i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

If you had a functioning brain, you would realize Russia's borders were never threatened, only Russia's imperialist ambitions were threatened by NATO.
Haven’t I already schooled on this, my fool.

Talk to the Serbs and Libyans about your beloved defensive alliance. Lol.
I don't. And I already told you my views about the way I would stop this war. Should I repeat them?
Start by telling us how you expect to "stop" this war by parroting US/NATO propaganda like claims of "Russian brutality"

A Marine’s assessment of Russia’s Military “Operation” in Ukraine (a “profound appreciation of all three realms in which wars are waged”) | MR Online

"I’ve always been a little non-plussed with all the claims of Russian brutality — beyond the brutality of war itself — when the trains are still running, the electrical power grid is still on, the Internet functions, and there’s potable water.

"Very different from, say, Fallujah.

"(Granted, the Russians want to integrate the Zaporizhzhia power plant into their own grid, but that’s consistent with their policy of making outcomes more stringent the longer the war goes on.)

"Third, artillery really is 'the king of battles'[1]:"
Yep, thats all Russian poodles like you know.

Russians launching bloody invasions and annexing other countries? Cool, not-Nazis.
Ukranians defending their land? Nazis!!!

Does it hurt to be so fucking stupid? It must.
Ukraine was part of Russia for decades, in a recent poll over half of Ukrainians wanted to rejoin Russia. Ukraine is a very corrupt country that exploits its citizens, but we all know the real reason why the US government is supporting Ukraine, to keep the bribe money flowing to the following US power families: Biden, Romney, Pelosi, Kerry. They are sending billions of OUR tax money to Ukraine that will come back into those families bank accounts. Bribery and treason are the watchwords of the dem/lib party.
Gorbachev was quite clear that he thought this was an agreement. I see you are not someone to do business with.
Obviously, there was no such agreement. No US president can make a pledge that is binding on other US presidents, and NATO would have to have amended article 10 of its founding Charter if such a pledge was made. You continue to portray the Russians as idiots who had no understanding of the world they were living in.
Nonetheless apparently the entire top military intelligence in Russia believed this and this was well known to the US. If you do not want wars with people you make sure you are able to convince the other country that this is not the intent. - what the initial agreement was about. However if your intent is to do harm to a country then it is to your advantage that they believe, rightly or wrongly that you are a strong danger to them. You can use that to manipulate them to for instance start a little war which you can bring the full wrath of your arms against them, blaming them. You can also use it if you want to destroy a continent which used to be your allies. Punishing them for being prepared to deal with your enemy.
In other words, you have nothing but your fantasies to offer. The invasion of Ukraine was imperialist aggression and Putin acknowledged in his Peter the Great speech. Putin, and apparently you, hate NATO and the US not because they posed any threat to Russian security but because they blocked Russia's path to expanding the Russian empire westward.
So what? These guarantees still stand, despite your pretending to be otherwise.

MAGA-bitch? What the heck? I think that a MAGA wouldn't allow me even on their doorstep.
Those guarantees were void after the US supported an illegal coup in 2014.
Your link:

"And, since the US government, military and CIA are almost 100% controlled by, and functioning as lieutenants and enforcers for, the Khazarian Jewish mafia resident in the City of London, my observations apply equally to both parties. Still, these are startling accusations, so let’s examine the substantiation. We can begin with:

American Political & Military Leaders..."

In other words, you have nothing but your fantasies to offer. The invasion of Ukraine was imperialist aggression and Putin acknowledged in his Peter the Great speech. Putin, and apparently you, hate NATO and the US not because they posed any threat to Russian security but because they blocked Russia's path to expanding the Russian empire westward.
Putin explained himself in 2007 at Munich when he criticized the US unipolar arrogance and its resulting human carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan:

2007 Munich speech of Vladimir Putin - Wikipedia

"Putin criticized what he called the United States' monopolistic dominance in global relations, and its 'almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations'.

"The speech came to be known, especially in Russia,[citation needed] as the Munich speech..."

"Putin quoted a 1990 speech by Manfred Wörner to support his position that NATO promised not to expand into new countries in Eastern Europe:[5][6]

"[Worner] said at the time that: 'the fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee.' Where are these guarantees?"
Putin explained himself in 2007 at Munich when he criticized the US unipolar arrogance and its resulting human carnage in Iraq and Afghanistan:

2007 Munich speech of Vladimir Putin - Wikipedia

"Putin criticized what he called the United States' monopolistic dominance in global relations, and its 'almost uncontained hyper use of force in international relations'.

"The speech came to be known, especially in Russia,[citation needed] as the Munich speech..."

"Putin quoted a 1990 speech by Manfred Wörner to support his position that NATO promised not to expand into new countries in Eastern Europe:[5][6]
So once again you find it impossible to justify Putin's efforts to expand the Russian empire westward and try to change the subject to what you imagine the US has done.
So what? These guarantees still stand, despite your pretending to be otherwise.

MAGA-bitch? What the heck? I think that a MAGA wouldn't allow me even on their doorstep.
Truth for dummies…

The West's Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China
Jeffrey D. Sachs • August 23, 2022

• 1,200 Words • 180 CommentsReply
The Western narrative about the Ukraine war is that it is an unprovoked attack by Putin in the quest to recreate the Russian empire. Yet the real history starts with the Western promise to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not enlarge to the East, followed by four waves of NATO aggrandizement: in 1999, incorporating three Central European countries; in 2004, incorporating 7 more, including in the Black Sea and Baltic States; in 2008, committing to enlarge to Ukraine and Georgia; and in 2022, inviting four Asia-Pacific leaders to NATO to take aim at China.

Nor do the Western media mention the US role in the 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych; the failure of the Governments of France and Germany, guarantors of the Minsk II agreement, to press Ukraine to carry out its commitments; the vast US armaments sent to Ukraine during the Trump and Biden Administrations in the lead-up to war; nor the refusal of the US to negotiate with Putin over NATO enlargement to Ukraine.

Of course, NATO says that is purely defensive, so that Putin should have nothing to fear. In other words, Putin should take no notice of the CIA operations in Afghanistan and Syria; the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999; the NATO overthrow of Moammar Qaddafi in 2011; the NATO occupation of Afghanistan for 15 years; nor Biden’s “gaffe” calling for Putin’s ouster (which of course was no gaffe at all); nor US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stating that the US war aim in Ukraine is the weakening of Russia.
The West's Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China
So once again you find it impossible to justify Putin's efforts to expand the Russian empire westward and try to change the subject to what you imagine the US has done.
Truth for dummies…

The West's Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China
Jeffrey D. Sachs • August 23, 2022

• 1,200 Words • 180 CommentsReply
The Western narrative about the Ukraine war is that it is an unprovoked attack by Putin in the quest to recreate the Russian empire. Yet the real history starts with the Western promise to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not enlarge to the East, followed by four waves of NATO aggrandizement: in 1999, incorporating three Central European countries; in 2004, incorporating 7 more, including in the Black Sea and Baltic States; in 2008, committing to enlarge to Ukraine and Georgia; and in 2022, inviting four Asia-Pacific leaders to NATO to take aim at China.

Nor do the Western media mention the US role in the 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych; the failure of the Governments of France and Germany, guarantors of the Minsk II agreement, to press Ukraine to carry out its commitments; the vast US armaments sent to Ukraine during the Trump and Biden Administrations in the lead-up to war; nor the refusal of the US to negotiate with Putin over NATO enlargement to Ukraine.

Of course, NATO says that is purely defensive, so that Putin should have nothing to fear. In other words, Putin should take no notice of the CIA operations in Afghanistan and Syria; the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999; the NATO overthrow of Moammar Qaddafi in 2011; the NATO occupation of Afghanistan for 15 years; nor Biden’s “gaffe” calling for Putin’s ouster (which of course was no gaffe at all); nor US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stating that the US war aim in Ukraine is the weakening of Russia.
The West's Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China
Truth for dummies…

The West's Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China
Jeffrey D. Sachs • August 23, 2022

• 1,200 Words • 180 CommentsReply
The Western narrative about the Ukraine war is that it is an unprovoked attack by Putin in the quest to recreate the Russian empire. Yet the real history starts with the Western promise to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev that NATO would not enlarge to the East, followed by four waves of NATO aggrandizement: in 1999, incorporating three Central European countries; in 2004, incorporating 7 more, including in the Black Sea and Baltic States; in 2008, committing to enlarge to Ukraine and Georgia; and in 2022, inviting four Asia-Pacific leaders to NATO to take aim at China.

Nor do the Western media mention the US role in the 2014 overthrow of Ukraine’s pro-Russian president Viktor Yanukovych; the failure of the Governments of France and Germany, guarantors of the Minsk II agreement, to press Ukraine to carry out its commitments; the vast US armaments sent to Ukraine during the Trump and Biden Administrations in the lead-up to war; nor the refusal of the US to negotiate with Putin over NATO enlargement to Ukraine.

Of course, NATO says that is purely defensive, so that Putin should have nothing to fear. In other words, Putin should take no notice of the CIA operations in Afghanistan and Syria; the NATO bombing of Serbia in 1999; the NATO overthrow of Moammar Qaddafi in 2011; the NATO occupation of Afghanistan for 15 years; nor Biden’s “gaffe” calling for Putin’s ouster (which of course was no gaffe at all); nor US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stating that the US war aim in Ukraine is the weakening of Russia.
The West's Dangerously Simple-Minded Narrative About Russia and China
And yet again you find it impossible to justify Putin's insane invasion of Ukraine and try to change the subject to what you imagine the US may have done.
And yet again you find it impossible to justify Putin's insane invasion of Ukraine and try to change the subject to what you imagine the US may have done.
It’s not insane. He’s protecting his nation. He warned the west for years. Don’t be stupid forever.

Was W and O insane when they attacked multiple nations thousands of miles from home? Not on our border as Putin has done. I know you’ll ignore this question.

Think better.
It’s not insane. He’s protecting his nation. He warned the west for years. Don’t be stupid forever.

Was W and O insane when they attacked multiple nations thousands of miles from home? Not on our border as Putin has done. I know you’ll ignore this question.

Think better.
Putin is insane and you are insane for claiming Putin invaded Ukraine for any other reason than to indulge his fantasies about being Peter the Great and once again you try to change the subject to what you imagine the US may have done because it is impossible to justify the invasion of Ukraine.
Putin is insane and you are insane for claiming Putin invaded Ukraine for any other reason than to indulge his fantasies about being Peter the Great and once again you try to change the subject to what you imagine the US may have done because it is impossible to justify the invasion of Ukraine.
You’ve bought the establishment’s simple minded narrative, which is entirely propaganda to benefit the oligarchy.

Maybe this will help…

The irony is that since 1980 the US has been in at least 15 overseas wars of choice (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Panama, Serbia, Syria, and Yemen just to name a few), while China has been in none, and Russia only in one (Syria) beyond the former Soviet Union. The US has military bases in 85 countries, China in 3, and Russia in 1 (Syria) beyond the former Soviet Union.

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