ivanka for president

Irrelevant. We're talking about experience.
Exactly! And being a college professor is not "experience" for being President of the United States.

It's more than Ivanka Trump has, 'snowflake'.
No it's not. Not even close. Ivanka Trump has lead business in the real world. Obama hid away in a liberal echo chamber regurgitating left-wing ideology comfort food. Name one person who reported to Barack Obama as a "community organizer" or "professor". :laugh:
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"has been" that's the key word here, because, and I hope I'm wrong, I like Trump..... lately with all the warmongering this looks more like President Bush Number 3 Administration. :mad-61:

He started breaking very important promises, no war in Syria was one of them.
Ok...while I agree that bombing Syria was as stupid as it gets...to proclaim "warmongering" is pure left-wing drama queening. One bombing of Syria does not a "warmongering" make. He didn't invade Syria.


But again, I have a bad feeling about this.

I don't think this will have a good ending.
What would be a good ending in any middle east country? We all know them becoming a free nation of democracy isn't possible. So what do we have left?

I'm talking more of this being the start of a bigger world conflict.

You know, things like this can descend into complete chaos so quickly....
What would be a good ending in any middle east country? We all know them becoming a free nation of democracy isn't possible. So what do we have left?
Secular control by dictators who are not complete maniacs (like Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-Un, etc.). Good examples would be Hosni Mubarak (Egypt) and Muammar Gaddafi (Libya).

You know...two of the leaders Barack Obama had overthrown.
What would be a good ending in any middle east country? We all know them becoming a free nation of democracy isn't possible. So what do we have left?
Secular control by dictators who are not complete maniacs (like Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-Un, etc.). Good examples would be Hosni Mubarak (Egypt) and Muammar Gaddafi (Libya).

You know...two of the leaders Barack Obama had overthrown.
I don't disagree. They seem to need this heavy handed democrat style government. Not unlike what our colleges are telling people here they need.
What would be a good ending in any middle east country? We all know them becoming a free nation of democracy isn't possible. So what do we have left?
Secular control by dictators who are not complete maniacs (like Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-Un, etc.). Good examples would be Hosni Mubarak (Egypt) and Muammar Gaddafi (Libya).

You know...two of the leaders Barack Obama had overthrown.
I don't disagree. They seem to need this heavy handed democrat style government. Not unlike what our colleges are telling people here they need.
It's really the only solution for islam. Which, I suspect, is why that form of "governance" is just about the only from in the Middle East before Obama's meddling.
"has been" that's the key word here, because, and I hope I'm wrong, I like Trump..... lately with all the warmongering this looks more like President Bush Number 3 Administration. :mad-61:

He started breaking very important promises, no war in Syria was one of them.
Ok...while I agree that bombing Syria was as stupid as it gets...to proclaim "warmongering" is pure left-wing drama queening. One bombing of Syria does not a "warmongering" make. He didn't invade Syria.


But again, I have a bad feeling about this.

I don't think this will have a good ending.
What would be a good ending in any middle east country? We all know them becoming a free nation of democracy isn't possible. So what do we have left?

I'm talking more of this being the start of a bigger world conflict.

You know, things like this can descend into complete chaos so quickly....

May as well end the Korean war once and for all, tired of lose ends.

May as well end the Korean war once and for all, tired of lose ends.
One of the best comments ever made on USMB. As the world's elite superpower over the past 100 years or so - we've had the capabilities to permanently resolve global crisis and global threats. And yet in most cases we refused to do so because of the political climate.

We should have wiped North Korea off the map in the 1950's. We should have wiped Vietnam off the map in the 1970's. We should have removed Saddam Hussein from power during the Gulf War. We should have killed Osama Bin Laden in the 1990's.

Think of the millions of lives that would have been saved had we had the backbone to properly finish the job. We should have never bombed Syria. In fact, we should have helped Assad and Russia suppress the uprising. They could have been valuable allies in the war on terror. Instead, we should have made that maniac Kim Jong-Un our focus. We need to take that entire regime out and unite it under the government of South Korea as a single Korea again.
May as well end the Korean war once and for all, tired of lose ends.
One of the best comments ever made on USMB. As the world's elite superpower over the past 100 years or so - we've had the capabilities to permanently resolve global crisis and global threats. And yet in most cases we refused to do so because of the political climate.

We should have wiped North Korea off the map in the 1950's. We should have wiped Vietnam off the map in the 1970's. We should have removed Saddam Hussein from power during the Gulf War. We should have killed Osama Bin Laden in the 1990's.

Think of the millions of lives that would have been saved had we had the backbone to properly finish the job. We should have never bombed Syria. In fact, we should have helped Assad and Russia suppress the uprising. They could have been valuable allies in the war on terror. Instead, we should have made that maniac Kim Jong-Un our focus. We need to take that entire regime out and unite it under the government of South Korea as a single Korea again.

I agree with everything except not bombing them... Chemical weapons is Chemical weapons we can't make that the new norm of the world..

But I do have doubts who to believe and who is using the chemical weapons in Syria... It has became so muddied.. After what McCain and Lindsey did by inadvertently arming ISIS years ago in Syria it's a fucked up war.
I agree with everything except not bombing them... Chemical weapons is Chemical weapons we can't make that the new norm of the world.
That's easily rectified though. Had we offered to assist them in suppressing the uprising if they agreed to surrender all checmial weapons to us - I guarantee Assad would have.
I'm sorry but other than thinking she is Hott, Which for some reason is a qualification for some, why on earth would you think she is going to be a good president. Especially if you profess to be conservative
Irrelevant. We're talking about experience.
Exactly! And being a college professor is not "experience" for being President of the United States.

It's more than Ivanka Trump has, 'snowflake'.
No it's not. Not even close. Ivanka Trump has lead business in the real world. Obama hid away in a liberal echo chamber regurgitating left-wing ideology comfort food. Name one person who reported to Barack Obama as a "community organizer" or "professor". :laugh:

Ivanka Trump was born to wealth - that's it. It's the only reason people know she exists. I don't care how sweet/nice she seems, it all means nothing. All this 'real-world business experience' horseshit comes directly from her family. Nepotism, plain and simple. All the opportunities 98% of us will never experience was simply handed to her. Please don't assume that is respected on the world's stage or with the majority of the nation's people that work for a living. You like her simply because of her last name. The exact same thing people bitched about (and rightly so) Hillary's run. Funny how sanctimonious the right becomes when that hypocrisy is pointed right back at them. Pathetic.
she will. first she'll be pence's VP. 2028 not that far away.

Yeah right--LOL We'll see if Trump makes it to 2018--which is in serious doubt right now with 3 different Russian investigations going on. But if he does make into 2018 there's going to be a major change--Democrats will own the Senate and probably the house. Now if Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi, it's not real hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & lies when they take over in 2018. You'll also get a good education on what the Emoluments clause means in the Constitution--which would also be Ivanka's problem.
The Emoluments Clause: Its text, meaning, and application to Donald J. Trump | Brookings Institution

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

The only thing Ivanka brings to the White House is her great travel expertice, and possibly a new dress code--of course with her label.

We pay to protect Trump's family.

Like that Aspen skiing trip for the Trump kids and family--with a 100 security agents in tow. The bill for ski rental alone was $12,000.00 taxpayer dollars--(which did not include the cost of lodging, ski lift tickers and food.)


Trump Family Photo Sparks Outrage (Photo)

And we're paying for security to expand the Trump empire around the globe like that new golf course that they just opened up in Dubai.
Trump sons open Dubai golf club as namesake now US president

Those weekly trips down to Trump's resort Mar a Lago, in Palm Beach Florida cost the taxpayers 700K per trip to haul down security, White House staff and equipment. Trump calls it the Southern White House--(who knew?) I believe he's been down there 10 times within 2-1/2 months. To add insult to injury Mar a Lago has recently doubled it's membership fees to $200 K per year. Who knew we were getting a Monday thru Friday President.
Trump's Mar-a-Lago club just doubled its new membership fee to $200,000
In a month, the Trump family has cost taxpayers almost as much as the Obamas did in a year

No wonder they're all working for FREE--LOL. Trump outspends the yearly Presidential salary of $525K in one weekend down at Mar a Lago. Even Ivanka is now a Presidential adviser--with her own office and White House staff--of course as a volunteer.--LOL
Ivanka Trump to receive White House office, security clearance


I don't think there is ever going to be another Trump welcome on the taxpayer tab again--LOL

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No one from the Trump family will be president.

There are a lot of conservative women who'd make a better president. Sara Palin would be a better pick. Crazy eyes Bachman would be a better pick than Ivanaka. She's just as clueless as her dad.
"has been" that's the key word here, because, and I hope I'm wrong, I like Trump..... lately with all the warmongering this looks more like President Bush Number 3 Administration. :mad-61:

He started breaking very important promises, no war in Syria was one of them.
Ok...while I agree that bombing Syria was as stupid as it gets...to proclaim "warmongering" is pure left-wing drama queening. One bombing of Syria does not a "warmongering" make. He didn't invade Syria.
i'd like the libs to talk about this.

Libya Rebels Overtake Tripoli As Gaddafi Regime Crumbles | The ...
Aug 22, 2011 - President Barack Obama said Libya is “slipping from the grasp of a tyrant” and urged Gadhafi to relinquish power to prevent more bloodshed.
The Libya Intervention: Obama's 'Worst Mistake' as America's Worst ...
Apr 15, 2016 - In recent interviews with The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg on the “Obama Doctrine,” the president bluntly said the mission in Libya “didn't work.
War Powers Act Doesn't Apply for Libya, Obama Says - The New York ...
Jun 15, 2011 - White House Defends Continuing U.S. Role in Libya Operation ... that Mr. Obama explain his legal justification for passing the deadline.
Michael Moore rips Obama over Libya | TheHill
Mar 19, 2011 - Moammar Gadhafi from overtaking the rebel-held city of Benghazi.The strikes on Libyabegan on the eighth anniversary of the beginning of the ...
"has been" that's the key word here, because, and I hope I'm wrong, I like Trump..... lately with all the warmongering this looks more like President Bush Number 3 Administration. :mad-61:

He started breaking very important promises, no war in Syria was one of them.
Ok...while I agree that bombing Syria was as stupid as it gets...to proclaim "warmongering" is pure left-wing drama queening. One bombing of Syria does not a "warmongering" make. He didn't invade Syria.


But again, I have a bad feeling about this.

I don't think this will have a good ending.
What would be a good ending in any middle east country? We all know them becoming a free nation of democracy isn't possible. So what do we have left?

I'm talking more of this being the start of a bigger world conflict.

You know, things like this can descend into complete chaos so quickly....
this is really the first time i've disagreed with you skye, but with all due respect, it's chaos now.

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