I've heard it on here so much enough is enough

JFK was calling on that generation to serve their government in peaceful goals the way they had served it in war, in the past.

Nice try though.
Well, that's an interesting spin. You see, the government does not equate to the nation.

When I was in uniform, I served the nation -- NOT the government.

Do progressives simply not grasp the difference?

It never ceases to amaze me how Consevatives can contort Kennedy's call for public service......Ask not what your country can do for you......and turn it into an anti-social program declaration

Almost as bad as the way he contort MLKs I have a dream speech


And JFK’s advocacy for civil rights legislation, his plans to expand Federal aid for the poor, and his willingness to consider reducing a tax break to oil producers, the oil depletion allowance, clearly demonstrates Kennedy to be a liberal, as no conservative would be in support of civil rights or increased aid to those underprivileged.
The founders were radical, liberal, intelligent democrats, not bought off, stupid, greedy, entrenched conservatives. Conservatives never change lol...but they've never been worse than today...

Doesn't matter what they called themselves.

If the conservatives had gotten their way, we'd all be speaking with a British accent today.

And, if they have their way today, we will have no education, no science, no progress. Our country will fall. We will become the bedroom community of China, controlled by Muslims, just as the GObP/pubs want and work toward, every single day.

Were you dropped on your head as a baby or was it drugs ?

Notwithstanding totally different circumstances...you have no idea what conservatives would want....

We are not about the status quo...when it is the status quo of a monarch.

Don't believe me...just wait....but be armed.
I'm not sure which is more disturbing -- the fact that you believe that, or the fact that you vote based on it.

he believes it.....he is one of them FAR Lefties....just saying that "Progressives" dont do Partisan ideology and dogma settled that....Jones is one of the most Partisan people here....
I've already laid claim that my vote cancels out PinkoJoe's. Who wants to cancel out Jonesy's?

dont look at me....im told by both sides that i am "wasting" my vote....
Well, that's an interesting spin. You see, the government does not equate to the nation.

When I was in uniform, I served the nation -- NOT the government.

Do progressives simply not grasp the difference?

It never ceases to amaze me how Consevatives can contort Kennedy's call for public service......Ask not what your country can do for you......and turn it into an anti-social program declaration

Almost as bad as the way he contort MLKs I have a dream speech


And JFK’s advocacy for civil rights legislation, his plans to expand Federal aid for the poor, and his willingness to consider reducing a tax break to oil producers, the oil depletion allowance, clearly demonstrates Kennedy to be a liberal, as no conservative would be in support of civil rights or increased aid to those underprivileged.

really?.....no Conservative?....not a fucking one of them?.....another Tent thrower....
Well, that's an interesting spin. You see, the government does not equate to the nation.

When I was in uniform, I served the nation -- NOT the government.

Do progressives simply not grasp the difference?

It never ceases to amaze me how Consevatives can contort Kennedy's call for public service......Ask not what your country can do for you......and turn it into an anti-social program declaration

Almost as bad as the way he contort MLKs I have a dream speech


And JFK’s advocacy for civil rights legislation, his plans to expand Federal aid for the poor, and his willingness to consider reducing a tax break to oil producers, the oil depletion allowance, clearly demonstrates Kennedy to be a liberal, as no conservative would be in support of civil rights or increased aid to those underprivileged.


Next you're going to claim it wasn't dems who filibustered the 64 civil right bill. You really are delusional.
First liberals on this board or some liberals claim that the founding fathers of this country were liberals. What I want to address is which liberal policy would the founders of America support?
Give their names and the policy.

Really ignorant rw's will sometimes whine that Dems started the KKK, yadda yadda.

FACT is consevatives started the KKK. They were called Dems in those days and the Rs were the party of progress and education ans science.

Its the opposite now.

Now, the Rs are racist haters who want an end to progress and education and science.

Go look at the racism threads and look at who is posting the ignorant hate.

Its not the Dem/libs.

Democrats were democrats, ask lester maddox, george c wallace and all members of the KKK, they didn't claim to be democrats masquerading as conservatives they were flat out registered democrats.

The Civil Rights Movement and Nixon's "Southern Strategy" turned red states blue. The Obama election pushed almost all remaining old racist southern democrats to the republican side. There are a few racist inbred cave people still voting democrat. They ain't got no school'n, they don't know how to read. They sit around and listen to the great grand papee tell stories of the bastard Lincoln while gnawing on dried pig anus.
he believes it.....he is one of them FAR Lefties....just saying that "Progressives" dont do Partisan ideology and dogma settled that....Jones is one of the most Partisan people here....
I've already laid claim that my vote cancels out PinkoJoe's. Who wants to cancel out Jonesy's?

dont look at me....im told by both sides that i am "wasting" my vote....

In the end, I really don't care who people vote for -- as long as they base their vote on research, logic, and facts...not the letter after the name, not emotion, and not what some talking head with an agenda tells them.
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There are a couple examples that I could give as to what you're looking for, but that's not really what people mean when they say the Fathers were "liberal".

"Liberal" and "conservative" have literal meanings that are different from their current political designations.

The founding fathers were "liberal" in the sense that they were "not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted", and not "conservative" in the sense meaning "not liking or accepting changes or new ideas."

That's exactly what I mean some liberals on here think the founders are equal to modern day liberals. and would support the policies of modern day liberals.

That would mean that the founding fathers supported same-sex marriage.
Really ignorant rw's will sometimes whine that Dems started the KKK, yadda yadda.

FACT is consevatives started the KKK. They were called Dems in those days and the Rs were the party of progress and education ans science.

Its the opposite now.

Now, the Rs are racist haters who want an end to progress and education and science.

Go look at the racism threads and look at who is posting the ignorant hate.

Its not the Dem/libs.

Democrats were democrats, ask lester maddox, george c wallace and all members of the KKK, they didn't claim to be democrats masquerading as conservatives they were flat out registered democrats.

The Civil Rights Movement and Nixon's "Southern Strategy" turned red states blue. The Obama election pushed almost all remaining old racist southern democrats to the republican side. There are a few racist inbred cave people still voting democrat. They ain't got no school'n, they don't know how to read. They sit around and listen to the great grand papee tell stories of the bastard Lincoln while gnawing on dried pig anus.
It would have been easier for you to say, "I don't know any Southerners, I've never talked to any Southerners, and I have no intention of ever doing so."
There are a couple examples that I could give as to what you're looking for, but that's not really what people mean when they say the Fathers were "liberal".

"Liberal" and "conservative" have literal meanings that are different from their current political designations.

The founding fathers were "liberal" in the sense that they were "not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted", and not "conservative" in the sense meaning "not liking or accepting changes or new ideas."

That's exactly what I mean some liberals on here think the founders are equal to modern day liberals. and would support the policies of modern day liberals.

That would mean that the founding fathers supported same-sex marriage.
The dishonestly-named rightwinger claimed they would support Obamacare.

Completely irrational, of course.
Well, that's an interesting spin. You see, the government does not equate to the nation.

When I was in uniform, I served the nation -- NOT the government.

Do progressives simply not grasp the difference?

It never ceases to amaze me how Consevatives can contort Kennedy's call for public service......Ask not what your country can do for you......and turn it into an anti-social program declaration

Almost as bad as the way he contort MLKs I have a dream speech

Yes, I've seen liberals claim MLK's speech meant he supported judging people by their race.

Pathetic, huh?

You want to hear a funny one?

Conservatives actually think MLK did not support affirmative action because of that speech

No, really....I'm serious
It never ceases to amaze me how Consevatives can contort Kennedy's call for public service......Ask not what your country can do for you......and turn it into an anti-social program declaration

Almost as bad as the way he contort MLKs I have a dream speech


And JFK’s advocacy for civil rights legislation, his plans to expand Federal aid for the poor, and his willingness to consider reducing a tax break to oil producers, the oil depletion allowance, clearly demonstrates Kennedy to be a liberal, as no conservative would be in support of civil rights or increased aid to those underprivileged.


Next you're going to claim it wasn't dems who filibustered the 64 civil right bill. You really are delusional.

A higher percentage of Dems voted for the bill than Republicans. Can you believe that some Northern Republicans actually voted against the bill?
There are a couple examples that I could give as to what you're looking for, but that's not really what people mean when they say the Fathers were "liberal".

"Liberal" and "conservative" have literal meanings that are different from their current political designations.

The founding fathers were "liberal" in the sense that they were "not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted", and not "conservative" in the sense meaning "not liking or accepting changes or new ideas."

That's exactly what I mean some liberals on here think the founders are equal to modern day liberals. and would support the policies of modern day liberals.

That would mean that the founding fathers supported same-sex marriage.

I think it falls under the pursuit of happiness
There are a couple examples that I could give as to what you're looking for, but that's not really what people mean when they say the Fathers were "liberal".

"Liberal" and "conservative" have literal meanings that are different from their current political designations.

The founding fathers were "liberal" in the sense that they were "not opposed to new ideas or ways of behaving that are not traditional or widely accepted", and not "conservative" in the sense meaning "not liking or accepting changes or new ideas."

That's exactly what I mean some liberals on here think the founders are equal to modern day liberals. and would support the policies of modern day liberals.

That would mean that the founding fathers supported same-sex marriage.

No probably not...anymore than they supported women and blacks voting or blacks and whites marrying. Lucky for us they wrote such a brilliant Constitution that it allows for all of them.
Trying to squeeze 18th century politicians POVs into the goofy labels that are DESIGNED TO obfuscate today's POLS is dumber than dust.

And JFK’s advocacy for civil rights legislation, his plans to expand Federal aid for the poor, and his willingness to consider reducing a tax break to oil producers, the oil depletion allowance, clearly demonstrates Kennedy to be a liberal, as no conservative would be in support of civil rights or increased aid to those underprivileged.


Next you're going to claim it wasn't dems who filibustered the 64 civil right bill. You really are delusional.

A higher percentage of Dems voted for the bill than Republicans. Can you believe that some Northern Republicans actually voted against the bill?

No they didn't.
There was a higher percentage with Repubs in the Senate and the House for the Civil Rights Bill.
Repubs in the Senate 82%
Dems 69%
Repubs in the House 80%
Dems 61%

Next you're going to claim it wasn't dems who filibustered the 64 civil right bill. You really are delusional.

A higher percentage of Dems voted for the bill than Republicans. Can you believe that some Northern Republicans actually voted against the bill?

No they didn't.
There was a higher percentage with Repubs in the Senate and the House for the Civil Rights Bill.
Repubs in the Senate 82%
Dems 69%
Repubs in the House 80%
Dems 61%

The original House version:

Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

Southern Democrats: 1–20 (5–95%) (only Ralph Yarborough of Texas voted in favor)
Southern Republicans: 0–1 (0–100%) (John Tower of Texas)
Northern Democrats: 45–1 (98–2%) (only Robert Byrd of West Virginia voted against)
Northern Republicans: 27–5 (84–16%)

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