Ivermectin will be available without a prescription for Covid-19 treatment...

No they weren't, there's about a 90% reduction in breakthrough cases and transmission from those cases.

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Vaccines (so-called) failed to prevent transmission. This was made clear by data in Israel, UK and Iceland well in advance of comprehensive US administering of vaccines. The data was obfuscated and some who reported were censored.
... In Tennessee...

Good news. Hope Missouri follows suit...

Both hubby and I took it when we had Covid. TBH I'm not sure it was all that magical but it sure doesn't hurt either. I am a big believer in natural remedies like zinc, good vitamin D levels. If I get it again, I would probably do nasal rinses too.

One thing is sure. IVM is much superior to toxic "remedies" like Remsdesivir. If people really knew....
Both hubby and I took it when we had Covid. TBH I'm not sure it was all that magical but it sure doesn't hurt either. I am a big believer in natural remedies like zinc, good vitamin D levels. If I get it again, I would probably do nasal rinses too.

One thing is sure. IVM is much superior to toxic "remedies" like Remsdesivir. If people really knew....
Hi Sue,

I've got it now and the family (wife, daughter and grandson) in our little family troupe all have had in in the last week and a half. The younger ones brought it in; both bedridden for a week, not very serious and both well now (Day ten for them). Wife got it last Wednesday; went on a cleaning spree and drove me nuts...but we did get the shed organised at last........and I am in day 4 of it. The two youngens have been double dosed while my wife is a triple as am I; both in the high risk groups. Wife and I have been taking Vit D, Zinc and Vit C supplements. Wife had a bad headache and treatable with panadol. Some fatigue but not much else. Me; I have had a bit of nasal congestion (Sudafed worked well).............and so far not much else. Mild tiredness.

So that's our summary. Personal recommendation? If in a high risk group by all means get the vax triple but otherwise get the Vit D,Zinc and Vit C.

Keep well and this has been OUR experience here in Oz. Long term effects? Unknown at this stage; that's always been a concern to me but under the circumstances one of the uncertainties of life.

People or horses haven't ever needed a prescription.

Nobody wants their horse to suffer from worms, and Farnam Ivercare Horse Paste offers at-home treatment. This convenient paste fights against a broad spectrum of parasites such as worms and bots.
The easy-to-administer syringe is designed with extended Sure-Grip for easy handling, and can be depressed directly into your horse’s mouth for dosing. Each syringe can be locked to treat horses at any weight in 250 pound increments and contains enough paste to teat a 1,500 pound horse. Proudly made in the USA, this anthelmintic and bovicide paste will keep your horse feeling his best.

Yeah really?

It seems to have helped 3.5 million people in India.

I hope that fucker Fauci chokes on his own lying bullshit.
With what?

Hookworms, lice, and scabies?
Good for them, must have been a bad outbreak.
Hi Sue,

I've got it now and the family (wife, daughter and grandson) in our little family troupe all have had in in the last week and a half. The younger ones brought it in; both bedridden for a week, not very serious and both well now (Day ten for them). Wife got it last Wednesday; went on a cleaning spree and drove me nuts...but we did get the shed organised at last........and I am in day 4 of it. The two youngens have been double dosed while my wife is a triple as am I; both in the high risk groups. Wife and I have been taking Vit D, Zinc and Vit C supplements. Wife had a bad headache and treatable with panadol. Some fatigue but not much else. Me; I have had a bit of nasal congestion (Sudafed worked well).............and so far not much else. Mild tiredness.

So that's our summary. Personal recommendation? If in a high risk group by all means get the vax triple but otherwise get the Vit D,Zinc and Vit C.

Keep well and this has been OUR experience here in Oz. Long term effects? Unknown at this stage; that's always been a concern to me but under the circumstances one of the uncertainties of life.


I hope you all recover well! The entire fam here was hit just after Christmas--the day after. Hubby did very well...I was a bit worried about him even though he has no comorbidities. He was congested and felt ill for one day. Kids were barely sick at all. I did well with the actual virus but it exacerbated my asthma which lasted for a few weeks. Gone now. You could call that "long covid"--some would--but it has happened to me before with other viruses.

Take care!
People or horses haven't ever needed a prescription.

Nobody wants their horse to suffer from worms, and Farnam Ivercare Horse Paste offers at-home treatment. This convenient paste fights against a broad spectrum of parasites such as worms and bots.
The easy-to-administer syringe is designed with extended Sure-Grip for easy handling, and can be depressed directly into your horse’s mouth for dosing. Each syringe can be locked to treat horses at any weight in 250 pound increments and contains enough paste to teat a 1,500 pound horse. Proudly made in the USA, this anthelmintic and bovicide paste will keep your horse feeling his best.

View attachment 629939

It's shameful that any American would mock this after our own govt has basically maimed and murdered people between the vaccines and Remsdesivir.

If Musk goes on to buy out Twitter it's all gonna come out.
It's shameful that any American would mock this after our own govt has basically maimed and murdered people between the vaccines and Remsdesivir.

If Musk goes on to buy out Twitter it's all gonna come out.
It's shameful that people are taking medical advice from dentists, podcasters, Twitter, and Facebook.
... In Tennessee...

Good news. Hope Missouri follows suit...
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — A Tennessee bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives and is on the way to Gov. Lee's desk would allow pharmacists to prescribe ivermectin to patients while protecting a pharmacist or doctor from being liable for the prescription.

no doctor in their right mind would order ivermectin for their patients with covid.
Why, because the "experts" did so well with the lockdowns, school closings, masks and vaccines?
No, it's because idiots didn't listen.
Like blaming doctors when they tell people to quit smoking, they continue to smoke.
Then blame the doctor because THEY continued to smoke.
Hey idiot, the antiviral activity of Ivermectin has been shown against a wide range of RNA and DNA viruses, for example, dengue, Zika, yellow fever, and others.
No shit, Sherlock. Not much gets by you. It's been used to treat parasitic infections in humans for decades. That's the use it's APPROVED for. Those are the uses it's EFFECTIVE for...because its benefits have been STUDIED. See the difference? It's not approved for COVID-19. And study after study is finding out it isn't effective at treating it or preventing it.

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