Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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First of all: The perfect is not perfect. Order is often deadly and chaos often alive and helpful. And second: Even in case of real imperfectionism it is not a sin to be imperfect. It is only a sin not to try to be better. But also this is sometimes impossible and no sin. Example: Who suffers a dementia has difficulties to get a Nobel price.

That's not how I read it in the bible.
And what do you think is good or evil in such a case?
Indoctrinating children into believing what the bibles say is child abuse. That is evil in my opinion.

But some Christians such as our Ding, don't take their bibles literally and so shouldn't be just immediately condemned.

Give me please an answer and not a nonsense link. The real scientific theory of evolution never had been a big theme in the Catholic church. Farmers and gardeners are somehow "evolutionists" since thousands of years. But what some people sell under "Darwinism" are often only heavy racist cimes. Take the Nazis as an example for a completelly wrong use of "evolution" as a "survival of Aryan supermen" and their mass murdering ideology.

No normal Catholics who are interested in such themes think by the way evolution and creation (two totally differnt things) exclude each other. Very simple: Only what exists is able to evolve.
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There is a massive rift between Judaism and Islam. There's a difference of belief between Judaism and Christianity when it comes to Jesus.
OK well not believing that Jesus is Lord and Savior is quite a significant difference of belief. Kind of a deal breaker from all of the Christians I have spoken to over the years.
Give me please an answer and not a nonsense link. The real scietifric theory of evolution never had been a big theme in the Catholic church. Farmers and gardeners are somehow "evolutionists" since thousands of years. But what some people sell under "Darwinism" are often only heavy racist cimes. Take the Nazis as an example for a completelly wrong use of "evolution" as a "survival of Aryan supermen".
The church doesn't reject evolution.
The church teaches evolution in their schools.
Indoctrinating children into believing what the bibles say is child abuse. That is evil in my opinion.

Let me say it this way: The evolution of men follows four steps:
(1) They believe in Santa Claus.
(2) They do not believe in Santa Claus.
(3) They are Santa Claus.
(4) They look like Santa Claus.

But some Christians such as our Ding, don't take their bibles literally and so shouldn't be just immediately condemned.

No. We condemn you. That's more easy. Question: Do you really believe in the bullshit which you say? No present for anyone at Christmas? Only attacks?

Es kommt ein Schiff, geladen
bis an sein' höchsten Bord,
trägt Gottes Sohn voll Gnaden,
des Vaters ewigs Wort.

Das Schiff geht still im Triebe,
es trägt ein teure Last;
das Segel ist die Liebe,
der Heilig Geist der Mast.

Der Anker haft' auf Erden,
da ist das Schiff am Land.
Das Wort will Fleisch uns werden,
der Sohn ist uns gesandt.

Zu Bethlehem geboren
im Stall ein Kindelein,
gibt sich für uns verloren;
gelobet muss es sein.

Translation: ----

There comes a ship, loaded
To its highest deck,
Carries the Son of God full of grace,
the Father's eternal word.

The ship goes quietly in its drive,
it carries a dear burden;
the sail is love,
the Holy Spirit the mast.

The anchor is on earth,
the ship is on land.
The Word wants to become flesh for us,
the Son is sent to us.

Born in Bethlehem
In the stable a little child,
gives himself up for us;
He must be praised.
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From Baylor University ... a true pillar of the Christian Doctrine ...

Evolution, a foundational principle of modern biology, is supported by overwhelming scientific evidence and is accepted by the vast majority of scientists. Because it is fundamental to the understanding of modern biology, the faculty in the Biology Department at Baylor University (Waco, TX) teach evolution throughout the biology curriculum. We are in accordance with the American Association for Advancement of Science’s statement on evolution. We are a science department, so we do not teach alternative hypotheses or philosophically deduced theories that cannot be tested rigorously.
Let me say it this way: The evolution of men follows four steps:
(1) They believe in Santa Claus.
(2) They do not believe in Santa Claus.
(3) They are Santa Claus.
(4) They look like Santa Claus.

No. We condemn you. That's more easy. Question: Do you really believe in the bullshit which you say? No present for anyone at Christmas? Only attacks?

I've angered you but I assure you that it was unintentional. I expected that the information you received would have already been known.

The correct talking point for Christians is t bring back creation and make it work alongside of Darwinian evolution.

None have done that so far, so there's an opportunity for you!
I've angered you

And I thought angered is written amused

but I assure you that it was unintentional. I expected that the information you received would have already been known.

The correct talking point for Christians is t bring back creation and make it work alongside of Darwinian evolution.

None have done that so far, so there's an opportunity for you!

It never was a problem for me what is a problem for you. But what is your probem?
And? What is your problem?
It's not my problem. I consider it to be impossible to believe in creation and evolution together. You may want to try to understand the CC's reasoning to make it work before you get into it any deeper.
Name of one of them
Most recently? As also witnessed and testified to by Jim Hightower (using coherent English no less)..

Mike Johnson,
and a concrete story?
bless his heart, says he doesn’t “wanna get too spooky on you,” but it was God who made him the new Speaker of the US House.

He’s not asserting the fairly common belief, held by many Christians, that the Almighty plays a direct role in shaping people’s lives. No, no – Mike’s claim of divine selection is more singular, grandiose… and spooky. In a recent speech to a sect of Christian Nationalists, he confided that just prior to being chosen Speaker, God Hizownself had been awakening him every night for three weeks “to speak to me” about campaign strategy. Johnson says that while 13 other Republicans vied for the office, “the Lord kept telling me to wait, wait, wait.” Then God finally said, “Now step forward” and claim the gavel of power.

Why him, you might ask? Well, explains the ultra-right-winger, American culture has become “so dark and depraved it almost seems irredeemable.” So, says Mike, God needed a Christian purist to be “a new Moses” willing to lead America from the wickedness of abortion, gay marriage, and what the religious nationalists call “the ungodly effort to undermine our culture by Leftists.”

Mike went further, explaining that “[God] had been speaking to me about this, and the Lord told me very clearly to prepare and be ready.” But, says Mike, he was told not merely to take the nation’s third highest political office, but ready to guide the nation, Moses-like, through “a Red Sea moment.” So, all of us should get ready, for we now have a Trump-supporting, holy-rolling congress critter who actually believes he’s been chosen by God to part the perilous waters and take us from a diverse democracy to his theocratic Christian wonderland.

God help us – and please hurry!
Do you think the SS-soldier won't notice if you lie to him ...

I would not be alive without "perfect" liars.

why does it have to be an SS-soldier ... if I'm German myself,

You miss the point now direction Alfa Centaury for some lightyears. I am a German.

don't I hate Jews and gleefully point the SS-soldier in the right direction? ... the Nazis got away with the Holocaust because the rest of Europe approved ...

My problem now: I love naivity.

I'm an American and I would have fist-fought the SS-soldier and think it my patriotic duty to do so ... and died for my country ... we like Jews and are happy to let them live here in peace and equality ... you need to ask yourself what your problem is ...

As I said - I love naivity.

If you're a liar, then go ahead and lie ... you will be answering to God ... we all will ...

Short: To lie is no sin - never was.
Why you just called me a liar didn't you?
If the shoe fits....

What you cannot seem to understand is that your understanding of scripture is practically non-existent. Making up excuses for why you not only don't need to take scripture seriously, you give yourself permission to misrepresent and scorn what is holy to those who do understand. Further, when someone patiently explains the truth in our beliefs, what is received in return is a slap in the face. Many of us can discuss Buddhism and other Eastern religions respectfully with you, because that is your holy ground. All you do on our holy ground is desecrate it. I can only take so much of that, so I am going to take a break from you for awhile. Last word is yours.
How to get to Heaven according to the Bible and the Christian faith isn’t a subjective standard.
What are those standards then? People do not necessarily believe all that is in The Bible simply because they call themselves Christian. Belief is very subjective, especially genuine belief.

It's unclear to what extent those 'standard' views on heaven and hell hold for people. I think this thread is evidence of some of that. The super vocal 'hellfire' Christians that use damnation to 'convert' people stand out the most, but not everyone who follows Jesus sees choosing the 'wrong faith' or even lacking faith as something people are condemned for.

I'm sharing what I have observed in my life so far, which is that people bend these 'standards' to their own biases and intuition, especially in the modern day. I certainly do, and I still consider myself a Christian, since I think Jesus is the important factor, not what 'standards' dictate entrance into heaven or hell.
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It's not my problem. I consider it to be impossible to believe in creation and evolution together. ...

Sorry - but that's only a neverending problem in the English speaking world. You are for example not able to create or to destroy energy but you are able to transform energy. Where is now your fake-problem creation vs evolution? It is what it is. Truth is always true.

By the way: Is it not a very fascinating fact that your body is realized from sunlight with star dust? And that you have common ancestors with every other creature on earth?

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