It's bullshit repeated 10 times so idiots will believe the lies
I disagree! What now? What happens now?
Guess we'll have to wait and see how republicans treat a REAL president Trump was a cancer on America
Trump wasn’t real? Fk did you waste your life then!
ain't it the truth

Right jc A murderer
Why haven’t daily death counts increased?
More vaccines better delivery methods Gov't helping rather than trump scum throwing it all at states
Hate this
: What leadership don't looks like
January 22: “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” (CNBC)
February 2: “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China.” (Fox News)
March 6: “I like the numbers being where they are.” (Washington Post)
- It will be gone by April.
March 10: “It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” (Twitter)
- Hot weather will kill it
- It’s just a flu.
March 13: “I don’t take responsibility at all"
- based on his “hunch,” the death rate is very low.
- Only 15 people have it here
- Numbers of people with it, going down to zero.
- Closing borders stopped it
- It might just go away
- It’s the new Democratic hoax
- No one will die from it
- It’s just another influenza
- The tests are beautiful
- “Anyone who wants a test can get one”
- A vaccine will be available soon
- major insurance companies will cover treatment for Covid-19 “free of charge”
- The US was “most prepared country in the world”
- The governor of Washington is a snake
- I Know So Much About the Coronavirus because I have a natural ability
- We have tests for everyone
- It's going to disappear. One day it's like a miracle, it will disappear
-“It is what it is”
-Not my fault
- We have tremendous control of the virus
- I give myself a “10” in dealing with the virus
- the buck does NOT stop with him.
- he also said that ordering protective gear and ventilators is not the federal governments job that states are on their own.
- Trump is using public airwaves to promote dangerous and unproven coronavirus 'cures
-"inject themselves with bleach cure."'
Mar. 24: U.S. President Donald Trump said state governors must "treat me well" in order to obtain masks and ventilators from federal reserves.
Republicans are the worlds biggest suckers
What lies? That is leadership
LOL Leadership republican style is not leadership It's bullshit repeated 10 times so idiots will believe the lies
I disagree! What now? What happens now?
Guess we'll have to wait and see how republicans treat a REAL president Trump was a cancer on America
Trump wasn’t real? Fk did you waste your life then!
ain't it the truth

Right jc A murderer
Why haven’t daily death counts increased?
More vaccines better delivery methods Gov't helping rather than trump scum throwing it all at states
That’s not an answer to my question! Question still stands
Biden/Obama/etc said much more idiotic crap:
..there's NO problem of white supremacy

you don't believe any of that, so w/e. not worth responding to you on it.
here you go:
And here you go. Nobody showed up or cared about Trump lmao.

Trump's inauguration 2017
View attachment 460027
Ha ha. Nice angle.
View attachment 460259
I don't see any time stamps, Joe Blowhard, the bloated commie fuck.......dismissed.

You're such a fucking retard, dickless delusional dale. <smh>

It was about 12:20 EST as Trump was wrapping up his speech.
Time stamp, little faun, the perverted troll? You don't REALLY believe that I would take the word of a piece of shit like you nor would I take the word of a perverted bought and paid for lame stream media.....seems that we are at an impasse. What I have working in my favor is that I don't give a flying fuck about what you do or don't believe. I kick leftard ass and I do it without fear of retribution. My personal information is free to one and all. I spit on your kind at every opportunity and perverts like yourself can only seethe with anger......I totally dig that. I am thinking that perhaps I should dedicate a video to those that buy into "faun/Pan. I could post it here and let the masses know what you are really about. Maintain the court mandated distances from schools with young children.....1000 feet.


You're only spitting into the wind and catching your own spit with your face, ya flaming, dickless delusional dale.

The estimated "timestamp" is revealed on the monitors the crowd in the back were watching; where Trump's punim can be seen as he's giving a fist pump at the end of his inauguration speech.

So that shot, which exposes large swaths of open space, occurred while Trump was delivering his inauguration speech. And his crowd gathering there paled in comparison to Obama's.

As always, you get bitch-slapped with reality. :abgg2q.jpg:

No time stamp, lil faun, the pervert, sucks for you.....and the actual crowd would have been even
bigger had little butthurt snowflakes blocked people from being there on time. I know that you sucked the cock of the jug-eared mulatto with the transgendered "wife"....we "get it". the crowd that was there that day to see President Trump sworn in much to the chagrin of the obamamonkey was pricelesss that had to be there after all the shit he talked was the sweetest of all. PRICELESS!!!!!

Dumbfuck, he can be seen up on the dais giving his speech.

You're such a dumbfucking moron.

You are still so bitter.....and I totally dig it, ya little pervert..........obamamonkey's agenda was rebuked. Shall I do a "copy and paste" of your predictions of a Hildebeast victory? You sure did some shit talking......


By "bitter" you mean laughing my ass off at you and the nonsense you post.

You just got dealt another healthy dose of reality. Which to a conspiracy nut such as yourself, causes you to lash out like a 4 year old girl because you can't deal with reality.

Regardless of your delusions, you've been shown at the height of his inauguration, while he was on the dais speaking to the crowd, attendance there paled in comparison to Obama's crowd.

But g'head, dickless delusional dale, keep whining, but... but... but... BUT WHERE'S THE TIMESTAMP????? :lmao:

"Laugh" away, lil changes nothing. Spank your little's what you do when presented with facts you don't like. I relish the fact that you "hate" on me.......I wouldn't have it any other way. l enjoy kicking your ass to the point that it causes you to obsess over me..... simply makes me smile. How does it feel to be my cyber-bitch?
I kick that ass as only I can and your fellow leftard pals howl with indignant anger and pain.


I don't hate you, dickless delusional dale. I pity you. I pity you for being so disconnected from reality. And I continue posting to you because you literally crack me up with the shit you post. Like in this case, you delude yourself into thinking you're kicking my ass even though I just schooled you over Trump's crowd size by proving that image was taken while he was speaking.

..nothing to be embarrassed about
1) He told you to inject bleach into your body

2) He said that COVID would disappear like a miracle
3) He said that California forests, if you drop a cigarette the entire forest explodes in a fiery crash because they're so dry
4) He said that Governors have to be nice to him during COVID if they want him to help them
5) When asked about Russian bounties on killing US soldiers he did not respond or say anything.
6) When he lost the election, he said he won and that dead people rose from the grave and voted
7) He said he would have to be dragged out of the White House on January 20th

Just off the top of my head, in the last 6 months of time, there's a lot you have to be embarrassed about. Now, whether you have the human emotion of shame, I don't know.

But you have a lot to be embarrassed about
Who and where are the links? The substantiation? Do you really think people believe just because YOU typed it?
How pompous! More importantly there are proofs that most of what you wrote are made up by the biased MSM.
For example where did you ever get the idea Trump told you to inject bleach into your body?
You like this idiot repeated this totally false statement:
And when it comes to COVID-19, after months of doing nothing, other than predicting the virus would disappear, or maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay, Trump has simply given up," said Biden,
PolitiFact’s ruling: Mostly False.
Trump spoke about the role he thought disinfectants could play in tackling an infection caused by the virus during a now infamous April 23 briefing. But he didn’t say people should drink bleach.
But idiots like you and BIDEN repeat a total falsehood!
This is one of many reasons millions of Americans don't trust people like you BIDEN and especially the BIASED MSM!
What does it tell you when the Judges you appointed to the Supreme Court think you're an asshole? That's not good.
Biden/Obama/etc said much more idiotic crap:
..there's NO problem of white supremacy

you don't believe any of that, so w/e. not worth responding to you on it.
here you go:
And here you go. Nobody showed up or cared about Trump lmao.

Trump's inauguration 2017
View attachment 460027
Ha ha. Nice angle.
View attachment 460259

Dumb pics are dumb btw, and just another in a long line of reasons why Trump was an idiot. His inauguration crowd size mattered to him. Who TF cares? I'd rather be right, and have zero followers, than be a Democrat...

Oops sorry, I meant 'than to be wrong and have hundreds of thousands.' I guess in my mind I mistook 'hundreds of thousands of people being wrong' for 'Democrats.' Common mistake.
..nothing to be embarrassed about

I would disagree.

I voted for him...twice. And I wish he were president.

And he would be, if he did not behave so poorly.

If he didn't behave so poorly? Really? Because if he'd been nicer the left wouldn't have stolen the election? Or are you suggesting that he stole the election from himself and gave it to Biden?

The Democrats realized that they lost in 2016 only for one reason - they were too confident and failed to adequately campaign in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, etc. In reality, Trump didn't win but Hillary and the Democrats lost. They decided in 2016 that they would not lose in 2020 and began putting the pieces of voter fraud in place in preparation for 2020. There was nothing at all that Trump could have done differently that would have changed the outcome of the 2020 election.

To blame Trump for the actions of the left puts you in the same dishonest category as Romney and Liz Cheney.
President Trump never embarrassed me nor did I ever have a second thought about supporting him even though I don't participate in the joke of an election process. I wouldn't have bet so much as a fly's fart off of a bald butcher's wig that he would ever get in office. I'll be damned if he didn't pull it off in spite of the deep state's attempts to prevent it. All we got for the four years in office was one stupid witch hunt after another. This man-made bio-weapon where fake mail in ballots and back-doored software that was easily manipulated is the only reason he still isn't in office today. Anyone that believes hidden Biden, the pedophile gaffe machine actually inspired 81 million voters to throw support his way is a fucking moron, a liar or a combination of both.

Trump never embarrassed you? Yet you never had a second thought about supporting him? And you admit you never had a first thought about supporting him either, you fucking hypocritical, closet-communist piece of not-voting shit.

Edit to add: Trump may have never embarrassed you but you sure as hell are an embarrassment to him.
Last edited:
..nothing to be embarrassed about
What many people, even conservatives, perceived as embarrassing, I saw as uniquely Trump. He had his own quirkiness and charm, if you were perceptive enough to see below the surface, and yet it was very transparent.
exactly--he was not trying to fool anyone with pandering/etc Biden/etc does
I think Trump was the most genuine president in modern history. Almost naively genuine.
That cockroach piece of shit trump tried to take down our government. He even threw his vice president under the bus. Hard to believe how some of you trump bots graduated 5th grade.

It's amazing you think that what happened on January 6th could have, in any way, taken down our government.

Simply amazing.

Trump has tapped into something very sick in America.. This is how it begins with demagogues and populists.
Hate to tell ya this, but not everyone is a marxist piece of shit like you and your ilk are....surprise, surprise. Some of us believe in the sovereignty of this country and that "collectivism" is only craved by lazy fucks that believe the world owes them a giving.

What the hell are you talking about? You don't believe in shit. You sure as hell don't care enough about this country to get off your mother's basement sofa and go vote.
I was embarrassed for my country when the Democrats stole the 2020 Presidential election by the scam of unverified mail in ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

I am embarrassed for my country for all those same things... Then Dale Smith showed up and now I'm flat out ashamed for my country.

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