Zone1 I've been an atheist for 60 years and have never once been tempted to believe in any god

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This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life,
The Jews to whom Moses was writing were believers in God. Moses was encouraging them to make good choices by following God's wishes.

I believe that the purpose of our lives here on Earth is to become one with God, but he doesn't force us. He gives us enough latitude to make our own mistakes and to learn that following him is the only way to go.

Did you know that the apostles called their movement "the way"?
Isn't it telling that, 2,500 years ago, a prophet named Zechariah told us that Jerusalem would be a "heavy stone" for the world? How could he have made such an accurate prediction? The answer is clear - God.

Zechariah 12:3

English Standard Version

3 On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all the nations of the earth will gather against it.
As I said. We have LIMITED free will and can and do make choices.
When it comes to our spiritual lives, we may have complete free will. What say you? It appears it is the physical aspects of our lives that free will appears to be limited.
When it comes to our spiritual lives, we may have complete free will. What say you? It appears it is the physical aspects of our lives that free will appears to be limited.
At the moment we're in the flesh, not the spirit. I believe choice is available in both realms. Ultimately ALL choose Jesus and when they do they will be instantaneously transformed into perfection and will then no longer want to sin and will live forever in God's kingdom.
At the moment we're in the flesh, not the spirit. I believe choice is available in both realms. Ultimately ALL choose Jesus and when they do they will be instantaneously transformed into perfection and will then no longer want to sin and will live forever in God's kingdom.
Transformed into perfection? Imagine a community of perfect people. All the perfect size with the perfect personality, perfectly doing and completing all we set our hands to. If this is the case, I suspect we will all be perfectly bored.
Transformed into perfection? Imagine a community of perfect people. All the perfect size with the perfect personality, perfectly doing and completing all we set our hands to. If this is the case, I suspect we will all be perfectly bored.
That isn't what "perfect" means.
Transformed into perfection? Imagine a community of perfect people. All the perfect size with the perfect personality, perfectly doing and completing all we set our hands to. If this is the case, I suspect we will all be perfectly bored.
We will be pure like Jesus. I can assure you that we will never be bored.
Care to rewrite that so it makes sense?

Not until you state whether you agree bearing falsehoods is evil ... because you didn't answer, I assume you're just lying about this ...

The statement makes perfect sense ... not answering is an answer in of itself ...
As I said. We have LIMITED free will and can and do make choices.

There are believers who choose NOT to follow God. Jesus spoke of them.

Matthew 7:21-23 ESV
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ 23 And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’

There is either free will or there isn't.

If you can't choose some things and are compelled to choose others there is no free will
Not until you state whether you agree bearing falsehoods is evil ... because you didn't answer, I assume you're just lying about this ...

The statement makes perfect sense ... not answering is an answer in of itself ...
Your post made no grammatical sense

does Taoism allow lying little girls? ...

What are you asking here exactly?

Does Taoism allow little girls to lie down?

Does Taoism allow little girls who lie to do some unspecified thing?

All you did was write a word salad.
At the moment we're in the flesh, not the spirit. I believe choice is available in both realms. Ultimately ALL choose Jesus and when they do they will be instantaneously transformed into perfection and will then no longer want to sin and will live forever in God's kingdom.
Ultimately a lot of people did not choose Jesus and never will
When I was 10 years old, we had a dog named Silver. A sealyham - sort of a largish Westie. He had been struck by a car when I was much younger and that had left him blind in one eye. We adapted. He adapted. But whenever he entered an unfamiliar space (the furniture moved, for instance) he would collide with things. I felt bad for him. Like most children my age I believed what I was told was the truth by my parents and the church they took me to. So I prayed as fervently and selflessly as I could manage that God would restore his vision. But, as would happen in any bad movie, his poor vision led Silver to wandering out in front of another car where he suffered another concussion which left him completely blind. Now all dogs go to heaven because all dogs are innocent. Every non-human form of life is innocent of the many sins the Bible spells out. Initially, I was angry. How could God cause my innocent dog to suffer, regardless of his motive or intent? The standard "mysterious ways" line didn't help at all. What did help was the realization that the best explanation was not that god was mysterious or unknowable, but that he simply wasn't there. The existence of the god described by the Bible and by our preacher and the believers I would talk with was simply not possible; not only because it violated all the laws of nature but because absolutely no evidence I could find supported the idea. Every thing I could learn about the world and how it worked refuted the idea of a caring, personal god who had created miraculous humans and a miraculous Earth to be their home and was everpresent, watching over us and, on proper supplication, violating the laws that he himself had set in place - if he felt like it.

As the years went by I simply became more and more convinced that there is a great deal about the working of the universe we do not yet know, but the basics - the principal of uniformitarianism, holds, everywhere and everywhen. Nothing is supernatural. No will directs or inspires the stream of events taking place over the passage of time. Only physics.

What signs or signals should I have caught that might have lured me back to my childhood faith? And how might my life have been different had I done so? I have lots of friends and I'm pretty sure most of them think I'm a nice guy. I buy fully and heartily into the Golden Rule. I believe it to be the sole basis of human civilization. How do you think my complete lack of divine faith hurt me? Will your god throw into a lake of fire because I led a good life but failed to do him obeisance? That is, of course, precisely what scriptures tells us. Why would ANY of you believe, much less WORSHIP such a god? He seems a monster. Would anyone care to correct me?
The irony being that you instead worship wealthy self serving humans pushing a narrative that you swallow hook, line, sinker and boat motor.
There is either free will or there isn't.

If you can't choose some things and are compelled to choose others there is no free will

We have a limited range of choices, hence we have limited free will.
When I was 10 years old, we had a dog named Silver. A sealyham - sort of a largish Westie. He had been struck by a car when I was much younger and that had left him blind in one eye. We adapted. He adapted. But whenever he entered an unfamiliar space (the furniture moved, for instance) he would collide with things. I felt bad for him. Like most children my age I believed what I was told was the truth by my parents and the church they took me to. So I prayed as fervently and selflessly as I could manage that God would restore his vision. But, as would happen in any bad movie, his poor vision led Silver to wandering out in front of another car where he suffered another concussion which left him completely blind. Now all dogs go to heaven because all dogs are innocent. Every non-human form of life is innocent of the many sins the Bible spells out. Initially, I was angry. How could God cause my innocent dog to suffer, regardless of his motive or intent? The standard "mysterious ways" line didn't help at all. What did help was the realization that the best explanation was not that god was mysterious or unknowable, but that he simply wasn't there. The existence of the god described by the Bible and by our preacher and the believers I would talk with was simply not possible; not only because it violated all the laws of nature but because absolutely no evidence I could find supported the idea. Every thing I could learn about the world and how it worked refuted the idea of a caring, personal god who had created miraculous humans and a miraculous Earth to be their home and was everpresent, watching over us and, on proper supplication, violating the laws that he himself had set in place - if he felt like it.

As the years went by I simply became more and more convinced that there is a great deal about the working of the universe we do not yet know, but the basics - the principal of uniformitarianism, holds, everywhere and everywhen. Nothing is supernatural. No will directs or inspires the stream of events taking place over the passage of time. Only physics.

What signs or signals should I have caught that might have lured me back to my childhood faith? And how might my life have been different had I done so? I have lots of friends and I'm pretty sure most of them think I'm a nice guy. I buy fully and heartily into the Golden Rule. I believe it to be the sole basis of human civilization. How do you think my complete lack of divine faith hurt me? Will your god throw into a lake of fire because I led a good life but failed to do him obeisance? That is, of course, precisely what scriptures tells us. Why would ANY of you believe, much less WORSHIP such a god? He seems a monster. Would anyone care to correct me?

OK, good testimonial.

Some people need religion for comfort. Some people need religion to make a living or control others. Some people need religion as a moral compass. Whatever, pray all you like. Just don't kill people in the name of your god/s.

Here...for any that need a god/s, pick a god/s, bow down and worship all you like.

civil war harvard.jpg
We have a limited range of choices, hence we have limited free will.
Hence we have no free will

You might as well argue that a slave has free will because he can choose not to drink the filthy water or eat the tainted food his master gave him
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