Jack is closing in on Donald

we have a horrible economy..
Nah, that's silly. Or uninformed.
Do better, poster Frank. Try google for starters.

Most Americans admire Donald Trump.
Able to prove that?
If you can....well, do so.
Don't be an empty suit.

Life was way better for every American under Mr. Trump.
Able to prove that?
If you can....well, do so.
Don't be a phoney.
Stay uninformed
It fits your character

Patience….. it takes time and DD to organize all the criminal documentation that POS45 left behind.

It’s gonna be glorious watching Jack Smith lay it all out at trial, but I expect trump to ask for a Settlement because he knows he is toast.
Ask for a settlement? 🤦‍♂️
Refusing to comply with a grand jury subpoena is obstruction of justice.

That’s a crime.
It's been pretty funny watching them say "Trump committed no crimes".

All evidence aside, how in the world would they "know" that?

They're operating in their own universe. If they believe it, it must be THE TRUTH.

There is no communicating with that.
I heard that Jack tried to bribe Stanley Woodward, one of the defense lawyers, to get his client to testify against Trump. Offered a position on some important bench if he'd convince Walt Naulta to testify against Trump.

Any judge worth a damn would throw the whole case out for that.
With the corrupt government we have today throwing the whole case out might be a bad idea. It might be hazardous to the judge’s health.
It's been pretty funny watching them say "Trump committed no crimes".

All evidence aside, how in the world would they "know" that?

They're operating in their own universe. If they believe it, it must be THE TRUTH.

There is no communicating with that.
You do not think it is funny Biden makes Trump look like an amateur?

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