Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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That's is just more arrogant bullshit.

I never have the feeling to say arrogant bullshit.

You obviously don't know what I believe or don't believe so don't try to tell me what I think.
I said: "Because you do not like to listen and you do not like to think, I guess. The advantage of your belief: You are not responsible. For nothing. But is this true? ... hmmm ... If you are not able to make something wrong then you are also not free. ... Are you sure you understand in which world you are living?"

"Because you do not like to listen and you do not like to think, I guess. "
means: You ignored intentionally and totally my argument why it is not only a spiritual choice to believe in one truth. It is important to do so.

"The advantage of your belief: You are not responsible."
means: The spiritual belief atheism has no moral message. This doesn't mean atheists are criminals without moral. But if atheists follow a moral than this moral has no roots in atheism.

If you are not able to make something wrong then you are also not free. ... Are you sure you understand in which world you are living?"
means: The belief atheism has in a philosophical way to think and to define the own person drastic consequences - also for our societies. Are you sure you know the real consequences of an atheistic thinking world, propagator?
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Is your question unanswerable? Then you tell me.

I will never understand why so many of the very superintellligentest atheists on our planet are not able to answer a very simple question. Why is something here? Why is not only nothing? Any idea about? Why follows this what is here a kind of system? Why this sytem - why not another one? Where from comes this? And so on and so on ... Simple questions ...
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Telling a lie is strictly self-serving ... the opposite of love ... it's certainly easier to tell you "go ahead and eat all the salt you want" and just let you have that heart attack ... the intentions of the lie is to avoid yet another fight ... so here's the salt shaker, go ahead and use it ... I'm taking the selfish route and not arguing with you anymore about it ...

14 - And if any man obey not our word by this epistle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed.
15 - Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.
-- 2 Thessalonians chap. 3

If you love someone, you tell them The Truth ... even if they don't want to hear it ... or don't call yourself a Christian ...

Example : A Jew flees the right way. A SS-soldier asks you: "Which direction did he go?". You say: "The right way". He follows the Jew and kills him. What will god ask you? ... No need to answer me now - answer god. His son was a Jew.
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Do not forget to leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers, Russian. Yesterday had been a good day to do so. But today is also not bad.
I will never understand why so many of the very superintellligentest atheists on our planet are not able to answer a very simple question. Why is something here? Why is not only nothing? Any idea about? Why follows this what is here a kind of system? Why this sytem - why not another one? Where from comes this? And so on and so on ... Simple questions ...
Back to bed Bangabangawham .
Have yourself a nice rest while we mail your post to Go Ogle for translation .
Try reading the Logical Positivists and you might get some idea of why your missive is garbage .
You write what look like questions to you but because they are non -verifiable they are really nonsense .
Back to bed Bangabangawham .
Have yourself a nice rest while we mail your post to Go Ogle for translation .
Try reading the Logical Positivists and you might get some idea of why your missive is garbage .
You write what look like questions to you but because they are non -verifiable they are really nonsense .

Oh by the way, Russian: Did I forget to tell you to leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers? How was this able to happen? Whatever: Do not forget to leave the Ukraine with all of your soldiers. What about yesterday? Perfect date! Today is also not bad.
Actually, it means you are. None of these people say they know if gods exist or not either:
Denying and saying I don't know are two entirely different things.
Good for Webster. He didn't know Hebrew.

We don't speak Hebrew do we?

Ask any priest what sin is and he won't say it's "missing the mark"

If your kid tries out for a sport and doesn;t get on the team because he "missed the mark" do you tell him he sinned?
You are here to condemn respect for Christians. You are by definition a militant atheist.

Once again my contempt for religion is not limited to your religion.

And I never denied the existence of any gods therefore by definition I am not an atheist.

But you think that if you have to. Why don't you say a prayer and ask your god to smite me? It might make you feel better.
Usurped? How so?

Morality doesn't necessarily derive from religion, but religion usurped nothing. Yes, religious people can often act immorally, but this is just as true without religion, and was just as true before religion too. Religion has impeded many things, but it also worked to spread humanist values and morality.

As an example, during the colonization of the Americas, Catholic priests tempered (a bit) the brutality of the Spanish, they built hospitals and schools. Yes, in an effort to spread their beliefs, but in doing so the humanist values come too. There are moral benefits to their actions and to religion, like the Golden Rule that was discussed being more widespread.

Every religion teaches that morals come from a god.
I never have the feeling to say arrogant bullshit.

I said: "Because you do not like to listen and you do not like to think, I guess. The advantage of your belief: You are not responsible. For nothing. But is this true? ... hmmm ... If you are not able to make something wrong then you are also not free. ... Are you sure you understand in which world you are living?"

"Because you do not like to listen and you do not like to think, I guess. "
means: You ignored intentionally and totally my argument why it is not only a spiritual choice to believe in one truth. It is important to do so.

"The advantage of your belief: You are not responsible."
means: The spiritual belief atheism has no moral message. This doesn't mean atheists are criminals without moral. But if atheists follow a moral than this moral has no roots in atheism.

If you are not able to make something wrong then you are also not free. ... Are you sure you understand in which world you are living?"
means: The belief atheism has in a philosophical way to think and to define the own person drastic consequences - also for our societies. Are you sure you know the real consequences of an atheistic thinking world, propagator?

I am responsible for everything I do and say. Just like you.

Gods have nothing to do with that. and onace again I have never once denied the existence of any gods therefore by definition I am not an atheist.

I don't know if any gods exist and I really don't care if they do or not. and I know I have told you this before.
Every religion teaches that morals come from a god.
I don't know about EVERY, but I think that's generally true.

It's not 'usurping' though, that seems to imply that morality had a mainstream place prior to religion. Basically, morality, serious consideration of the treatment we gave to others, especially when inequalities in power are involved, had little value before it was 'mainstreamed' by religion. In the modern day we can separate them, but there was no position of authority or any common position on morality for religion to 'steal'.

Now, in the modern day, we CAN try to separate them and we should. Religion has indeed overstepped a lot, but it did not steal or usurp a previous position on morality, it helped to create it and made it mainstream.
I don't know about EVERY, but I think that's generally true.

It's not 'usurping' though, that seems to imply that morality had a mainstream place prior to religion. Basically, morality, serious consideration of the treatment we gave to others, especially when inequalities in power are involved, had little value before it was 'mainstreamed' by religion. In the modern day we can separate them, but there was no position of authority or any common position on morality for religion to 'steal'.

Now, in the modern day, we CAN try to separate them and we should. Religion has indeed overstepped a lot, but it did not steal or usurp a previous position on morality, it helped to create it and made it mainstream.
Morals are a human concept. Morals are a result of reason not laws handed down by gods.

The religious do not believe this and rather say that there are absolute morals defines by a god.
I will never understand why so many of the very superintellligentest atheists on our planet are not able to answer a very simple question. Why is something here? Why is not only nothing? Any idea about? Why follows this what is here a kind of system? Why this sytem - why not another one? Where from comes this? And so on and so on ... Simple questions ...
You?.. goddidit. Wow, what a simpleton answer!
"In Chinese thought the two great opposite but complementary forces at work in the cosmos."
They say the Yin and Yang. I say the Dielectric and the Magnetic.
They say "The interplay of the two forces makes up chi,"
I say the Aether, as did most until Einstein got himself hopelessly confused and mucked it all up.
again I have never once denied the existence of any gods therefore by definition I am not an atheist.
Show this weird "definition"..
Morals are a human concept. Morals are a result of reason not laws handed down by gods.

The religious do not believe this and rather say that there are absolute morals defines by a god.

Morals don't derive from reason, reason has been used repeatedly in history to justify maltreatment and abuse, all sorts of immoral acts, slavery, misogyny, and on and on. Reason is 'the capacity of applying logic consciously by drawing conclusions from new or existing information, with the aim of seeking the truth'. That is, it REQUIRES existing information to go anywhere. Reason alone does not provide the axioms from which we reason, no. Our biases do.

The person who thinks reason alone gives rise to morality hasn't thought very deeply about either, in my opinion.
Morals don't derive from reason, reason has been used repeatedly in history to justify maltreatment and abuse, all sorts of immoral acts, slavery, misogyny, and on and on. Reason is 'the capacity of applying logic consciously by drawing conclusions from new or existing information, with the aim of seeking the truth'. That is, it REQUIRES existing information to go anywhere. Reason alone does not provide the axioms from which we reason, no. Our biases do.

The person who thinks reason alone give rise to morality hasn't thought very deeply about either, in my opinion.

Of course they do.

People do bad shit and justify it all kinds of ways just like people have done bad shit and use the bible to justify it.

Do you disregard the bible because some people use the very word of a god to justify doing bad shit?
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