i've re-considered the entire Ukraine case.. enter *your* opinions please..

Okay, my other argument is that Ukraine is a sovereign nation that has a right to defend itself. Deal with that, Yuri.
No. Your argument is illogical. You blame Russia entirely and ignorantly refuse to see the big picture. There are many others who hold blame for this entirely unnecessary war. A war you wish to continue, causing more death and destruction.
No. Your argument is illogical. You blame Russia entirely and ignorantly refuse to see the big picture. There are many others who hold blame for this entirely unnecessary war. A war you wish to continue, causing more death and destruction.
Yeah, I know. MIT and banksters who steer troubles around the globe and finance wars and revolutions.
The US had an opinion on which politician would be best for Ukraine to maintain its independence from Russia and discussed its opinions with Ukrainian politicians. That was the extent of US "meddling".
If Russians expressed a similar opinion regarding which Mexican president would best maintain Mexico's independence from the US and supported a violent coup that drove that duly elected president from power, would that qualify as "meddling"?
Yanukovych was removed from office by an overwhelming vote in the Ukrainian parliament on the grounds he was unable to perform his duties. The demonstrations against Yanukovych were huge but not violent until he ordered the police to fire into the crowds
The vote to remove Yanukovych came after a violent mob forced him to flee; thereby, making it impossible for his to perform his duties. The mob was hijacked by right-wing, neo-Nazis who killed police officers in pursuit of their fascist movement.

What percentage of all Ukrainians supported your allegedly "huge" demonstrations against Yanukovych; was it more or less than those who opposed accepting IMF conditionalities attached to loans whose repayment would require abolishing gas subsidies? How many Ukrainians supported Maidan protesters who started shooting at police first on the day of the mass killing on Institutskaya Street?
I get it. You don't like the US and you enjoy watching Russians kill Ukrainians.
I don't like watching US elites fight for regime change in Moscow to the last drop of Ukrainian blood. Since you seem to believe the US is one of the "good guys", why don't you answer the question how many innocent human beings has the US murdered, maimed, and displaced on the opposite side of the planet since 1945?
If he said it, it was a very foolish thing to say. At this point no one in his right mind would trust Putin to abide by any agreement so there can be no deal and there will be no territorial concessions. This war can only end when Russia's battlefield losses become unsustainable and the Russian economy is so damaged that it cannot sustain any war.
He said it, and it's true.
Ukraine has the same chance of winning against Russia as Mexico has of winning against the US.
Ukrainians are dying by the thousands to bring regime change to Moscow.

Ukrainian casualties: Kyiv losing up to 200 troops a day - Zelensky aide

"A senior Ukrainian presidential aide has told the BBC that between 100 and 200 Ukrainian troops are being killed on the front line every day.

"Mykhaylo Podolyak said Ukraine needed hundreds of Western artillery systems to level the playing field with Russia in the eastern Donbas region.

"He also said Kyiv is not ready to resume peace talks with Moscow.

"Ukrainian troops are under relentless bombardment as Russian forces attempt to take control of the whole of Donbas.

"'The Russian forces have thrown pretty much everything non-nuclear at the front and that includes heavy artillery, multiple rocket launch systems and aviation,' Mr Podolyak said.

"He repeated Ukraine's appeal for more weapons from the West, saying that the 'complete lack of parity' between the Russian and Ukrainian armies was the reason for Ukraine's heavy casualty rate."
I repeat it once more. These were promises between a number of politicians, the promises didn't have a legal basis.

International law doesn't know such a legal term as 'promises'. If there hadn't been a binding treaty, then the question is closed.

These promises lost their meaning the moment the last politician who had made them lost his power.
That is true but those who promise in supposed friendship and then go back on their word are people who it is wise not to trust.
Have any of American presidents ever said that falling of the Monroe doctrine was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of some century, or that the Americans and Mexicans are the same people, or that Mexico is a 'created' state?

Or compared themselves with say Hernan Cortes?
Russia obviously has a long link with Ukraine and there are many Russian speakers in Ukraine. How long does Poland have? Is their another substantial ethnic group in Ukraine?
That is true but those who promise in supposed friendship and then go back on their word are people who it is wise not to trust.
He’s a Ukrainian so his reasoning must always support Ukraine and oppose Russia. So, he has stupidly stated promises made by prior presidents and bureaucrats can be ignored by current and future presidents. He fails to see how this would effect foreign relations, as all nations conclude promises made by any potus are worthless.

Azov batalion is part of Ukraine's Armed Forces. Before the war it was about ~1000 regional force with about 20% of self-identifiing as neo-Nazis, but after the war many joined to fight invaders. There is nothing in the article actually showing any of those guys being actual Nazis.

Useful idiots like you read Russians shills call someone a Nazi and you just nod along like the thoughtless dupe that you are.
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Azov batalion is part of Ukraine's Armed Forces. Before the war it was about ~1000 regional force with about 20% of self-identifiing as neo-Nazis, but after the war many joined to fight invaders. There is nothing in the article actually showing any of those guys being actual Nazis.

Useful idiots like you read Russians shills call someone a Nazi and you just nod along like the thoughtless dupe that you are.
The Azoz went awol. Fucking cowards.

Now their enjoying life at Disney World. Surrounded by adoring dupes like you.
The Azoz went awol. Fucking cowards.

Now their enjoying life at Disney World. Surrounded by adoring dupes like you.

That right, you have no evidence any of these guys are Nazis so you deflect to some silly bullshit.

....you actually think that because a couple of wounded in action soldiers visited Disney World then therefore Azov batalion is not fighting in Ukraine? Really moron?
Umm yea, Ukraine refused to hand over 20% of it's land to Russia while it belives it can take it back millitarily.

They may have accepted a trade for Crimea, but Russia taking D/L is a non starter.
You sure love them Nazis!
You sure love them Nazis!
Yep, thats all Russian poodles like you know.

Russians launching bloody invasions and annexing other countries? Cool, not-Nazis.
Ukranians defending their land? Nazis!!!

Does it hurt to be so fucking stupid? It must.
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