I've come to the conclusion that FDR was the best president this country ever had

Reagans economics of favoring the super rich is why our economy is being bled to death. Obama and Clinton did very little to stop it and wouldn't be able to shine FDR's shoes! The truth is you don't build a economy from the small 1% of the super rich...You do it by moving the rest of society upwards and investing in your own economy.

If Reagans ideas were right then the 1880's and 1890's should of seen a far bigger middle class and far more economic growth then the 40 years after FDR!

No.....the middle class expanded in the 80s through Clinton...and it took the rapist 2 terms to end Reagan's booming economy....
Really? I thought Black Monday ended Reagan's "booming" economy.
When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.
When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.
I doubt if you can back up your claims. I know I am able to back up mine. Some of the things you seem unaware of, most of the New Deal programs were paid for with loans backed by and guaranteed by the federal government and bonds, again, backed by the government. Employment in private industry increased under FDR. The worst of the Great Depression actually occurred during the years before he came into the Presidency, 1929 to 1933.
Here are two links that dispute your claims and support mine and put things into perspective. Of course, sources in reference to FDR can (more often than not) be subjective, so the availability of links can be endless. I think your numbers and claims are far fetched, but would be interested in seeing where you got them from. One link is a rather quick read simplified history, the other is a more technical version with lots of economic data. We can switch to only using unquestionable academic sources at any time, but the reading become very tedious.


Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???
Republicans cry class warfare whenever we try to make the economy fair. They don't realize it's the rich who have waged war on us. And the rich considered FDR a traitor to his class.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal - For Dummies
Easily the greatest modern President...

Not only did he get us through the Depression, he led us to victory in WWII and established us as a Super Power
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

That's funny I don't see him here or ANY democrat for that matter

When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.
I doubt if you can back up your claims. I know I am able to back up mine. Some of the things you seem unaware of, most of the New Deal programs were paid for with loans backed by and guaranteed by the federal government and bonds, again, backed by the government. Employment in private industry increased under FDR. The worst of the Great Depression actually occurred during the years before he came into the Presidency, 1929 to 1933.
Here are two links that dispute your claims and support mine and put things into perspective. Of course, sources in reference to FDR can (more often than not) be subjective, so the availability of links can be endless. I think your numbers and claims are far fetched, but would be interested in seeing where you got them from. One link is a rather quick read simplified history, the other is a more technical version with lots of economic data. We can switch to only using unquestionable academic sources at any time, but the reading become very tedious.



Look it up yourself dumbass. I did.
No single action has ever done more harm to America than the Iraq invasion.

You may have missed a little something called THE CIVIL WAR? Doh!
Civil war freed the slaves and that helped the middle class. The rich (slave owners) have always wanted to hire slave labor instead of hiring American workers at a decent rate. Illegals aren't free but they are cheap. They are our modern day slaves. And they are killing the American middle class.

And the civil war cleansed this earth of how many racist southerners? It was a good war. Cost a lot of good northern lives but some say worth it. Plus blacks got to kill whites and not get in trouble for it.
No single action has ever done more harm to America than the Iraq invasion.

You may have missed a little something called THE CIVIL WAR? Doh!
Civil war freed the slaves and that helped the middle class. The rich (slave owners) have always wanted to hire slave labor instead of hiring American workers at a decent rate. Illegals aren't free but they are cheap. They are our modern day slaves. And they are killing the American middle class.

And the civil war cleansed this earth of how many racist southerners? It was a good war. Cost a lot of good northern lives but some say worth it. Plus blacks got to kill whites and not get in trouble for it.

your liberal fantasy world is very strange, but entertaining.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

Wow, a socialist loves the ultimate socialist President. What a surprise.

FDR destroyed State rights, which is what ended checks and balances to Federal power. He was the worst.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

Wow, a socialist loves the ultimate socialist President. What a surprise.

FDR destroyed State rights, which is what ended checks and balances to Federal power. He was the worst.

He also started the socialistic movement which has resulted in 20 trillion in national debt.
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???

Wow, a socialist loves the ultimate socialist President. What a surprise.

FDR destroyed State rights, which is what ended checks and balances to Federal power. He was the worst.

He also started the socialistic movement which has resulted in 20 trillion in national debt.

They are related, he did what I observed to accomplish what you observed. The Supremes were stuck on enforcing the Constitution, so he destroyed them
Reagans economics of favoring the super rich is why our economy is being bled to death. Obama and Clinton did very little to stop it and wouldn't be able to shine FDR's shoes! The truth is you don't build a economy from the small 1% of the super rich...You do it by moving the rest of society upwards and investing in your own economy.

If Reagans ideas were right then the 1880's and 1890's should of seen a far bigger middle class and far more economic growth then the 40 years after FDR!
You are correct
When I started working in the mid 60's after my navy hitch, I worked with a few older guys who went through the depression. Some worked for the WPA. To a man they all agreed that FDR policies were what the country needed. They said that during the depression, having a job building roads etc. lifted their spirits and pride, as well as putting money in their pockets. Never heard any of these guys badmouth FDR either.

Of course he did. The only problem was all that money was tax money. All of his projects needed tax money to pay for them. He was taxing some companies at 99%. No way could they hire anyone. They couldn't afford to.

Everything he did extended the GD. He was elected four times because he put people to work. Only problem was the work needed tax dollars to pay for it.

FDR was far from the best POTUS this country has ever had. Far, Far from it.

Do some research. I did. I used to think he was a great POTUS till I actually researched the man.

So your big complaint is that FDR used tax dollars to get America up and running, it seems.
Reagans economics of favoring the super rich is why our economy is being bled to death. Obama and Clinton did very little to stop it and wouldn't be able to shine FDR's shoes! The truth is you don't build a economy from the small 1% of the super rich...You do it by moving the rest of society upwards and investing in your own economy.

If Reagans ideas were right then the 1880's and 1890's should of seen a far bigger middle class and far more economic growth then the 40 years after FDR!
You are correct

Ah yes, the evil rich. enemies of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. you are in good company, fool.
Reagans economics of favoring the super rich is why our economy is being bled to death. Obama and Clinton did very little to stop it and wouldn't be able to shine FDR's shoes! The truth is you don't build a economy from the small 1% of the super rich...You do it by moving the rest of society upwards and investing in your own economy.

If Reagans ideas were right then the 1880's and 1890's should of seen a far bigger middle class and far more economic growth then the 40 years after FDR!
You are correct

Ah yes, the evil rich. enemies of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot. you are in good company, fool.
Notice how the resident anti- FDR types are the resident mouth-breathers who either don't supply sources to their dumb posts (Redfish) or supply kool aid sourcing (PoliChic) :lol:
No single action has ever done more harm to America than the Iraq invasion.
The worst foreign policy disaster in a generation+, $2-3 TRILLION of BORROWED Taxpayer $$$, 4,500 US Casualties, & it strenthened all of our enemies hands by keeping us pinned-down in that Repub-instigated quagmire whilst they could spend their revenue on whatever they wanted to strengthen their countries
Why do I say this???
Simple, he started 45 years of economic growth, centered government around helping the little guy, the middle class under him and the next 4 presidents that followed some of his ideas grew like a weed.

1. Biggest middle class on earth 30 years after the new deal!!!
2. Taking a country where the poor had very little and turning a lot of that into the middle class! This wouldn't change until Reagans bs polices shifted shit against the middle class in the 1980's! All one needs to understand is far more people worked for far more and the rich paid there taxes from the 30's through the 70's.
3. Best education system on earth from 1940's-1960's
4. America was number one in science and r&d spending. In most ways it was because of men like FDR!!! I seriously doubt the presidents before him could of done the same! They were too fucking worried wanting to stand around with their dick in their hands.
5. FDR regulated food, drug and pushed for better health for America...

One could argue that Reagan tried to pull us to pre-fdr ideas and it failed. Why the hell shouldn't we use what works???
He along with Woodrow Wilson started us on the track of absolute disaster we are sure to see... He was nothing more than a control freak and a dictator.

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