I've no proof or links or substantiation for this question... If Trump wins closely will Biden protest the election?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Without Covid as an excuse for mail in ballots which facilitated phony voting if the election of Trump is close, will Biden protest? More importantly will the DOJ, CIA, etc. support Biden as they did in 2020?
Will the House not call for extra law enforcement? Where will the biased MSM be? Just a boring election.
Orr will the also protest? Truly folks and very honestly as much as I dislike Biden if he wins like he did in 2020 by a slim margin.. truly disturbing. I will just have to wait for the USA to collapse financially and politically with Biden elected.
If you think there was an insurrection on Jan 6th 2021, you're mistaken.
Democrats will use everything and every violent tactic.
Of course the Quisling Media will call it "Peaceful but Firey Protesting" as they've previously did.
I believe that American citizens in every state, city, town, village and subdivision, will have to be prepared to protect themselves.
This is the Fundamental Transformation of America,
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Without Covid as an excuse for mail in ballots which facilitated phony voting if the election of Trump is close, will Biden protest? More importantly will the DOJ, CIA, etc. support Biden as they did in 2020?
Will the House not call for extra law enforcement? Where will the biased MSM be? Just a boring election.
Orr will the also protest? Truly folks and very honestly as much as I dislike Biden if he wins like he did in 2020 by a slim margin.. truly disturbing. I will just have to wait for the USA to collapse financially and politically with Biden elected.
I don't know what to expect, but if the vote is overwhelming or Trump loses the popular vote again, I'm sure the count will drag on for weeks, maybe months.

Only Trump is condemned for questioning the vote. Al Gore never conceded the 2000 election and he is championed by the left as a hero, champion, international voice. Hillary never conceded the 2016 election and was quite specific in telling Joe Biden that under no circumstances should he concede in 2020 no matter how far Trump was ahead.

Without going to extraordinary measures to ensure an honest vote, I have no confidence we will have one this either.
Hopefully Trump turnout will be significant enough that the gap is too great for Dems to cheat and win like they did last time.

BROKEN WATER MAIN….ERRRRRRRRR….CLOGGED TOILET. :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Lying bags of shit.
Without Covid as an excuse for mail in ballots which facilitated phony voting if the election of Trump is close, will Biden protest? More importantly will the DOJ, CIA, etc. support Biden as they did in 2020?
Will the House not call for extra law enforcement? Where will the biased MSM be? Just a boring election.
Orr will the also protest? Truly folks and very honestly as much as I dislike Biden if he wins like he did in 2020 by a slim margin.. truly disturbing. I will just have to wait for the USA to collapse financially and politically with Biden elected.
He has every right to, yes?
Without Covid as an excuse for mail in ballots which facilitated phony voting if the election of Trump is close, will Biden protest? More importantly will the DOJ, CIA, etc. support Biden as they did in 2020?
Will the House not call for extra law enforcement? Where will the biased MSM be? Just a boring election.
Orr will the also protest? Truly folks and very honestly as much as I dislike Biden if he wins like he did in 2020 by a slim margin.. truly disturbing. I will just have to wait for the USA to collapse financially and politically with Biden elected.
If Trump wins at all the election deniers will come out and the democrats will try removing Trump from office because he is a "convicted felon", and impeachable offense.
He has every right to, yes?
Of course Biden has the right. BUT with idiots acting like little kids..."aw... Trump is an asshole I don't like him.." attitude instead of adults like me that also despise Trump's braggart, exaggerations, loudmouth personality, I look at what he accomplished in 4 years as president.
This asshole was able to cut according to the administration, agencies in the 2020 fiscal year issued 145 deregulatory actions and 45 significant regulatory actions, for an out-to-in ratio of 3.2 to one.!
And U.S. companies have repatriated $1 trillion since tax overhaul.
The affect on tax revenue that would have never been paid on the nearly $1 trillion that came back
due to the tax cut... Investment banks and think tanks have estimated that U.S. corporations held $1.5 trillion to $2.5 trillion in offshore cash at the time the law was enacted. Before the overhaul, companies had an incentive to keep profits overseas because they owed a 35% tax when bringing it back and could defer payment by keeping funds offshore. The law set a one-time 15.5% tax rate on cash and 8% on non-cash or illiquid assets.
As a result this braggart, the guy I personally dislike, was able to bring $1 trillion back to the USA from
offshore and yes while some was paid out in dividends... dividends are double taxed, i.e. while the corporation paid a one time tax of 15.5% instead of 35% (that Biden wants!!) when the corporations paid out dividends, the dividend receiver has to report as INCOME and taxed again!
This returning of $1 trillion meant new jobs, new buildings, etc. growth of the economy!
So again while I don't like Trump the asshole, I totally respect his being an EE (an EFFECTIVE EXECUTIVE)!

Dems spent the entire trump presidency protesting his election. And that wasn’t even that close.
Either way, it doesn’t matter. Democrats will cheat and steal this one just like the last one. Elections may be obsolete already.
And you spent the entire Obama presidency protesting him
Without Covid as an excuse for mail in ballots which facilitated phony voting if the election of Trump is close, will Biden protest? More importantly will the DOJ, CIA, etc. support Biden as they did in 2020?
Will the House not call for extra law enforcement? Where will the biased MSM be? Just a boring election.
Orr will the also protest? Truly folks and very honestly as much as I dislike Biden if he wins like he did in 2020 by a slim margin.. truly disturbing. I will just have to wait for the USA to collapse financially and politically with Biden elected.
Depends on the circumstances and how you define "protest."

If it's close electorally, like for instance in 2000 where it came down to a few hundred votes in a single state. He will "protest" by exhausting his legal options. After that he'll concede.

If it's close but Trump wins but by a larger margin he will concede.

If he wins but Trump by virtue of States refusing to certify that win and picking Trump instead, we will have a constitutional crisis on our hands not seen since the Civil War. ( Something I actually think is the most likely outcome. Since I don't believe Swing States that have a GOP led statehouse would certify a Biden win.) Sure it will get ugly.

Now go through each of these scenarios reverse them and tell me in how many you believe Trump will simply concede?
Without Covid as an excuse for mail in ballots which facilitated phony voting if the election of Trump is close, will Biden protest? More importantly will the DOJ, CIA, etc. support Biden as they did in 2020?
Will the House not call for extra law enforcement? Where will the biased MSM be? Just a boring election.
Orr will the also protest? Truly folks and very honestly as much as I dislike Biden if he wins like he did in 2020 by a slim margin.. truly disturbing. I will just have to wait for the USA to collapse financially and politically with Biden elected.
Depends on the circumstances and how you define "protest."

If it's close electorally, like for instance in 2000 where it came down to a few hundred votes in a single state. He will "protest" by exhausting his legal options. After that he'll concede.

If it's close but Trump wins but by a larger margin he will concede.

If he wins but Trump by virtue of States refusing to certify that win and picking Trump instead, we will have a constitutional crisis on our hands not seen since the Civil War. ( Something I actually think is the most likely outcome. Since I don't believe Swing States that have a GOP led statehouse would certify a Biden win.) Sure it will get ugly.

Now go through each of these scenarios reverse them and tell me in how many you believe Trump will simply concede?
Democrats will cheat. Again. Leopards don’t change their spots. 2020 was their precedent.

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