I've Seen Interviews


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
of employers who say that with each job applicant that comes in they will search you tube and if said asshole is spotted in that crowd they will not get the job..


No different from them checking others facebook accounts to see if there is any questionable things in the potential employees back ground. They also do back ground checks, credit checks and other things. They want the best employee they can get.. So these OWS are biting the hand that might feed them in the future. GOOD jobs OWS.. NOT!
You couldnt pay me enough to watch those FLEAbaggers. :puke3:

I can pick em out when they walk into my office (when I had one before Obama came along).... libs are very easy to spot.
No different from them checking others facebook accounts to see if there is any questionable things in the potential employees back ground. They also do back ground checks, credit checks and other things. They want the best employee they can get.. So these OWS are biting the hand that might feed them in the future. GOOD jobs OWS.. NOT!

I can honestly say I have checked facebook of potential employees as well as vendor salespeople.
You put yourself out there...don't blame people for looking.
No different from them checking others facebook accounts to see if there is any questionable things in the potential employees back ground. They also do back ground checks, credit checks and other things. They want the best employee they can get.. So these OWS are biting the hand that might feed them in the future. GOOD jobs OWS.. NOT!

I can honestly say I have checked facebook of potential employees as well as vendor salespeople.
You put yourself out there...don't blame people for looking.

True enough.

I know people who mix family, friends, clients, etc. together in their facebook accounts. Some, though, are smart enough to open two accounts, one personal and one professional, using slight variations on their names and keep them separate.

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