Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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Because I don't believe it works that way. We smite ourselves. And you are doing an excellent job of that all on your own. Failed behaviors naturally lead to failure.
Yeah like the church is failing
That’s what Christians believe is the path to heaven?
I think there's a lot of personal twists people add to beliefs these days. The more contradictions people find between say, science (or other modern things) and traditional religion, the more they are willing to bend things. There's so many sects and divisions, I honestly think the only useful common factor is Jesus Christ.
If you need the threat of divine retribution in order to make good decisions that's all you.

Everything has consequences. The question is when will end this consequences. Some say "never". Others say "now". I say "depends".

Don't project your inability to control yourself onto others.

Who thinks religious people are not able to control themselves is a weird idiot, weird idiot. Oh my god - did I lose my control now? Very short: "no".

Do you really believe you would turn into a murdering rapist if you weren't afraid of divine punishment?

Do you really think you would speak only bullshit and nonsense because you try to justify what you not know by the premise "Who wins in a war [of words] is always right!".
I assume you’re a Christian so what is the only way a human can get into heaven?

Your way is the only way. Find the direction to god and start to go.

Tip: Do you know where the word "orientation" comes from? From morning prayers direction east - direction rising sun. The morning is the most beautiful time of the day.

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Your way is the only way. Find the direction to god and start to go.

Tip: Do you know where the word "orientation" comes from? From morning prayers direction east - direction rising sun. The morning is the most beautiful time of the day.

If you’re a Christian there’s one way not whichever way you decide. Which is the point. You’re free to not believe the Bible you’re not free to say it says shit it doesn’t say.
I think there's a lot of personal twists people add to beliefs these days. The more contradictions people find between say, science (or other modern things) and traditional religion, the more they are willing to bend things. There's so many sects and divisions, I honestly think the only useful common factor is Jesus Christ.
How to get to Heaven according to the Bible and the Christian faith isn’t a subjective standard.
Where do yo think I learned it?

Yeah OK

There's no such thing as religious or moral laws in the bible and if there were you cannot ever be guilty of breaking those laws only of "missing the mark"

So you just rendered the 10 Commandments to be toothless suggestions and the 7 deadly sins to be mere innocent errors in judgement because sin is not a violation of religious law.


In the Bible, sin is described as a transgression of the law of God (1 John 3:4) and rebellion against God (Deuteronomy 9:7; Joshua 1:18). In the Easton's Bible Dictionary, Sin is defined as "any want of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God" in the inward state and habit of the soul and in the outward conduct of the life, whether by omission or commission.

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 6:23)

Death seems a bit harsh for merely "missing the mark" dontcha think?

The very act of being imperfect is sin but your god made you imperfect and then orders you to make yourself perfect under threat of death.
So you just rendered the 10 Commandments to be toothless suggestions and the 7 deadly sins to be mere innocent errors in judgement because sin is not a violation of religious law.
No, that's your conclusion. Again, I choose not to pursue your lie.
No, that's your conclusion. Again, I choose not to pursue your lie.

The wages of sin is death.

Sin is a transgression of the law of god

you say
Sin is "missing the mark" That would be the mark made by a perfect god

Therefore being imperfect is sin

your god created people as imperfect

All this is right from the bible and I don't have to lie about it.
More like a statement of fact. Atheism - especially the militant variety - is an intellectual dead end.
I wouldn't say that! It depends on what the militancy is all about. Some might burn down churches while others don't remain quiet when hearing Christian lies. Me, I do no harm but I don't remain quiet when I hear a Christian who is smart enough to know that he's lying to himself.

To keep one of them interested in talking is not a dead end. Even Meriweather isn't a dead end!
Laughing leads to crying.
I doubt many Catholics laughed when their church threw out creation myths. Most will have tried to ignore it or maybe try to accept some excuse saying they can have it both ways.
... Therefore being imperfect is sin ..

your god created people as imperfect

All this is right from the bible and I don't have to lie about it.

First of all: The perfect is not perfect. Order is often deadly and chaos often alive and helpful. And second: Even in case of real imperfectionism it is not a sin to be imperfect. It is only a sin not to try to be better. But also this is sometimes impossible and no sin. Example: Who suffers a dementia has difficulties to get a Nobel price.

Example : A Jew flees the right way. A SS-soldier asks you: "Which direction did he go?". You say: "The right way". He follows the Jew and kills him. What will god ask you? ... No need to answer me now - answer god. His son was a Jew.

Do you think the SS-soldier won't notice if you lie to him ... why does it have to be an SS-soldier ... if I'm German myself, don't I hate Jews and gleefully point the SS-soldier in the right direction? ... the Nazis got away with the Holocaust because the rest of Europe approved ...

I'm an American and I would have fist-fought the SS-soldier and think it my patriotic duty to do so ... and died for my country ... we like Jews and are happy to let them live here in peace and equality ... you need to ask yourself what your problem is ...

If you're a liar, then go ahead and lie ... you will be answering to God ... we all will ...
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