i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

When's the last time you watched Russian TV?
If you believe the western media isn't lying to the same extent as the Russians, you're as ignorant as Trump.

They are stealing the EU/US aid.
What would you expect from the second most corrupt state in Europe?

Ukraine war veterans on how Kiev plundered US aid, wasted soldiers, endangered civilians, and lost the war - The Grayzone

"Last month, Ukraine’s parliamentarians voted to give themselves a 70% salary increase.

"Filings indicate the raise was enabled and encouraged by the billions of dollars and euros of aid that have poured in from the US and Europe.

"'We, the Ukrainian soldiers, have nothing,' said Ivan. 'The things the soldiers have been given to use in the war came directly from volunteers. The aid that goes to our government will never reach us.'"

Horseshit, American weapons used everyday.

Parliamentarian salaries are a drop in the bucket. If you knew anything at all you'd know that.
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Ukrainians choose for themselves.
After the US/NATO puppets provoked Russian military actions, Ukrainians chose to fight against the invaders. Since the US supported the illegal coup in 2014 that brought those puppets to power, the US is responsible for starting another civil war thousands of miles from DC. Who gets rich(er) from that?
Here is a crazy idea - If Russia's leadership doesn't want their regime threatened they should abstain from conducting bloody, economically disasterous invasions and work to make their people's lives better instead of ruining them.

In other words you find Russia's actions indefensible at the same time you support them and so you are trying to change the subject to vague allusions about what the US may have done.
No. Those are your words and they’re wrong.
No. Those are your words and they’re wrong.
So go ahead poodle, tell us what you think about Russian bloody invasion. Seems all you've got is shitting on America as a response to Russian atrocities in Ukraine.
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Which agreement are you referring to, MAGA?

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances - Wikipedia

"The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[2] prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, 'except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.'"

When the US supported a violent coup against a duly elected Ukrainian president in 2014, it violated the terms of this agreement.
Again you acknowledge that the Russian invasion of Ukraine is indefensible by making false accusation against the US. There was no military or economic coercion exercised by the US against Ukraine.

This memorandum was signed in 1994 when Russia was trying to join the civilized world, but all that changed once Putin came to power and now no treaties, agreements, understandings or pledges made by Russia are respected by the Russian government, and that's why there can't be any agreement with Russia to end the war while Putin remains in power.
France and Germany opposed that insanity because they don't have the Atlantic Ocean between Moscow and their capital cities. The US has been provoking Russia since the fall of the USSR. For the first twenty years the Russians could do little but complain verbally. That ended last February. They are now making it clear they will not tolerate a hostile foreign military alliance on their western border, and there is absolutely nothing US war-whores (like you) can do to change that reality.
If France and Germany had allowed Ukraine to join NATO, Putin would not have dared to invade Ukraine, but their attempts to appease Putin and secure cheap energy from Russia emboldened Putin to attempt to take over Ukraine.

Russia violates its own agreements to start a war and to your sick twisted mind anyone who opposes it is a war whore. Could you possibly be more ridiculous!
No. Those are your words and they’re wrong.
No, they are quite accurate. You have two ways of trying to defend Russia's invasion of Ukraine, by telling lies about the Ukrainians and by telling lies about the US or NATO. That pretty much covers all of your posts.
No, they are quite accurate. You have two ways of trying to defend Russia's invasion of Ukraine, by telling lies about the Ukrainians and by telling lies about the US or NATO. That pretty much covers all of your posts.
Only the facts my son. You spout the establishment’s war lies that you know is propaganda.
Which agreement are you referring to, MAGA?

Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances - Wikipedia

"The memoranda, signed in Patria Hall at the Budapest Convention Center with US Ambassador Donald M. Blinken amongst others in attendance,[2] prohibited the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom and the United States from threatening or using military force or economic coercion against Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan, 'except in self-defence or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.'"

When the US supported a violent coup against a duly elected Ukrainian president in 2014, it violated the terms of this agreement.
Budapest Memorandum had nothing to do with Ukraine joining NATO, you brainless idiot.
Fact: Russia invaded Ukraine and is annexing their land.

You can't admit that fact, can you poodle?
I do admit that pin dick.

Now if the USG hadn’t committed a coup there and refused to provide billions in weapons promoting a proxy war that is killing lots of Ukrainians, there would be no war.
No one went back on his word. Gorbachev understood that short of a formal treaty no US president can dictate what the next president may do, and as for NATO, its founding charter states that any European nation may join NATO, and it would have had to be amended if any such promise had been made. That's why there were never any negotiations about former Warsaw Pact nations joining NATO.
Gorbachev was quite clear that he thought this was an agreement. I see you are not someone to do business with.
Yes, it is better not to trust politicians. Nothing new, really. While concentrating on NATO expansion, you can't ignore the fact that it is former Warsaw Pact members wanted to join the block to have security guarantees from the West. Eastern Europe is not the place where Russia is trusted too much.

If not NATO, some other military block would have been set up there.
Frankly it is clear that Europe is now being used by them and by Europe haters who want to see it harmed while Ukraine officials enjoy the merry life leaving their people to be destroyed. Yes, damned right there. Do not trust politicians or their opinion makers.
If you had a functioning brain, you would realize Russia's borders were never threatened, only Russia's imperialist ambitions were threatened by NATO.
Nonetheless apparently the entire top military intelligence in Russia believed this and this was well known to the US. If you do not want wars with people you make sure you are able to convince the other country that this is not the intent. - what the initial agreement was about. However if your intent is to do harm to a country then it is to your advantage that they believe, rightly or wrongly that you are a strong danger to them. You can use that to manipulate them to for instance start a little war which you can bring the full wrath of your arms against them, blaming them. You can also use it if you want to destroy a continent which used to be your allies. Punishing them for being prepared to deal with your enemy.
The result of the Ukrainian strikes on Donetsk
"As of 23:30, the total number of civilian casualties from the attacks of the ukro nazies for september 2, 2022 is 21 people, including 1 child," the DPR representative office in the JCCC said.
It is specified that six civilians, including a 14-year-old boy, were killed, and another 15 were injured. The life of a woman born in 1946 and a man with unidentified personal data was cut short in the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk, a teenage boy in Kalininsky.
Brave ukrainian knights were beaten at Kherson and are taking revenge on women and children. Nothing changes with nazi filth..

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