Ivermectin will be available without a prescription for Covid-19 treatment...

Jack, I've asked you like 12 questions in the past day. I'm still waiting on you to answer any of them!
You haven't asked me anything Freaky. You squeal and squeak like a rusty wheel. You really need to upgrade your game. Your act is getting old.

Ivermectin has been shown to be ineffective against treating or preventing COVID-19. But, if you feel the need to de-worm yourself, I'm not gonna stop you. :)
You haven't asked me anything Freaky. You squeal and squeak like a rusty wheel. You really need to upgrade your game. Your act is getting old.

Ivermectin has been shown to be ineffective against treating or preventing COVID-19. But, if you feel the need to de-worm yourself, I'm not gonna stop you. :)
Show us the studies, champ.

Caveat -- we WILL be picky about your source.
Already been quoted, champ. Google them.
Now, Off with ya! Shoo! :auiqs.jpg:
Your mom needs her computer for work.
We get it. You can't prove the statement that you made. Good thing that you don't get paid according to the degree to which you actually affect the opinions of your readers.
We get it. You can't prove the statement that you made. Good thing that you don't get paid according to the degree to which you actually affect the opinions of your readers.
Already been linked, dumbass. You just choose to ignore it.
Get off your Mom's computer.
You haven't asked me anything Freaky. You squeal and squeak like a rusty wheel. You really need to upgrade your game. Your act is getting old.

Ivermectin has been shown to be ineffective against treating or preventing COVID-19. But, if you feel the need to de-worm yourself, I'm not gonna stop you. :)
Link? There are many studies and the results are mixed. "Do no harm" is the first rule of Medicine; Ivermectin is SAFE for humans and is used to treat SYMPTOMS. Where symptoms coincide it may well be effective in a significant % of cases. I suggest a LOT MORE STUDY on it. I am currently experiencing a VERY MILD CASE of Omicron so am using a mix of Vitamins and Zinc as well as three jabs; if I had more severe symptoms I would definitely want ANYTHING that could help make the symptoms less severe IN CONSULTATION WITH A DOCTOR!!. Why are you opposed to that?

BTW: The vaxes do NOT prevent Covid. You and your ilk LIED!!!!!!

Link? There are many studies and the results are mixed. "Do no harm" is the first rule of Medicine; Ivermectin is SAFE for humans and is used to treat SYMPTOMS. Where symptoms coincide it may well be effective in a significant % of cases. I suggest a LOT MORE STUDY on it. I am currently experiencing a VERY MILD CASE of Omicron so am using a mix of Vitamins and Zinc as well as three jabs; if I had more severe symptoms I would definitely want ANYTHING that could help make the symptoms less severe IN CONSULTATION WITH A DOCTOR!!. Why are you opposed to that?

BTW: The vaxes do NOT prevent Covid. You and your ilk LIED!!!!!!

Oh for Christ sake, did all of you take lazy pills? You literally TRIP over these articles. Honestly, what is the root of your fascination with these miracle cures? No doctor worth his/her profession is going to recommend Ivermectin to treat COVID-19..well, unless you see one of America's Frontline Doctors. :auiqs.jpg:

Oh, BTW, no vaccine manufacturer claims their product prevents COVID-19 or any other virus. Says so right in the disclaimer they put out with these vaccines. Also, I really don't care what any politician says. They're politicians. You should know better. :)

there was just a study release two days ago showing that ivermectin is ineffective against covid

the harm comes from dosage, and since its not effective, people might over dose.
"The results have been discordant, and various review groups interpret the evidence differently — some advocating for benefits of ivermectin, and others reticent to conclude a benefit.6-8 However, most trials have been small, and several have been withdrawn from publication owing to concerns about credibility.9"

So where are the BIG trials??? One dose, multiple doses, correct dosage and treatment regimen, etc etc. FOUR JABS for Pfizer now???

Give the poor asshole a break. Answering questions is not his job. His job is spreading propaganda with nothing to back it up.

Jack is paid to spread misinformation here and now I fear he is dumping large sums of money here trying to buy influence as well. I think I smell a chinaman at work.
No shit, Sherlock. Not much gets by you. It's been used to treat parasitic infections in humans for decades. That's the use it's APPROVED for. Those are the uses it's EFFECTIVE for...because its benefits have been STUDIED. See the difference?

Yeah, I see the difference. Now you are backpedaling hard after being caught in a lie again trying to CHANGE the gist of the conversation as an escape. Countries all around the world as well as innumerable physicians here are prescribing ivermectin effectively for covid. Our FDA will never approve it only because they and Fauci are a political organization too busy still trying to push those Pfizer mRNA syrums out the door.
You haven't asked me anything Freaky.
REALLY JACK? Do I really need to go back and pull up all the posts of the past day showing again all the questions I've asked you in the past 24 hours you've totally ignored? Maybe you just can't read for shit. Are you a bot, Jack?

How about this: For every question I can produce since yesterday I've asked, you must pay the USMB another $100 each or be banned one year for each question ignored. Let's get a mod involved Jack to police this. Could be a $1500 fellswoop for the forum!

Since you claim I haven't asked you anything, you should be eager to take that bet!!!

Oh, and, if I can't produce even one question you've ignored the past day, I will leave this forum forever. Fair?
The most recent double blind study found it had no advantage over placebo. However, the funny thing is that Sean Hannity is now saying he warned us about Ivermectin.

Hannity Claims He Warned His Audience About Ivermectin
That is why they call it a vaccine.
You actually want me to dignify such stupidity and gas-lighting with a response, eh?

I do not know if you are actually this ignorant, or a paid shill of the Deep State, but we have been over this, many times.

They changed the definition of vaccine, so that these mRna jabs would qualify. . . otherwise? They would only be able to be classified as gene therapy, and no one would be gas-lit into taking them, and Big Brother and the Corporatocracy would have not a shadow of legal standing to impose all the draconian bullshit it has pulled with its police state bio-security crap, subverting folks civil rights and civil liberties.

Now, kindly fuck off.
The most recent double blind study found it had no advantage over placebo. However, the funny thing is that Sean Hannity is now saying he warned us about Ivermectin.

Hannity Claims He Warned His Audience About Ivermectin

Hannity is an untrustworthy spook, shilling for the technocracy.

Hell, he'll even have actors that are spies, like him. . . hmmm. . . Sean Penn I think, come on and help program folks with propaganda.

Anyone that believes that only politicians can be bought, but somehow, scientists are above being bought? Needs to seriously examine these networks, and how they operate.
You actually want me to dignify such stupidity and gas-lighting with a response, eh?

I do not know if you are actually this ignorant, or a paid shill of the Deep State, but we have been over this, many times.

They changed the definition of vaccine, so that these mRna jabs would qualify. . . otherwise? They would only be able to be classified as gene therapy, and no one would be gas-lit into taking them, and Big Brother and the Corporatocracy would have not a shadow of legal standing to impose all the draconian bullshit it has pulled with its police state bio-security crap, subverting folks civil rights and civil liberties.

Now, kindly fuck off.
That is interesting.

Never thought if it that way.

What other vaccine in history allows the recipient to not only contract the disease...but also spread it to others.

I can't think of one...

That doesn't sound like a vaccine at all...

What other vaccine in history allows the recipient to not only contract the disease...but also spread it to others.
Because you haven't looked, apparently.

Or maybe the difference is the virus.

Damn dude. At least put a little brain effort into this.

By the way, you could catch and spread Polio. Despite your childhood vaccinations.

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