Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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Of course they do.

People do bad shit and justify it all kinds of ways just like people have done bad shit and use the bible to justify it.

Do you disregard the bible because some people use the very word of a god to justify doing bad shit?

I do disregard the majority of The Bible, yes. For that reason and others. I think the majority of it is influenced by a human need to control, by politics, etc. I see it mostly as a human creation, but I am a believer in Jesus.
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I already did.
Then it should be easy to do again.
Do you disregard the bible because some people use the very word of a god to justify doing bad shit?
Good question. I've experienced lots of people using their religious beliefs to justify their bad behavior.. I asked my minister/rabbi/preacher about this and he said it was okay.. Never happens with an atheist. Many have asked me ridiculous questions like You don't believe in God, why don't you just kill yourself?, or go rob a bank?!
Religion appears to enable people to live without reason. Hunter gathering without deadly appendages demanded tool making and cooperation which took (naturally selected for) reason and empathy. Bigger brains. Eggs were around way before chickens even existed. Ethics existed long before any organized religion.
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Then it should be easy to do again.

Good question. I've experienced lots of people using their religious beliefs to justify their bad behavior.. I asked my minister/rabbi/preacher about this and he said it was okay.. Never happens with an atheist. Many have asked me ridiculous questions like You don't believe in God, why don't you just kill yourself?, or go rob a bank?!
Religion appears to enable people to live without reason. Hunter gathering without deadly appendages demanded tool making and cooperation which took (naturally selected for) reason and empathy. Bigger brains. Eggs were around way before chickens even existed. Ethics existed long before any organized religion.
or you could go back and actually read what i already posted.

IMO religion tells people their reason to live is to serve a god and do what a god tells them to so they can be rewarded.
or you could go back and actually read what i already posted.
Or you could just provide the evidence that you believe supports your claim.
IMO religion tells people their reason to live is to serve a god and do what a god tells them to so they can be rewarded.
Among other things.. no question. Your point? People don't need any reason to live. We're mammals. We get born and just start whining, demanding, and grabbing shit regardless. Our will to survive is instinctive. Built in through natural selection.
Or you could just provide the evidence that you believe supports your claim.

Among other things.. no question. Your point? People don't need any reason to live. We're mammals. We get born and just start whining, demanding, and grabbing shit regardless. Our will to survive is instinctive. Built in through natural selection.
I already did so why should I do it again because you didn't bother to read it?
And I am declining your request and not enabling your laziness,
My laziness? I have gone back.. and again found nothing..
I am responsible for everything I do and say.
Seems not. If you were truly responsible, you'd gladly back your assertions of fact with at least one quote from a reputable source. Like this:
Webster's doesn't even back your assertions.
You're an atheist by definition. Agnostic as well by definition. Get over it.
My laziness? I have gone back.. and again found nothing..

Seems not. If you were truly responsible, you'd gladly back your assertions of fact with at least one quote from a reputable source. Like this:
Webster's doesn't even back your assertions.
You're an atheist by definition. Agnostic as well by definition. Get over it.

I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of any gods. I have stated over and over and over that I do not know if any gods exist therefore by definition I am not an atheist.

I really don't see what is so hard to understand about that.
I am responsible for everything I do and say. Just like you.

No. Not "likey I". I risk to go to hell and it exists not any possibility to betray god - independent from formal systems like laws and/or opinions of other people.

Gods and god are totally different "things" - better to say: Gods are things but god is no thing at all.

have nothing to do with that. and onace again I have never once denied the existence of any gods therefore by definition I am not an atheist.

You are an atheist.

I don't know if any gods exist and I really don't care if they do or not. and I know I have told you this before.

You have not any light idea about how totally stupid it sounds in my "ears" what what you say here to me.
I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of any gods. I have stated over and over and over that I do not know if any gods exist therefore by definition I am not an atheist.

I really don't see what is so hard to understand about that.
Thick as a brick, only twice as stubborn.
No. Not like. I risk to go to hell and it exists not any possibi8lty to betray god - independent from formal systems laws and oppinions of other people.

Gpods and god a er totalaly differnt "things" - better to say: god is no thing at all.

You are an atheist.

You have not any light idea about how totally stupid it sounds what what you say here to me.

If you need the threat of divine retribution in order to make good decisions that's all you. Don't project your inability to control yourself onto others.

Do you really believe you would turn into a murdering rapist if you weren't afraid of divine punishment?
But you think that if you have to. Why don't you say a prayer and ask your god to smite me? It might make you feel better.
Because I don't believe it works that way. We smite ourselves. And you are doing an excellent job of that all on your own. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure.
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